Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:37 pm
Just wanted to stop by & say I LOVE MY LINGUAL so far!!!
You might have read me moaning about it last week after I had my wire fitted. Well i've adapted now & love it. Only problem is the wire needs to be trimmed. It's too long & causing my tongue problems. It's easily sorted with a bit of wax though until I get it trimmed.
I've had the brackets on about 5-6 weeks & my speech was OK after a week & improved even more at 2 weeks.
I've had the wire fitted for a week now & although I struggeld at first with speech & thought i'd never sound like me again. I do now & have done for the past few days. It doesn't always flow easily but it's fine most of the time. I don't sound weird & people can understand me.
I just wanted to post this becuase there are a lot of negative posts about speech & not many posts with updates after they've nailed it.
For the newbies considering linguals ..... Yes your speech will more than likely be affected. Yes you will sound a bit odd or different. Yes you will think you'll never sound like you again & not understand how you'll ever get used to it & you'll probs have doubts but most of all YES YOU WILL ADJUST just hang in there!!! some people adjust quicker than others & I think I might be 1 of the lucky 1's but give it time. Once it starts to feel normal in your mouth that's when you notice your speech is better if not perfect.
I find that my upper lingual is normal now & it's comfortable. I can easily rest my tongue on it & unless the pokey wire bothers me I can forget it's there & have done.
You might have read me moaning about it last week after I had my wire fitted. Well i've adapted now & love it. Only problem is the wire needs to be trimmed. It's too long & causing my tongue problems. It's easily sorted with a bit of wax though until I get it trimmed.
I've had the brackets on about 5-6 weeks & my speech was OK after a week & improved even more at 2 weeks.
I've had the wire fitted for a week now & although I struggeld at first with speech & thought i'd never sound like me again. I do now & have done for the past few days. It doesn't always flow easily but it's fine most of the time. I don't sound weird & people can understand me.
I just wanted to post this becuase there are a lot of negative posts about speech & not many posts with updates after they've nailed it.
For the newbies considering linguals ..... Yes your speech will more than likely be affected. Yes you will sound a bit odd or different. Yes you will think you'll never sound like you again & not understand how you'll ever get used to it & you'll probs have doubts but most of all YES YOU WILL ADJUST just hang in there!!! some people adjust quicker than others & I think I might be 1 of the lucky 1's but give it time. Once it starts to feel normal in your mouth that's when you notice your speech is better if not perfect.
I find that my upper lingual is normal now & it's comfortable. I can easily rest my tongue on it & unless the pokey wire bothers me I can forget it's there & have done.