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Changing Archwire

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:58 am
by RobinsonCruesoe
Hi guys,

I saw my Ortho on Friday and he mentioned at my next visit he would change my wire, what is the purpose of this? Does it hurt to get the whole wire changed?

I'm hoping it's a sign of progress as he seems to keep saying my teeth are moving very quickly, how many wires does an average treatment have?

Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:02 pm
by lilone
It is a good sign when you get your archwire changed...yay! Most treatments involve about three archwires, I believe, but some could have more. I remember from my first time around that changing the wire means a few days of discomfort. In fact, I think the first wire change is actually pretty painful but it goes away soon enough and you really start seeing results.

Congrats on hitting the next stage:)


Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:57 pm
by RobinsonCruesoe
Thanks lilone,

That has made me feel loads better, I knew I was progressing well as my ortho keeps saying they have moved "a ridiculous amount". Here's hoping they keep moving but i'm starting to be pretty happy with them now, they definitely are much better than they were already, hopefully the thicker wire will help them to straighten further.

Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:25 pm
by Teefies
The further you go in treatment, the wire will be changed to a thicker and stronger one. That's my understanding from how my Ortho explains it. I have had my lingual uppers for just under 7 months and in a couple of weeks will be assessed for a third wire change. It all depends on how efficiently your teeth move into place.

Congrats on your teeth moving that quickly! It's such a good feeling isn't it? :mrgreen:

Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:18 pm
by sadpanda
Hi Teefies -

I don't have linguals and I usually don't check this forum, but I wanted to tell you that I love your user name. It's very cute. I just have traditional metal braces upper and lower.


Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:40 pm
by tnstafl
The wires just have slightly different shapes and thicknesses, based on your ortho's plan for your treatment. If you are getting a thicker/differently shaped wire, you should expect some pain for a few days, but it just means that you're progressing with your treatment.

Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:34 pm
by ana7
Hi guys,

Just want to ask, doesn't your ortho change the archwire during each visit? I've had my linguals on for 7 months and my archwire is being changed each time i go for adjustment which is about every 5 to 6 weeks. Fyi, I have the normal linguals on, not any fancy incognito type of linguals.

Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:10 pm
by ShySmile
Im so curious about this whole wire changing! We all seem to be experiencing different methods used by our orthos. I had my appointment yesterday, i went in whinging about how thin my upper lingual wire is. It comes out of place every time i eat!
I was told it isnt going to be changed for months...???

I had my lower ceramics changed for the first time to a thicker wire. It was changed after 3 months and 2 weeks. I hate hate hate this cotton thin lingual wire i have! Can anyone shed some light on this?


Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:49 am
by lu lu
When I went in to see my ortho a few weeks ago when I thought I'd broken my wire he mentioned he thought I'd be getting a wire change. I'm not sure if he was on about my uppers or lowers though.

Think i've already had my lowers changed at my last visit or at least I thought I did.
ShySmile wrote:i went in whinging about how thin my upper lingual wire is. It comes out of place every time i eat!
Have you asked your ortho why they keep breaking & if it'll slow your treatment down? I would of thought if it keeps happening regularly it might. I don't understand why they keep breaking tho very strange.

Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:51 pm
by upthebracket
I think I've had 3-4 wire changes in the 6 months (wow that feels like a long time) I've had mine. I believe they replace the wires with stiffer ones each time to encourage movement. One time he tried to put the wire on, but it wouldn't stay in place, so he postponed that until the next visit and put a powerchain on the problematic tooth.

Re: Changing Archwire

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:21 pm
by ShySmile
I explained all of this to my ortho. He said that i had the wrong idea if i thought he would be changing the wire all the time.
I told him about his forum and that alot of you have had your wires changed a few times in the past 6 months....He said if all goes smoothly that i will be changing my wire if necessary every 4 months...If you move the teeth to quickly with a thicker wire it affects the bone (his words not mine) One thing i have noticed he always says when i see him every 4 weeks or so is "I think this wire still hasnt completed its job". So i guess he knows when its time for a change.

So far my teeth are doing the right thing and he comes highly i may shut my mouth after this!!! :wink:

LuLu- He said there is NOTHING to worry about when my wire comes loose. Next tiem, so long as it isnt hurting i should just leave it. Its a "baby" wire....whatever that means!