Braces tomorrow but suddenly thinking I shouldn't do it
Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:47 pm
I am scheduled for a Le fort 1 and having Linguals put on tomorrow. Suddenly I am hesitating the whole thing! I just got a boyfriend that thinks I am the most beautiful ever, no one of my friends understand why I should do it. My corrections are very small, my teeth are straight, my profile is good. I dont have a gunmy smile. But I grind my teeth at night. But I think the whole process didn't start because of functional problems, just low self esteem and finding everything that is wrong with me. Thinking that would fix everything. But now I feel like these small errors is what makes me special..I like how I look and I'm so scared of the changes!! Can somebody relate to this?!! Even the Ortho at the dental school in LA asked what I was dissatisfied with, because he couldn't see it. Is this worth it?! The good news is that I get everything covered by my homecountry, which is not US, so I won't pay anything..