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how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:19 pm
by busy bee
I got my braces four months ago now- lingual uppers and ceramic lowers. Although my speech has improved a lot I still find that I'm lisping a bit. It happens especially if I talk too quickly and also when I speak to someone new, must be a nervous thing. I'm just wondering if it is likely to continue to improve or whether it will be like this now until I get the braces taken off? Any experiences will be appreciated.

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:05 pm
by cartman
Truthfully I think you notice it more yourself than anyone else does. I've seen a few videos on youtube with people talking about their lisps and you can barely tell they have one until they point it out and you start to really listen. Don't worry about it and it normaly sorts itself out!

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:01 pm
by busy bee
Thanks for your reply. I think you're right, it's certainly more noticeable to me than anyone else. I'm going to try to ignore it and see what happens.

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:56 pm
by Cadet
I agree that others don't notice as much. It kimd of grows on you and you get used to it too.

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:00 am
by hariseldon
[quote="busy bee"]Hello!
I got my braces four months ago now- lingual uppers and ceramic lowers. Although my speech has improved a lot I still find that I'm lisping a bit. It happens especially if I talk too quickly and also when I speak to someone new, must be a nervous thing. I'm just wondering if it is likely to continue to improve or whether it will be like this now until I get the braces taken off? Any experiences will be appreciated.[/quote]

I know what you mean happens the same to me all the time

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:36 am
by Carlosis
I've had mine 3 weeks now and my lisp has already calmed down a fair bit. It's still apparent, to me at least but people are no longer asking why i'm talking weird which is a good sign!

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:12 am
by Toothfairyy
I only have lingual braces on top but I have had no problem talking. I had a slight lisp for 2 days, but now I talk normally :)

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:04 am
by Dervish
It takes a fair bit of getting used to... then you might have to get elastics. If you're like me you want them on the inside to hide them. That had a big lispy effect! Never mind though better than having them on the outside. :P

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:47 pm
by amywithlingual
I got fairly ok after 1 week of linguals!

But then I got 4 bicuspid extractions and I'm dealing with a whole nother level of lisping :l

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:28 am
by keybgamer
Hi all,

Im a contractor and speak to people a lot. I have an overbite/jet a.

Thinking of getting incognito this christmas, but the speech problem is a hell of a scare for me. I keep reading posts like this to encourage myself
that it gets better after a few weeks.

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:19 am
by Norrie
Hi, Keybgamer. I'm on day 13 with Incognitos, and am definitely still lisping, though it has gotten much better. If I'm tired, it's worse, but for the most part, I can get through my day at work. People there CAN tell a difference though, so I doubt that you'll be able to hide them completely. I've just been saying, "I got braces recently, so ignore the lisp", and then moving on. People either totally don't care, or they're curious, as they're thinking of getting braces themselves.

But yeah, plan for a week of sounding like a bit of a fool. :)

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:28 am
by scraggy
I found when alone in the car a sang along with the radio this help me get rid of my lisp alot quicker.

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:53 pm
by Norrie
scraggy wrote:I found when alone in the car a sang along with the radio this help me get rid of my lisp alot quicker.
Absolutely! I've been doing tons of that. I'll admit that I haven't really practiced the Rainbow Passage, but I do sing along in the car. I'm getting way more clear with everything but my Ss. I could tell that the other parents at soccer were wondering what was up.

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:07 pm
by scraggy
I found singing along to classical really help with the s's

Re: how are you doing with talking?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:00 am
by keybgamer
I'm gonna spend a week-2 weeks in solitary confinement after i get bonded. :oops: