I'm 16 and have had my braces since January making it 9 months with braces. The reason I wanted to get braces was because of my gap between the top front two teeth and overbite, which I was extremely self-conscious about.
Now cut to 2 weeks ago, I have had the normal braces that make your teeth straight on for all of the time with the braces, and my orthodontist told me that I can now move on to closing the gaps (the main and most important/purpose of having the braces on). She puts on the power chain and all if good for the first day or two. Soon, I start to notice my gums begin swelling around the gap of my teeth. At first, it was no biggie to me because I thought it was normal because the gaps were closing and assume it was just the gums reacting because of the closing of the gaps. It hurt so much to eat and bothered me a lot/ Another week passes and all pain had come to a halt but the gum around my gap was still very swollen. I called my orthodontist just in case there could be something wrong. Before going I had a few reasons why and I just wanted to clear it up. I thought it possibly could be gingivitis but my cleaning is very good and I made sure to thoroughly brush the swollen area, my friend said it could be that I'm allergic to the braces and lastly I thought that it could be my gums bunching up because they were being pushed by the power chain.
So, I went to my orthodontist to see what was wrong. She seemed quite concerned and took off the power chain. Which was exactly what I did not want because I want this gap GONE! I had to wait for the 'head' of the orthodontic surgery to really check out what was wrong. After waiting a while he came in, examined and then said I would need some sort of 'surgery' (not telling me what it even was!). He then also prescribed my this 'corsodyl gel' to help with the swelling. They then sealed up a letter and told me to put it through the postbox IMMEDIATELY, because it can take up to 2 MONTHS for the doctor to even reply for a simple check-up!!!! Now, this is what really set me off because it would postpone my braces treatment, I would be stuck with a hap with swollen gums AND I would not have to get a surgery!! Later when I got home my mother and I opened up the letter (to obviously found out what the heck kind of surgery I was even getting) and it was a request for me to get a frenectomy. GREAT! jk. Anywho's I don't know how long it's going to take for the surgeon or whoever to respond and I have been using the gel and I think it may be work. It's still very swollen though.
I just need someone's opinion or help towards this stressful situation. It seems like I'm going to have to get this frenectomy and it could take very long to get it, is this acceptable? I like in the UK btw so it is the free NHS we are talking about!