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Lingual braces...what do they work for?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:41 pm
by ChloeAE
I don't want regular braces...and I am pretty sure lingual will work for me. I have crowding. But I am almost positive they wont fit on the back of my eye teeth, or my "fangs". Yeah because my eye teeth are barely visible from the inside of my mouth! (they are higher than the rest) So I had this friend who just got braces on her eye teeth. I was wondering if you think I could get lingual for all except my eye teeth and just get ceramic on my fangs. But I don't know if it will work. I would need a new ortho since mine doesn't do lingual. help!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:19 pm
by Joanna20
Hey! I have the same problem! I'm having my first orthod. appointment next week and I am really nervous about what he's gonna say. I don't have many choices since social security is doing this for me :(. My guess is that if some of your teeth stick out or something. Perhaps the middle ones?! I don't even know if it's popular where I like (POrtugal) because you can't really notice it!
I am praying I can get some treatment like that as well.
Let us know what you've found out!

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:01 am
by dkt3
I have (had) my laterals stick out pretty badly. The are now after 8 months sitting in line with my other teeth.

My ortho had two of my 1st premolars removed on both sides. My ortho then pulled both canines back with powerchains. This involved wrapping the chain around both laterals to pull them back. About three months ago one of my laterals was bracketed with a chain to pull it back and then was put on the wire. The other lateral is still quite twisted so it is not attached to the wire yet.

Basically everything is pulled back until there is enough room to bracket your laterals and then they will pull them back. My next stage will be untwisting them and lining them up properly.

any update, Chloe?

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:15 am
by meep
It sounds like we have similar problems. I have very minor crowding everywhere, and my eye teeth are sort of flared (not too badly). It looks like they just need to reined in though, not like a major procedure. I also have one tooth though that is growing out of the gum a little too high up but on the inside but it's not noticable at all when I smile.
Were you able to get Linguals? I went to an orthodontist and he said "no way" but I think he just didn't want to do them or couldn't. He also said it would take almost 3 years! My teeth don't even look that crooked from the outside, and my bite if fine! What has your orthodontist said? I was also wondering if I could get ceramics just on my problem tooth and linguals or even invisalign for the other problems. My ortho wouldnt hear of it, and I have an appt with a new ortho next week.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:01 pm
by dkt3
I have linguals but did have to find an ortho who specialised in doing them. Other orthos dislike them from what I hear and often say they take longer. I asked my ortho about this and he said it would be the same time in linguals, maybe even less. However he is very experienced. I think how fast treatment is can be sometimes about how experienced the ortho is at what he/she does.

I dont think you can get a combination of front and back teeth braces. I cant see how this would work as the whole treatment relies on your teeth going along wire and lining up with that. I do know some problems cannot be fixed with linguals. I only need to have uppers because my bite is fine and bottom teeth are straight.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:12 am
by mb

I had a similar problem. At the beginning of my treatment I couldn't have the lingual brackets on my canines but instead I had a very small bracket (different to linguals). I also had two extractions and after 3 months when my canines had moved I had the small bracket removed and lingual brackets instead.

I have an overbite and labial ceramics on bottom teeth. I don't show my bottom teeth when I talk or smile. Nobody knows I have braces!

Go for it!

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:55 pm
by chelsea28
hey everyone can someone tell me what labial ceramics are and im thinking of getting linguals
does anyone here live in BC and know a good ortho
im in desperate need of some help guys,
Im fourteen years old and i know this is an adult site but I need to do my research Im not getting stuck with metal braces,
I know i sound stubborn and spoiled but im not.
Everyone I know has already had their braces off and Id be prettym uch the only one in my high school who has them
my teeth arent that crooked i just have two front teeth that are sort of misaligned and some VERY minor crowding on the bottom
can someone HELP ME!
thanks tons you guys

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:56 pm
by chelsea28
hey everyone can someone tell me what labial ceramics are and im thinking of getting linguals
does anyone here live in BC and know a good ortho
im in desperate need of some help guys,
Im fourteen years old and i know this is an adult site but I need to do my research Im not getting stuck with metal braces,
I know i sound stubborn and spoiled but im not.
Everyone I know has already had their braces off and Id be prettym uch the only one in my high school who has them
my teeth arent that crooked i just have two front teeth that are sort of misaligned and some VERY minor crowding on the bottom
can someone HELP ME!
thanks tons you guys