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Starting the Braces/Jaw Surgery Process at 54 years old!

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:26 am
by FunnyFace
Hello everyone!

I have had a facial asymmetry for most of my life. I have never liked how I looked but I never had any functional problems. I've consulted with 4 different surgeons over the years but none of them had ever done a surgery to correct my type of problem. This did not instill confidence! That and the fact that my insurance denied coverage in every case led me to not pursue corrective surgery. Until now…As I'm aging my jaws are causing functional problems and I have decided to have a consult with Dr. Arnett/Gunson. From all I've read, if any one can help me it would be them. I live in Colorado, however. I have a million questions but here are a few to start:

1) Anyone else have surgery for asymmetry? If so, are you happy with the results?

2) Anyone else have surgery after 50? If so, how was your recovery? Any problems with relapse?

3) Any else have surgery with Arnett/Gunson?

4) Anyone have a recommendation for an orthodontist in Colorado that works with Arnett/Gunson?

Thank you!

Re: Starting the Braces/Jaw Surgery Process at 54 years old!

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:53 pm
by sirwired
Your susceptability to relapse depends on your particular problem and the surgery used to correct it.

It's unlikely you'll find an orthodontist that has sent multiple cases to Arnett/Gunson, since they are in CA. You should be able to find an oral surgeon in Colorado that knows how to do orthognathic surgery; most orthodontists should be able to give you a referral to one.

Re: Starting the Braces/Jaw Surgery Process at 54 years old!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:51 am
by boodles8
I can answer your first question. I had surgery for asymmetry. My chin was off to the left. I'm 26, and I didn't go to A&G. I did have pretty serious functional problems.

I had lower surgery only, they did a setback taking 1mm from the left side and 4mm from the right. Now my face looks symmetrical, which is nice. The more important thing to me is that my functional problems are almost completely gone. Sometimes my jaw still gets achy if I eat too much of hard things, but I used to pretty much be on a soft diet all the time. Any hard at all is a huge improvement, and I can do quite a bit now.

It was totally worth it. I've heard good things about A&G. You'll be in good hands.