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ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:09 pm
by wendydong
So I asked my current ortho's office what happens moneywise if I go somewhere else. I got a surprising concession that my current doctor would refund my money if I debrace and go somewhere else???? I intend on calling back and confirm the message, and if so, I am going to debrace

I also got one more doc that would take my case, but she says I need elastics so I am not suited for invisalign. But she would start me on the Stainless steel wires straight away

So I've listed the following 3 choices for me:
1) Debrace, and go on a vacation. Clear my mind, and see if my teeth can go back to before a little bit. then decide what to do maybe after 3 months?
2) Debrace, and go to doctor #1, who says invisalign is an option. I would have brackets and buttons and wear elastics.
3) Debrace, and go to doctor #2, I would be in braces, but go on stainless steel wires right away instead of go though all this niti wires again.

So pro of 2) are:
--- I am kind of sick of braces, I spend like 15 minutes brushing, waterpiking, mouthrinsing after every meal, and in between. I probably spend like an hour total washing my teeth...
--- I like to travel. I am tired of schlepping different bottles of mouthwash, waterpik in my luggage.
--- Invisalign is better on bone, less chance of bone loss? Just gentler on teeth all around? Not sure if it's true, but that's what I gathered from googling online
--- I grind my teeth at night. Invisalign trays would act as a buffer.
--- There's the clincheck video, and the next set of trays that would help me visualize where my teeth would go. So I am not driving blind?

Cons of 2):
--- From the doctor's email, he would put brackets on my molars, buttons on most of my teeth. So it sounds to me that with my worsened teeth, braces may produce a better result? My main worry with invisalign at this point is that it wouldn't give me as good a result as braces.

Pros of 3):
--- Doctor #2 says my treatment time would depend on the strict adherence of elastic wear, and if I can go in every 3 weeks for wire adjustment instead of 4 weeks. I really like the 3 weeks between adjustment part, and I like that she would put me on SS wires right away. She also has before/after pics on her website that I really like.
--- better results than invisalign?

Cons of 3):
--- All of pros of invisalign are cons for braces. I am worried about maybe wearing an additional 18 months of braces. This would mean 26 months total? This is awfully long in metal braces and wires. My main concern would be bone loss, gum recession. Not that invisalign wouldn't cause these problems, but I read that invisalign is better at these problems. I am also a teeth grinder. Without a nightguard or an invisalign tray, it puts a lot of stress on my teeth.

also, doctor #2 (braces doc) has only like 7,8 google reviews and doc #1 (invisalign) has about 100 google reviews. All reviews are 5 star though. Doctor #2's office doesn't seem to be busy, while doctor #1's office seem to be bustling.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:14 pm
by wendydong
btw, this is my teeth now:

my teeth before:

my objectives are:
widen my arch back to before (I believe this is where I need to have some molar movement as I need to widen in the back also)
get my bite back to before (before it's class I on the right, class II on the left. Now it's almost class II on the right, and almost class III on the left)
balance my arch. My upper teeth is now slanted. My upper left teeth are longer than my right.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:33 pm
by assertives
Something you need to take into consideration with going with invisalign is the constant need to brush and floss your teeth before you put the aligners back on. You also need to remove them and then clean your teeth first before putting the aligners back on if you are drinking anything that is not water. I don't see how much less of a pain it can get compared to braces unless you limit the no. of times you eat and the time you take to eat. You also have to wear the aligners for 22 hours a day minimum which essentially means 2 hours for eating all your meals/snacks/drinks in a day plus flossing and brushing.

Other than that, I don't really have much to add. Each of those options have their own pros and cons and it's really down to what you really prefer and the risks you are willing to take. But I would say don't make a decision just cause an ortho is going to start you on stainless steel wires immed or just cause the ortho is willing to treat you with invisalign. Make the decision based on which ortho you feel you can trust and you are actually on board with the treatment plan, so that when the going gets though (which it most definitely will) you have something to hang on and look forward to the end goal.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:03 am
by Mpkh
I’d imagine you’d spend just as much time, if not more, cleaning your teeth while using Invisalign. You’d have to clean the trays too, prior to putting the trays back in. Assuming you’re diligent with maintaining oral hygiene, you’d have to brush, floss and clean your aligners at a minimum of three times a day. You’d still have to bring all your oral hygiene supplies with you when you travel with Invisalign.

Also, you’d have to do the whole cleaning routine every time you snack, or drink something that isn’t water. It also isn’t recommended to drink hot drinks with your trays in. Also, the temptation to “take a break” from the aligners can become a non compliance issue, which can lengthen your treatment.

Only you can decide which option is the best for you. At the end of the day, braces and Invisalign are merely tools used for straightening teeth and correcting malocclusions. It is the expertise of the orthodontist that matters.
Personally, I’d go with the ortho that I feel the most comfortable with, whom I can trust, and whom I think I can build a good doctor-patient relationship with. I’d also take Google reviews with a grain of salt, and definitely not a defining factor in choosing an orthodontist.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:49 am
by kplatt2010
Hi Wendy,
Here's my two cents. You need a break from braces. De-brace, get your money, and run to the nearest airport for a nice vaca. Fast forward three months and get two more consults. Once you've debraced it will open up the playing field for all of the other ortho's who turned you away. I think having at least one more consult if not two might provide clarity with regards to direction. Especially as it sounds as though you are really leaning toward invisalign but want to make the best treatment decision for achieving your goals.

I think it's great that your ortho is willing to refund some of your money and de-brace!! Yay!!

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 6:58 am
by almost40
I have been following your story and I think you should also take a break. Then you can get more consults. Personally I had 8-10 consults. And I’m glad because I’m with someone who is confident and has many years of experience. And most importantly who I trust.

From what I’ve read it seems like Invisalign is more high maintenance than braces because of the constant cleaning. You have to full on deep clean your teeth everytime you have a meal or snack and clean the aligner too. And I love to eat so that’s not practical for me.

Also, I’m wondering how you can be placed in stainless steel wireless right away? I thought that those wires go on once everything is in its proper place because to start with those would exert too much force?

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:48 am
by Speck
In my experience the hassle associated with Invisalign is considerably more than that of regular braces. I made the switch from Invisalign to braces and I'm glad to have done so.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:16 am
by hereorthere
I'm in my retainers now which is probably very similar to invisalign where I have to take them off for eating and drinking anything not water then brush and floss, wash them, before putting them back on. the pain to take them off just for a tiny snack is much worse than wearing braces in my opinion, not to mention the time constraint on enjoying a cup of tea or coffee. it's even worse when it comes to traveling since you will be out and about. i'm traveling in a few months and am worried about what i'm going to do with my retainers, which i never had to with braces. when i first started my treatment, i also strongly pushed for invisalign or lingual braces, but my ortho refused bc i needed elastics to close gaps from my extractions and that she finds braces easier to maintain(wear) and more effective in that sense. tbh, now that i'm in my retainers, i'm glad she didn't let me go with invisalign.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:33 pm
by wendydong
Ok, the braces are off...

now I've got problems:
1) the ortho office didn't clean the glue off that well... I called my dentist office since I have an upcoming dental cleaning. my dentist office receptionist said she's not sure if they can clean the glue off? But a dental hygienist should be able to clean the glue off correct? I have also booked a whitening. so they got to clean the glue off?

2) should I wear retainers? I have decided on taking a break for about 3,4 months. Should I just not wear the retainers and see if my teeth can go back to the original form? my biggest wish is for my teeth to go back to pre-braces...

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:48 pm
by almost40
I’m guessing they will have to sand off the glue because I think it’s more of a cement. And I don’t think you should wear a retainer because then for sure your teeth won’t go back to where they were.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:59 pm
by Mpkh
wendydong wrote: Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:33 pm

2) should I wear retainers? I have decided on taking a break for about 3,4 months. Should I just not wear the retainers and see if my teeth can go back to the original form? my biggest wish is for my teeth to go back to pre-braces...
Retainers keep your teeth the way they are. Obviously, best recommendation is to wear them. If you choose to not wear retainers, your teeth may do the following:

1) Stay exactly as they are. Some people’s teeth just don’t shift that much even without a retainer to hold them in place.

2) Relapse back to a formation close to what they were prior to braces. I don’t think any relapse that occurs will bring your teeth together exactly the way they were prior to braces.

3) Relapse to a formation that is worse than what you have currently.

There is no way of knowing or predicting what your teeth will do post braces without a retainer. The orthodontists that you consulted with saw your teeth as they are in braces, and made recommendations and care plans based on what they saw. Relapse may cause changes in the treatment plan proposed by the two orthodontists that are willing to take your case. Relapse may also complicate any future orthodontistic treatment that you may undergo, due to worsening bite, misaligned bite, worsening teeth alignment, etc.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 5:42 pm
by assertives
wendydong wrote: Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:33 pm Ok, the braces are off...

now I've got problems:
1) the ortho office didn't clean the glue off that well... I called my dentist office since I have an upcoming dental cleaning. my dentist office receptionist said she's not sure if they can clean the glue off? But a dental hygienist should be able to clean the glue off correct? I have also booked a whitening. so they got to clean the glue off?

2) should I wear retainers? I have decided on taking a break for about 3,4 months. Should I just not wear the retainers and see if my teeth can go back to the original form? my biggest wish is for my teeth to go back to pre-braces...
1. The dentist should be able to clean the glue off. They have the same equipment as the ortho does and yes, you should get the glue off before whitening.

2. I second pretty much everything mpkh have said in her post above.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:00 am
by pcspinheiro
I suffered quite some major relapse when I debraced, but not total relapse for sure. I wanted the relapse in some ways, as my front teeth had been leveled by their tips making for a horrible, half-visible smile. But they also got crooked again. All this happenned in like 3 months! The funny thing was, I had constant tooth pain, as if I was in braces again, so something (periodontal/gengival ligaments) was pulling the teeth back again.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:49 pm
by Gia
Hi Wendy. I've been following your story, and am sorry you've had such difficulties. I think debracing and giving it a few months is a good choice. That said, I would encourage you to proceed cautiously. I am only early in the process, and not as knowledgeable as many in this forum. I did schedule several consults, and did some research into the providers, but ultimately went with my gut. I would be careful about putting too much emphasis on google reviews, as they seem to all be the extremes. I asked for opinions on a few local neighborhood and mother's group websites. People gave some more specific feedback, that I think was helpful. Also I did some research regarding braces and Invisalign, but used peer reviewed literature search, to try to get the sense of what would work for me, and read a lot of different opinions on this forum. It seems Invisalign can work well for people, but has disadvantages as well. The trial I did with the Essix, convinced me it was not for me. I do think the key to successful Invisalign, particularly with bite issues is an experienced provider. I think you should probably look for a Platinum provider. I do think that it's also important to be realistic about what can be achieved, and perfect is not generally easy to attain in adults. You need to frankly discuss your expectations before you begin, as you have some very specific thoughts about what you want achieved. I also think it is necessary to trust your provider and the process, or you may find it to be a difficult experience again. Needing explanations and having questions or education about the process is fine, but as someone who has been a healthcare provider for more than 30 years, working with someone who does not trust you, constantly questions your methods (and indirectly your competence) never works out, and only gets worse over time. Try to find someone you trust, and who you feel as though you will be able to interact with in terms of their style and their office. If you have reservations, don't begin treatment until you are sure. I hope it all goes well in whatever you choose to do.

Re: ok, I've got options. Which way should I go?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:05 pm
by pamelah0109
Our hygenist can't remove the left over glue. My son has a spot that wasn't completely removed and she told us to contact the orthodontist to have it removed. I would imagine that the dentist could do it also. Good Luck