Pregnant with braces?

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#16 Post by bbsadmin »

We do have an article about this written by a member who went through her pregnancy with braces:
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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Re: Pregnant with braces?

#17 Post by mtbrncofn »

momof2girls wrote:Hi! I have had my braces on for about 2 months (full metal upper and lowers). I just found out that I am pregnant with my 3rd child! :D
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has been pregnant with braces and if it will be a problem.
Congrats to you on your news! You know you're going to have to change your username now. ;)

Best of luck with the new baby! My third was a huge ( and at the time, incredibly unpleasant ) surprise. We got that taken care of quickly so we had no more surprises. :)
Full upper and lower metal braces put on May 12, 2005.

Braces free as of April 18, 2006!

Temporarily rebraced Nov. 21, 2006. ( I think I've moved past temporary. )

Brace free again - July 26, 2007.

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#18 Post by Duffle »

Congrats on your pregnancy.

I was pregnant last year whilst in braces and there was no problems really. The only thing I suffered from was swollen and bleeding gums which is a symptom of pregnancy and it was a pain particularly what with braces.

Unfortunately pregnancy did not make my treatment any faster.

My son was 8 months old when my braces were finally removed and he never even noticed despite the fact that he was fond of sticking his hands in my mouth to feel my teeth and the braces!:)

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#19 Post by ucldbmine »

I am planning to have aother child so I addressed this with my ortho being having braces put on (4 weeks ago) He said that it's not a problem and for some people it CAN speed it up but it also CAN slow it down. It depends on how your body usually reacts to pregnancy hormones. My teeth shifted a lot during my last pregancy (without braces) so I'm hoping that another pregnancy during braces will speed it up being as they have a tendancy to lossen anyway lol. Good luck and congrats.

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#20 Post by Koolmama »

Hi fellow mummies,

i'm also planning for my second baby this year... But i'm really scared of not being able to eat while pregnant!! Didn't any of you ladies find eating difficult? Which would be especially torturous when you're hungry all the time??? :cry:

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#21 Post by Spidey »

Hey Congradulations to Freckles, CCMAMA, and momof2girls (z)???


That is wonderful news... I am going to need to keep a link to your names. I am sure the support would help. I am currently trying for number 2 and have had my braces since October of this year.

EEEeeeek. I have been a little worried about my decision to do both, but so far haven't needed to take much pain meds for any braces treatment. (Knock on wood~ only powerchains so far, no dreaded elastics yet)

Hope that I can join your mini club very soon... I will let you know!


and I thought I was the only crazy one...

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#22 Post by JoeMama »

I'm in my fourth month (of pregnancy) and the braces / food thing has been a real challenge for me. I have to nibble almost constantly to keep from getting nausea and I brush A LOT. There's a path worn from the kitchen to my desk back to the ladies room.

But other than that they've been fine. I've been able to get through my adjustments without pain killers, which is something I had never done before. My dentist tells me I have to watch my gums, but otherwise no big deal (oh - and no x-rays).

So you have to put in a little extra work, but ultimately there's no problem with having braces and a bun in the oven. My big question is which will come first - the baby or debanding? So much to look forward too!
Damon 3s. On 2/15/2006. Off 2/21/2007!
Essix on uppers, Hawley on lowers.

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