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#1 Post by Lyn »

Hello Peeps

I had the worst nightmare the other night......the kind you remember after you wake up...... :cry:

Anyway, I was showing friends the progress on my teeth and when I opened my mouth (in my dream) my teeth were all wonky, more crooked than I started, spaces everywhere and gum disease! It was awful!!! :x
All my friends just kept staring at my teeth - it was bad!!

The only thing I can think of why I had this dream is my son has this disguise (glasses and false teeth) and he has been running around lately with them in his mouth and the teeth are REALLY ugly! So then I dreamt I had those ugly teeth! whew..........I'm so glad I woke up and it was over! :!:

Has anyone else had crazy nightmares?? :?: :roll:
16 months in BRACES!
Ceramic Braces on top 7/3/05
Metal Braces on bottom 10/25/05
OFF 11/8/06 - Now in Essix Retainers 24/7

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#2 Post by mackenzie »

I had a weird dream last night. You know those LIVESTRONG bracelets that were popular a year or two ago? They are like a big fat rubber band with writing stamped on it? They have them for many things (if you don't know what I'm talking about) usualy charity type stuff and you buy the bracelet for a few dollars and the money is donated. Anyway I dreamed that my ortho gave me rubber bands that were that big and I had 6 of them in my mouth at one time. I probably have Clo to thank for inspiring my dream! :lol: (On a serious note, if Clo reads this, your perserverance amazes me!)

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#3 Post by nvcarissa »

Yes, if you search the word "dream" you will see lots of posts on nightmares associated with braces. Mine was that all my brackets just fell off into my hands. Oy.

mackenzie - your dream had me laughing out loud. Good thing I wasn't sipping my coffee...you would've owed me a new keyboard!

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#4 Post by lesdents »

I had one where the pressure from the braces made several teeth fall out.

When I woke up in the morning, I ran to the mirror first thing to be sure it wasn't true!

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#5 Post by Jesslzz »

We really need to write a book o make a new website with all those spooky dreams we have...There are hundreds of dental nightmares in several threads around here (including mine!)
It would result in a good source of inspiration for horror movies :lol:

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Location: British Columbia, Canada

#6 Post by LP »

lesdents wrote:I had one where the pressure from the braces made several teeth fall out.

When I woke up in the morning, I ran to the mirror first thing to be sure it wasn't true!
OMG - I had that dream....*ahem*....nightmare, last night. In my dream I was sitting on the couch tickled pink about how my front teeth were straightening out and I noticed my top braces fell off. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and all my teeth except my two front ones were dangling by skin. There was no roots, they were just falling out of my mouth.

It was horrible!

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