Nominations, worst foods to eat

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#61 Post by hippyhippo »

this proves how individual we all are, as I nearly always get sushi when I'm eating out, coz I love it, and I find it so easy to eat. :jump:
Yay! So there is hope! I have a feeling that even if it is difficult to eat, I'll still be eating it at least once a week. It's just so addictive, isn't it? I think they must put heroin in the wasabi. Tis the only explanation.
PS ... I've not had a painful adjustment in 11 months either ... so maybe you'll be the same!
I will drink... er.... eat a california roll to that! :)

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#62 Post by pk_girl »

Corn on the cob is a nightmare, but thats all I can say.


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#63 Post by Azalin »

Mangoes are without a doubt the worst. They're bad even without braces.

There's also peanuts, chicken, fettucini, broccoli, and brownies.

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#64 Post by Lisa65 »

i've only had my braces 2 days so I haven't eaten many different foods, but bread seems really bad for clogging up and sticking all round the brackets.
Rice didn't seem to bad.

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#65 Post by ShinySmile »

haha, oh man...I have a new worst food list for expanders-- shaved coconut! I had a dessert bar with coconut on the top, and it took FOREVER to get the little pieces out from underneath the RPE! :roll:


6/27/2006-- RPE cemented

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#66 Post by LP »

The worst so far has been bread.

I had some mango yesterday with no problems at all, and had rice and chicken last night and nothing really got stuck at all. I'm actually quite surprised at how little gets stuck in them. Mind you being only a few days braced, I haven't tried a huge variety of things yet.

I'm wondering if maybe it's because I have Speed braces. With no ligatures and such a tiny square little brackets it seems like there isn't many places that would grab onto the food.

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#67 Post by jalapeno »

This thread is a bit disturbing to read as most of my favourite foods are mentioned as no no on this thread. I must eat pinto bean and rice burritos almost every day (yep, with tortillas), and indian food and thai food for a lot fo the other meals. So almost all my meals have rice and either whole beans, cheese, lettuce, tortilla, chopped cilantro, chopped tomato and even bread or dal or or curries. And also pizza. I'm mostly vegetarian.

Not sure how this is going to be!

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#68 Post by krooner »

Chili! My Mother-in-law sends it over about once a week and it's yummy but eating it feels like I'm coating my mouth with tar and feathers! :lol:

I also hate eating my son's goldfish crackers now when I used to love breaking them apart with my front teeth and crunching them down. It's no fun to crunch them on your back 4 molars!

Sigh...only 12-15 more months...

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#69 Post by jalapeno »

Thanks KK I'm relieved to read that

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#70 Post by Dramagyrl »

Long pasta is still my worst. I have a near-choking or clearly gagging episode every single time. I don't eat a lot of meat, so even if I get penne, it's probably coated in cheese which also wraps around the brackets and just clogs everything up! :)

Broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, beans any green veggie with little sprouts or bits tend to be a "blast" when I go after them with my waterpick! They're hidden everywhere.

Salsa, chili, granola, breads and rice have all had their own little interesting stories for me.

I've found there's not many foods I CAN'T eat, I've just started changing the way I eat them so at the very least, you can't see it all hanging in the front (usually). Then again, I was at a business meeting last week in the boardroom and did not realize we were having lunch. I was eating a sandwich with lettuce and whatnot, there was a drink and pickles to help wash down the "muck" but the one guy had to keep trying to speak to me the moment I put a bit of the sandwich in my mouth. So not only do I have food in my mouth, but it takes longer to chew and clear it out before I dare to open my mouth knowing I may show mucky teeth lol!


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