kissing with braces....

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#31 Post by NotBob1 »

Heck, my wife thinks it's cool to do a lirrle investigating to see what they feel like! Some of you are doing the "ewwww" look right about now, but, hey, it's not as much of a visual as the post just a few above mine!
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#32 Post by Bianca »

"Heck, my wife thinks it's cool to do a lirrle investigating to see what they feel like!"

:) the first time my husband kissed me after I got the braces on he licked my braces... it kinda creeped me out, but it was kinda cool too.

He was surprised at how rough they were.

Braces haven't gotten in the way of kissing, not at all. They have made some other things a little difficult/different, but nothing that can't be worked through! ;)

It's a two year process.......

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#33 Post by NotBob1 »

I knew I wasn't the only one!!!!!! :)

I will say that if you are concerned about it, use a set of those comfort covers from the DentaKit site. They work great.....They help when the brackets are irritating the heck out of the inside of your mouth, too.

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Re: .

#34 Post by Kodius Champion »

Braces haven't gotten in the way of kissing, not at all.
A couple of weeks ago I finally got my hands on a guy I've had a thing for for months. I don't think my braces got in the way, either. Of course, that could just be because he turned out to be a bloody terrible kisser. :roll:
They have made some other things a little difficult/different, but nothing that can't be worked through! ;)
Ummm ... not terribly difficult, but I discovered they still haven't fixed those jaw issues. :oops:


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#35 Post by bre »

ive had full braces an expander and rubberbands...yet ive never relaly had an issue w/ my bf. kissing isn't really an issue.

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#36 Post by Gennel »

:wink: Well I am married and honestly I did not really think about this until the day I got my braces on! OMG I was instantly worried lol. My husband was very understanding . He was actually worried about hurting me. All I can say is to take things slow and speak to your partner. That is the best thing you can do. Once it's out in the open you can have a sense of humor about it lol. I actually asked my hubby to lick my braces and we were like two little kids cracking up and giggling. No, you won't cut a person's lips. I was told by a friend of my husband that he got his lips all cut up by his wife's braces and his lips got stuck in her brackets. I asked him if he was a violent kisser because I can't imagine how that was possible. It may take a little practice but you will be fine ,trust me!


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What About

#37 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

What about "Frenching" ?
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#38 Post by babymetalmouth »

LOL, I HAD to add to this post, Ive been with my boyfriend for over a year, and I was seeing him for like a year before that on and off, Since I got braces, Nothings changed, we can still kiss madly!! Were always sticking toungues inb eachother mouths lol (that sounds gross and vile but you know)

Although.... We have had a few accidents, where I end up getting an elbow to the mouth or something LOL! :shock: :oops:

Or last night it was his nose when we were eskimo kissing!! lol we were messing about a bit and yeh, I took a nose to the mouth... and I was having a sore tooth day!

I think, you just have to be carefull you dont bump heads or soemthing, Its probs just me bring a bit dippy though, Im like the most clumsy person in England lol!

Have fun safe kissing now people, and remember, if you think things could get carried away, buy a gum sheild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Sorry for typos, I BLAME MSN!

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#39 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Old post, but since it's been bumped up I gotta add my $0.02 worth!

I recently hooked up with a workmate (we tried not to since we work together fairly closely but what can you do :wink: )

At first I was a bit self conscious with the whole braces thing but was surprised to hear that while I was worrying about the braces hurting him, he was worried about cutting me! This is despite having braces himself as a kid :roll:.

Mostly I don't notice my braces, but a word of warning if you're as lazy as I am about getting pokey archwires trimmed; wax the wire ends! Hearing "is that you bleeding or me?" can be a bit disconcerting... :oops:




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#40 Post by nvcarissa »

After my surgery, when I finally felt like kissing beyond the perfunctory 'see you later' or 'goodnight' kiss, I noticed that my kiss had changed because of the movement of my jaw. My lower lip is forward now and kissing is not nearly the work it was before. You know, I knew I was compensating for my overjet in eating and talking, I just didn't realize that I did when I kissed as well. So to be able to relax and just ... kiss ... Well, it was very, very nice.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#41 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

lol, i wonder about that al lthe time :) If I cut that would be so embarrassing. :oops:
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#42 Post by babymetalmouth »

LOL, I cant be bothered to get it trimmed, I will jsut shove a load of wax on it and be done with the day! lol!! But I was thinking.. what if somehow his tongue got down to my molar band and the end of the archwire and cut him?!?!?! :shock: I knwo its unlikely but I mean it COULD happen???

Oo I forgot to say before, my boyfriend kissed my teeth goodbye before I got my braces lol!!!!!!!!! And he kissed my braces when I got them LMAO!! and he felt them with his toungue.. you know, just to get a feel of whats in his gf's mouth LMAO!!!

Ahhh anyways, Im sure ive made myself and my boyfriend sound like animals, so I will stop, but LOL :lol:
Sorry for typos, I BLAME MSN!

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#43 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

lol, what I did was talk with my BF. We just laugh and say lets see when it happens. :)
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#44 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

I hope nothing will change for me :)
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#45 Post by jaswi »

I'll add another 2 cents. I've been kissing now with braces for about a month, and its all good- nothing unusual really. The first time I kissed my gf with braces she said they tickled her lips. I'm a very exploratory kisser, not ususual to lick the teeth, or the top of her pallet, and now that she's gotten used to it she says she likes it. She's been talking about getting braces again to fix her bottom relapse, and from a kissing point of view I think it would be awesome to be able to feel braces on her. I also can't help but imagine what it would be like to explore her pallet when she had an expander.. Yeah I'm wierd and freaky.

And for any wondering guys. Giving oral was a little wierd at first, you do kind of have to be careful. I find its better to just stick to the outside, and not try to venture inside. she likes it more anyhow.

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