<sigh> this is getting old

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#16 Post by nvcarissa »

Yeah, there are times when I am sick of it, but even more right now. My surgery is done, but I am in a holding pattern waiting for my bones to heal up. No chewing, wearing positioning elastics that really bug me (at least I'm down to part time, not 24/7), but no ortho work for another three weeks. At least I get to chew in 5 days!! Heh, I am going to two barbecues this weekend...and I can't chew. ARRRRGGH!!!! :x :x :x

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

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#17 Post by JaneBy »

strugglebuggy that's exactly my problem...even checking photos I can see very little, if any, change.

I'd really like to be able to eat an apple or snack on baby carrots dipped in ranch dressing...or popcorn.

So yes, I'm tired too right now! sigh.
Braced at 41, Damon 2s - top and bottom, 8/10/04, estimated 18-24 months...did overtime! Debraced 10/4/06. Essix retainers.

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#18 Post by Evelyn »

The braces blahs? Oh heck yes I've experienced them. Keep it going though, they are mere trifles compared to the never-ending high that you feel after you get them off, it really is all worth it in the end.

Braced September 9, 2002
Debanding: JULY 5!!!!!!!!


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#19 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I pretty much thought that braces blahs was a givein! I'm only 6 months in, and had a surgically assisted palate expansion during the process so we have really only been moving my lowers up until last week when my ortho slapped a giant devil wire on my uppers!

I hate all the flossing, brushing, cleaning that goes along with them, and really hate having to pick stuff out of my teeth after everytime I eat. It has been a rather good diet plan for me though as I hate it so much I don't eat as much now.

I have at least another year and a half to go.....possibly more with a lower jaw surgery, bone graft, and implant thrown in for good measure. I just try not to think about it, but it is definitely hard and I get frustrated. I think we all can relate to your aggravation. Lets face it...braces pretty much suck, but what they do for your teeth, well is nothing short of amazing, so the benefits far outweigh the negatives I suppose. Its hard to remember that some days though!

Thats what this board is for...so we can whine and feel like others are out there that can relate!


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#20 Post by strugglebuggy »

I'm looking forward to my new smile. :) I've had such problems over the years with things like keeping my teeth clean (my bottom teeth used to overlap each other), and getting teased it school (kids are cruel, especially girls to other girls). I think it will give me more confidence. I look at myself in photos and I never really noticed that I always smile in a way that you can't see my teeth, or I smile and have my photo taken from my left side because you couldn't see my overlapped top teeth. It's kind of a free feeling I get when I think about what it will be like to have them off. That is what keeps me going. the blahs I'm feeling are just a bump in the road, I guess.

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#21 Post by bckydgardnr »

Funny thing, I was thinking that this morning and came on the site just to read to maybe get me out of the blahs, and see this thread.

I am in a holding pattern that seems stuck. Darn gap WILL NOT close for anything. I go back on Tuesday, hopefully he will do something!!!

braced 1/18/05


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#22 Post by Jetgirl »

I had my braces on for two years. I remember well sitting around thinking, "When will I ever be able to enjoy normal food again?!"

Looking back though, the time really just flew by. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about how worth it the whole experience was. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, for twice as long if I had to!

Don't lose heart, you'll be suprised at how quickly it all goes by and how much you enjoy your new smile :)
Braces on: June 2003
Braces off: June 2005

Pictures of my braces journey

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#23 Post by phanta »

I feel like a crybaby, but just after 4 months of braces (and now some additional hardware) I'm so ready to be over and done with braces. My mom's question "Did you really need to do this?" certainly didn't help me feel better this weekend. Now I feel like I can't even complain to her about the pain I'm going through :)

I got tired of talking about them with everyone. Braces have been on my mind for close to 7 months now so I talked everyone's ears off, I think.

PS Wow, today it's 4 months even for me.

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#24 Post by hannah164 »

I totally understand all of this! I've had my braces for 2 years and 3 months now with about a 4 year sentence! :roll: I have to admit I'm kind of jealous of all of you who have 2 year sentences! :wink: Not trying to tell you that 2 years isn't a long time but I just wish I were that lucky! Its just been really slow going for me! IT took me 18 months to even get bottom braces! :shock: WE still haven't even gotten all of the permanent teeth down yet! :roll: So frustrating!

A lot of the time I wonder how I'm ever going to get through 4+ years! :( I would really like to have a beautiful smile, be able to eat whatever I want without wondering if I have any of it stuck in my teeth, no more pain, and no more self conscienceness ! :(

So yes, I do understand the braces blahs and let's all just keep pushing through! REally experiencing them right now! :wink: WE will all eventually make it (for me the key word was Eventually :lol:)




Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05
Next Adjustment: finally bonding a bracket to my impacted bicuspid!

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#25 Post by Kittysopretty »

I'm with ya on that. I am glad I did this but so OVER it now! I HATE braces!!!!! :evil:

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#26 Post by strugglebuggy »

Well, it's nice to know that I'm not alone, and I am even happier to see from the people that have been through it that this too shall pass. :lol:

:-88 Cheers to all those who have the braces blahs- may they pass as quickly as a $300 dinner check at a 5 star restaurant...lol. :wink:

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#27 Post by jennandtonic »

I can totally empathize with a lot of your posts, everyone! It's funny, I've had the 'braces blahs' all day and then this thread cheered me up.

Now that I'm about to hit the 6 month mark, sometimes it seems like it's been forever, but other times it's like 'that's a piece of cake!'

I guess I just have to try and concentrate on the changes going on. Maybe take it one goal at a time. First...the gap closures. Then look forward to the elastics, the next step. Then look forward to changes in elastic configurations as my midline and bite are corrected.

Anyway, what all that rambling meant is maybe looking at it in pieces and steps will be easier than thinking 'Oh my god, I have 14 months to go!'

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#28 Post by tin_grin »

Hannah, you're not alone. My sister had hers on for 5 years. Hang in there! Think about how far you've come already. :D

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#29 Post by fantasia »

Yeah, I am more blah the closer I am to my deband date because I'm so anxious for them to come off. I only have 9 days to go!
Braces on: September 9, 2004
Treatment time: 2 years

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#30 Post by louise1312 »

Hi everyone,
This is my first post so i hope i post it right lol.

Have been hovering around these boards for a while but never acually got round to registering. Been having a bit of a downer about the whole braces process recently so finaly registered so i could have a bit of a moan. It's quite ironic that this was the last thread posted, i didn't have to start one.

Anyway at one visit to the ortho i was told i was in the last stages and would be done in 4-5 months. Well that was five months ago and i still have 3mm gaps on both sides of my upper teeth. In the words of my ortho 'the've just stopped moving' and then strapped on the same type of power chain thats been used for the past five months with a see ya in 4 weeks! Don't get me wrong i trust her to know what shes doing. Up until this point i've been very happy with my treatment. It rubbed it in a couple of months ago that i've now gone over the estimated time when i found out i had completed the payments. Its quite funny that i was upset when told about no more ortho bills. lol

I'm just so fed up with the whole thing. I got braces to change one of the things i hated about myself and give me more self confidence when dealing with people and now i just don't go out anymore (well with the exception of work!) because i just don't have the energy to deal with the reactions i get off people (and 99% of them are good). I used to be fine and postitive about my braces when i first got them and now i just get so self consious and WANT THEM OUT!

Am i the only person who started off OK and then went downhill? I think i'm losing my mind sometimes. Anyway i'm not crazy i promise. Hopefully will have some movement soon and stary to feel good again.

Thanks for reading if you got this far,

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