Can you bite?

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#16 Post by jennandtonic »

I can bite with my front teeth now, but at first I couldn't because my front teeth were being corrected and when I bit it was painful. Even trying to clamp my teeth together was uncomfortable! Whew, I'm glad most of that is over....

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#17 Post by juf_84 »

Hey LP!

I lived off mashed potato and soft veggies for the first few days- steamed veggies are soft enough to cut up into tiny pieces and eat, and you can always try some mashed pumpkin, or mashed pumpkin mixed with mashed potato.

The only veggies I had trouble with were beans- and Mum just kept buying them and serving them up :x
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#18 Post by LP »

My only problem is I hate soggy veggies. I'm a veggies and dip and salad kinda gal. Oh well...guess I better get used to soft veggies - I need to eat them.

I think the day I get my braces off (I know I know, silly to plan so far ahead) I'm bringing a whole apple. Before braces I ate at least an apple a day, and it's going to ROCK to bite into one again :jump:

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