Holy crikeys Bat Man!

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Holy crikeys Bat Man!

#1 Post by LP »

Is is just me or do these powerchains move things REALLY fast? I got mine yesterday morning (so I've had them for 37 hours) and I swear they've moved my teeth already. There are 4 pieces, each covering the spot where teeth were pulled.

My teeth are really close together and flossing has always been tough. I have to be careful because I really have to push hard to get it through. When I went to floss today I just about fell over. I went to gently push the floss between to two teeth in front of the empty spaces and it's a tiny gap now. The floss went in and wiggled around in there. I can even get my finger nail to push between them a bit.

Last edited by LP on Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Way Too Old For This
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#2 Post by Way Too Old For This »

I got my first powerchain yesterday. I had about 1/8" gaps on both sides of my formerly impacted canine before I went in yesterday morning and by lunchtime that tooth was touching its neighbors on both sides! YIKES! That is almost too fast, it hurts like crazy. I can't hardly put my tongue on my teeth to talk. I also got these big loopy things on my archwire that are supposed to help close up the gaps....I can't hardly close my lips over them.

Just when I thought I was getting used to everything in my mouth, I got all the above and a spring where I'm missing a molar and another rotation wedge on my other canine. That thing also rubs my lips enough to make them sore. Oh yeah and another new bracket. (I never get out of there without changing a bracket or two)

Could be worse I guess, he could have given me elastics. I got up and ran out as soon as I could.......didn't want him to think of anything else. I felt like I was in school and was getting out before the teacher remembered to assign homework.
Wired on Sep 16, 2005, left canine exposed on Oct 5, 2005, at 52 years old.

Pirate Wench
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#3 Post by Pirate Wench »

:shock: Amazing results in a short period of time :shock:

I don't have any gaps to close so I will not see that kind of results, but I am so happy for you guys with your powerchains. :thumbsup: It is definately encouraging to see such huge results so quickly.

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#4 Post by jcdamon3 »

I am in the powerchain fan club myself. I just got powerchains again and my two front teeth that have always had a black triangle are not looking awesome!

power to the powerchains!
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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Location: emerald city, oz

#5 Post by lionfish »

Another powerchain fan here.

A lifelong gap between a lower canine and first premolar (one I could stick the end of my tongue through) has narrowed significantly to the point where I can barely notice it.

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Location: British Columbia, Canada

#6 Post by LP »

Wow this is all so encouraging. I had the 5's pulled on the right and the 6's pulled on the left so I have very significant gaps to close. I have no idea how long I should expect it to take. I haven't noticed any difference since that first night when the floss slid through so easily.

I can't wait though. Once they move enough I get my last bracket on :D

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