job interview and brace?

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job interview and brace?

#1 Post by Ilovetosmile232 »

anyone have any job interview experiences while they r on brace.. that they want to share with us? it dosen't have to be anything special.. just want to see how brace effect the job interviews

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#2 Post by Kevin »

I'm not sure why braces would have any effect on an interview. If you're interviewing for a job you're qualified for, show them just how qualified you are.

The only difference braces are going to make is to the person being interviewed. If you are self conscious and are trying to hide them, it'll come across as a lack of confidence and possibly trying to avoid something (assuming they don't know you have braces because you're hiding them). Be confident and you'll show confidence (the reverse works, too). If you're still self consious about them, walk into the interview, smile real big, and tell them you just got braces so excuse you if you slur any words. Then get on with the interview.

Now the interviewers... Seriously, they are just people. I'm sure you've noticed by now that most people don't notice your braces or they just don't care. The people interviewing you will be in that catagory. Your braces just aren't of any concern to them at all. They have much more to think about than someone elses orthodontic work. Truth be told, we aren't high on other peoples (ie: non friends/relatives) lists of concerns.

Seriously, braces have no impact on an interview except from the person being interviewed. No one would question someone wearing glasses, why would they question someone wearing braces?


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#3 Post by bckydgardnr »

I have not had an interview with a new company or system, however, with the job that I have, I am kind of always on the interview. I know that I want to move up, so everytime I talk with or work with a higher up it is kind of like an interview. (if that makes sense)

It shouldn't matter. Period!!! A new supervisor recently moved into the position above my position and for about 2 weeks she just kind of looked at me or my teeth. At least that is how I perceived it. Finally at lunch the other day I brought it up when another person made a comment about someone else's kid having their braces off. I just kind of joked and said, I can't wait to get mine off! Then she asked lots of questions about why, and how long etc.

Your job performance or interview performance should not be measured in your braces! :D

braced 1/18/05


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#4 Post by ohmyjaw »

Hi there,

I had a job interview with braces, and I got the job. I work in the not-for-profit sector, so I think that the people I encounter tend to be pretty accepting and inclusive, as those kinds of values are the basis of a lot of the work we do.

But regardless of the type of work, your physical appearance shouldn't have anything to do with getting a job, unless maybe you are a model.

Having said that, I have had difficulties occasionally with job interviews etc. becuase I look really, really young. I worried for a while that braces was going to make it worse, but so far it hasn't. I just try my best to be professional! And I am sure that if you do the same, you will be fine.

Good Luck!

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#5 Post by Dramagyrl »

I interview people for a living and I know I would never judge someone over something like braces. I've been self-conscious and thought the people I am interviewing are judging me, but usually they don't even say a thing, and if they do, it's all questions and curiosity. People seem to like knowing people are doing something good for themself.

If I was looking for work and a potential employer judged me for my braces in a job interview, I wouldn't want to work there anyway.


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#6 Post by lionfish »

I've got lingual uppers and ceramic lowers, and am now wearing top to bottom elastics across all my premolars. Apart from a friend in her 40's, I am the only person I know in braces at the moment.

I operate a consulting company and regularly front up to clients, suppliers (usually the legal profession) and also appear as an expert witness in court.

I've recently interviewed for a large contract (and won it), have appeared in court, and have met with several new potential clients.

Most of the people I meet in the course of my work don't even notice the braces; they're more interested in the content of what I've got to say.

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#7 Post by ghotieyes »

I went on 3 job interview within the first week of getting bracketed. My mouth was still toughening up so at the end of my day-long interview, my lips/cheeks were pretty sore, but that was probably the worst of it. I didn't have my archwires in yet, so I just had brackets on when I interviewed. At first I was a bit self conscious, but it was easy to forget once I started focusing on what they were asking. The lunch interview was probably the most self-conscious part, since I hadn't figured out the best way to eat yet, but how often would you be pigging out at lunch interviews anyway. No one made any comments on my teeth. One interviewer even had braces himself. I've found in general, a lot of people either had braces when they were younger, or have thought about them as adults, so it's not that strange for them to see people with braces.

Oh, and I got all 3 of the jobs I was interviewing for. So just be confident in your skills, speak slowly and clearly, and the rest will take care of itself.

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I got the job

#8 Post by debonairdenise »

I applied for a new teaching position. I was worried that I wouldn't get the job due to the fact that I was braced, but then I realized I was qualified and I should just go in the interview and dazzle my new boss with my expertise. It worked. I just completed my first week at my new job. :D

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#9 Post by drazda »

I've had one job interview since I was braced and I didn't get the job. It had nothing to do with the braces though, I'm just horrible at interviews. :?
Braces removed 10 months early on 1/23/07!

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#10 Post by ingyandbert »

I don't see where an employer would give a hoot if a job applicant wore braces. I think you're worrying for nothing. Frankly, most people don't care that we wear braces. Forget about that and concentrate on your interview skills and you should be fine.

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Can depend on the profession and region

#11 Post by SueFromNJ »

I tend to disagree with the sentiment here, as I think interviewing with braces CAN prevent someone from getting a job. But I also think it may be a regional thing in the USA (like the NorthEast states), or a "corporate culture" thing, too. I am speaking of professional/office jobs here, not construction workers or plumbers or things like that! We are all so positive here on these boards (as we must!), but I think sometimes braces can definitely portray a negative image out in the world, especially when you are selling yourself to an employer. To an interviewer, seeing a candidate in braces could also send the message "I didn't care to try to fix my teeth until now", or "I was too poor for straight teeth growing up", and that could work against you. Some corporate cultures want someone who already has their act together, is "polished" and presents themselves well. And many expect you to already have straight teeth, as that can be seen as something you should have taken care of as a kid!! :(

And no interviewer will ever tell you that your braces stopped you from getting a job. It is an unsaid thing about crooked teeth, as you can be viewed as "lower class", and many corporate cultures want the "elite". Hard to describe if you never seen it in action in corporate America, but it's there in many places. And it's definitely far worse if you are new to a field and don't have much experience, as you really have to sell yourself then. :(

I guess I am bitter on this one since I know my crooked teeth prevented me from getting a job at least once (I could read the faces of the interviewers - I didn't have the right image). But the good thing was I got two jobs while in braces, though both were part-time working with kids (who all have braces themselves), so maybe the braces actually helped! :D And I rather interview in braces than badly crooked teeth anyday, as braces probably sends a better message than unsightly teeth! But like others said - once the braces are on, you just act confident like they are no big deal, and do your best! :)
Debanded in May, 2006! Total sentence: Three years and two months. Now in hawleys which make me gag! Before braces, I had dracula fangs in their own rows, and everything else was crooked, crowded, with a cross-bite, too!

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#12 Post by fantasia »

I interviewed for a few jobs while I was in braces and it didn't affect me at all. I think you are probably asking about whether or not it made the interviewer feel uncomfortable, because braces aren't going to have an effect on whether an employer hires you. I never felt uncomfortable in my braces. When I got my braces I worked in the medical recrods division of a hospital. Now, I work in the admissions department and my job is to check in patients and deal with the public all day long. I did interview for this job and they could obviously see that I was qualified, braces had no effect at all.
Braces on: September 9, 2004
Treatment time: 2 years

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Re: I got the job

#13 Post by scottishgirl »

debonairdenise wrote:I applied for a new teaching position. I was worried that I wouldn't get the job due to the fact that I was braced, but then I realized I was qualified and I should just go in the interview and dazzle my new boss with my expertise. It worked. I just completed my first week at my new job. :D
I hope you dont mind me asking, what age group children do you teach and has anyone commented on your braces? I start teacher training next week and i'm worried how my colleagues and pupils will react on my placements if i decide to go ahead and get braces.

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#14 Post by jetxness »

i've been informally told that it is good that i am getting my teeth fixed now while still in university instead of later. (this was by two people, one in the business ceo type group and the other in publishing). they thought it was best to 'fix image issues now' if i wanted a job in industry. i think it is part of a class thing. people in private schools or with fairly well off parents all had braces at a young age for the slightest thing (i find it hard to believe that absolutely everyone needed braces) and not having perfect teeth or having braces late in life shows that you aren't part of the group. it may end up being a subconscious assumption.

there are many jobs i can see braces having not affecting at all though.

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#15 Post by egoh510 »

I have been thru 3 interviews with my braces and seems like it didn't affect me a bit -- :) since I got 3 offers. I have the ceramic brackets w/ clear ligaments -- I have to say that it's hard to tell if you have them --unless u have something stuck on the brackets OR if the ligaments has turned really yellow.... Other than that, they are virtually invisible :)
Ceramics Brackets
Braces On: 11/22/04
Braces Off: 09/25/06 :)


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