school pictures

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school pictures

#1 Post by hannah164 »

Tomorrow is MAze Day which means school pictures! My mom has decided she wants to buy them and put them all over the house! I'm worried because I always take horrible pictures! How do you guys smile when you take pictures? Do you show your teeth? I'm quite self conscience of my smile! I'm considering smiling with closed lips! Most of my friends with braces do that and it looks okay! I wish I could get black chains instead of blue but I don't go to the ortho until after tomorrow! Black makes my teeth look whiter and just nicer! :roll: That was such a huge ramble! Sorry! :lol:

Any ideas or tips on taking nice pictures?



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#2 Post by Attagirl2 »

Hi hanna164. Although school for me was MANY decades ago :shock: (I am 53), I know what you mean. My husband and I went this evening to get our picture taken for our church directory. I find it hard to close my mouth and smile. I tried it once at my husbands urging, but that picture of me turned out horrid! I am a smiling type person. The pictures that turned out ok, were the ones where I just smiled being myself. It wasn't a huge smile, but it did show my upper teeth - and braces.

I wish you well. Don't forget, the braces will come to an end and you will have a beautiful smile :D to show for all your braces persiverance (sp?).

I wish you well with the pictures.
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#3 Post by jcdamon3 »

Why don't you practice in front of the mirror? I like pictures of me best where I am smiling like someone just told me a mildly funny joke, or I am happy to see someone. Not where I am cracking up or just smiling like an "oh brother" type of smile.

I was mortified at my daughters 8th grade graduation party. We decided to take professional pictures of my ex, my ex's wife, my daughter and me. I didn't really want to do it but didn't want to make a big fuss. The pictures turned out amazingly good with me and my daughter both in metal brackets. I smiled like I normally would without braces. It all came out fine.

Years from now we will be looking at that going, "Oh yeah, I remember I had braces back then". Hopefully a fading memory.
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#4 Post by ShinySmile »

I would do your natural smile...I tried smiling with braces with closed lips once in a picture, and it looked horrible! Be proud of your braces, you can track your progress towards an amazing smile!! :dance:


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#5 Post by wiredkitty »

I agree with the others - smile naturally, showing your teeth. Its better to have a nice confident happy smile with braces than to look self conscious and awkward closing your mouth.

I just went through a similar thing - I'm in the musical Beauty and the Beast and we had our photos taken for the programme last night. I saw the shots the guy took and the smiling ones looked SO much better cause I cant' hold my mouth properly for a small smile and my mouth is slightly lopsided so when I don't smile it looks funny too!

But... I did convince them to photoshop my braces off for the programme so hopefully in the picture I'll have shiny white teeth! they might even straighten them for me - wouldn't that be nice - give me an indication of what I will look like when they come off.

good luck for your photo - I'm sure you'll look lovely.

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#6 Post by juf_84 »

Hi hannah!

Just smile normally! I have just gotten my photos back from my College Ball and I have to say my smile is stunning- bling and all! They are my favourite photos from all the Balls I have been to over the past five years.

Braces don't make you look ugly or funny- so give 'em your best smile :lol:
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#7 Post by Joanna20 »

Hello. I have taken a few photos since braced I try and only show my lower teeth ('cause my lower lip looks way to big now when I close my mouth!). It seems to work okay. I guess you'll find the best solution when looking in the mirror!
Good luck!!



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#8 Post by cmm1280 »

Hannah, just be natural!!

Someone on here said that a self concious person with braces can be spotted miles away. It's always best to be yourself no matter what :)

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#9 Post by mackenzie »

I disagree with everyone. In my school ID picture I smiled with my lips closed and I think it looks really good. Here is another pic of me and I don't think it looks that bad. Well it is an ugly picture but my lips don't look bad. If it does look weird someone tell me please! (Except that I'm getting them off monday so it doesn't really matter anymore-YAY!) Maybe if you have thin lips that don't stretch over your teeth easily it could look odd if you have to strain.


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#10 Post by SDFD TSchott »

Just smile and show your tin grin, I'm sure it will look awesome with teeth showing in your smile then no teeth showing, if its bad enough someone can photoshop your braces off and give you bright white pretty teeth.

SDFD TSchott

Photoshoping isn't that hard!


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#11 Post by Idislikebraces »

I had pictures yesterday..I always smile with my teeth showing!! :D
August 10, 2005
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#12 Post by jcdamon3 »

I disagree with everyone. In my school ID picture I smiled with my lips closed and I think it looks really good. Here is another pic of me and I don't think it looks that bad. Well it is an ugly picture but my lips don't look bad. If it does look weird someone tell me please! (Except that I'm getting them off monday so it doesn't really matter anymore-YAY!) Maybe if you have thin lips that don't stretch over your teeth easily it could look odd if you have to strain.
I guess if it is normal for you then it isn't bad. Also, I think if you think it looks really, good then it does. It is hard for us, who have never met you to look at a picture of you and say whether it is good or bad because we haven't seen you looking good or bad and haven't seen good and bad pictures of you.

Anyway, a picture is just a 2D image of a real live 3D person, which in my opinion is never as good as the real thing. Well unless someone packed a ton of makeup on you and then it really isn't you anyway.

Good luck on your braces removal!
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
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#13 Post by hathetran »

usually i jus smile with no teeth but in a few months the teeth will be back!

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#14 Post by astereje »

last year i had my college graduation photos, and i smiled like i usually smile, and the braces actually didn't look bad! when i smile with my mouth close, personally i look worse.

i noticed that since i have braces, when i smile i show even more of my teeth... i dunno why! :D

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