Getting Braced Wednesday (gulp)

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Getting Braced Wednesday (gulp)

#1 Post by krooner »

:crazy: I am getting nervous!

I am 39 and finally getting the braces I've always needed. I'm getting clear on top and regular on the bottom. Am I gonna taste metal?

I'm going to try and post a picture but I'm not sure I'm doing this right. That's my husband at our wedding 2 years ago. ... 8UcMmrdk2M

Any words of advice? Thanks in advance


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#2 Post by jcdamon3 »

What a beautiful couple!

It is normal to be nervous. If you weren't nervous I would have to wonder! :-)

Anyway,1-2 people on the forum have reported tasting metal, but it could just be an active imagination playing games with the taste buds.

I don't thing that you need to worry about it. If you do taste metal it will go away very quickly.
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#3 Post by MS1 »

I got my uppers braced in May and I thought everything I ate had a slight metallic taste. My ortho (and my dentist) told me it was probably psychological. That "taste" dissipated after a couple of weeks though so I wouldn't worry.

Good luck on Wednesday! Welcome to the world of braces! :)

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Thanks all!

#4 Post by krooner »

I appreciate the responses! I'll be posting more neurotic posts as I get closer to the date I'm sure! I'm scared because I hate having anything foreign in my mouth. I had a nightguard for a while which made me drool and I couldn't sleep with it so I gave up. I hope braces are not like that!


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#5 Post by RainyDay2 »

Hi Krooner...welcome. I just got mine on Aug 14. Uppers only. How long will you be wearing yours?

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#6 Post by jcdamon3 »

I appreciate the responses! I'll be posting more neurotic posts as I get closer to the date I'm sure! I'm scared because I hate having anything foreign in my mouth. I had a nightguard for a while which made me drool and I couldn't sleep with it so I gave up. I hope braces are not like that!
I couldn't sleep with my night guard on either but have had no problem with braces. Unfortunately you can't take them out. Forunately you can't take them out!

After I got my braces I thought it would be hard to sleep but I got used to them in a couple of nights.

I am hoping that braces will break me of not wanting anything in my mouth at night because I will need to wear retainers for the rest of my life after this. They better be comfy! The retainers hopefully will serve as a mouth guard as well because I can't afford to grind my teeth down any further!
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#7 Post by fitchick »

Hi Krooner,

Congratulations on getting your braces. I got mine at 39yrs too and it's the best decision I have ever made. I currently have regular on the lowers and will get clear on the uppers eventually. I have never had the metal taste, but the extra gadgets in your mouth do take a little getting used to. I just keep reminding myself of the final outcome and it makes any little inconveniences well worth while.

Good Luck. You will post on Wednesday with an update won't you?

Jun06 Lower brace on
Aug06 Root Canals completed
Mar07 Upper Brace on
July08 Braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#8 Post by hippyhippo »

Just got braces, and my advice would be:

* Liberally apply lip balm right before being braced... it's worth it!

* Be prepare to not be able to chew on anything for at least a week. Okay, I have no idea how long this no-chewing thing lasts, but it's been 3.5 days and I still can't chew on anything that isn't super mushy. Some people don't experience this, so cross your fingers.

* Carry a toothbrush with you everywhere. Actually, even more important than a toothbrush is a proxy brush (x-mas tree shaped brush) which gets between your brackets. It's really disgusting, yet strangely fascinating, how much food can get stuck between your teeth! :lol:

* Since you will have clear brackets (which I'm a bit envious of at the moment), be careful to avoid anything that could stain the clear ligs that will be placed on them. Your ortho will change the ligs at your adjustments, but no-one wants bright yellow circles on their teeth for several weeks! Curries are apparantly the worst culprit, but pretty much anything that can stain clothes can stain your ligs. So brush often and think before you eat!

* There is nothing wrong with taking pain killers. It's okay to be a wimp, like me :)

* On a similar note, don't forget to take dental wax around with you! I forgot it one day at work, and by the end of the day I had some nasty mouth sores. Everyone is different though, so hopefully you won't experience this. But better safe than sorry!

Oh, and I have a mouth full of metal and I haven't tasted it. I did taste the glue used to put my brackets on for almost an hour after I was braced, but that disappeared quickly enough.

Good luck!

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#9 Post by krooner »

Thanks again! I will definitely post on Wednesday! I was hoping to take the day off but I can't so it will be interesting going back to work with these things on!

I have to wear them for a year, the ortho said. But I think it may be longer! I don't trust anyone! :lol:

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#10 Post by hippyhippo »

I wouldn't worry too much about being at work right after being braced. I was braced right at 1 pm, and that evening I was completely fine. It really wasn't until about 24 hours later that I experienced any pain. Did I mention that pain killers can be your friend? :)

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#11 Post by NervousNelly »

Just some friendly advice. I'm 37 and finally decided to get braces. I've had them on for a whole 7 days now. I have ceramics on the top and my bottoms will be put on at a later date. For me, it's NOT as bad as I anticipated. Getting them on is a breeze! I took a few advil before the appointment just in case. I don't like going to the dentist or having peoples hands in my mouth. I was sooo nervous. The lip spreader was not bad at all. Just relax. Breath through your nose and before ya know it, it'll be done. I didn't think anyone could be more nervous :roll: then I was and believe was nothing! I promise!
I haven't experienced any real pain. I'd say just a bit of discomfort. Nothing advil doesn't help. Yogurt, oatmeal, mac & cheese, over steamed vegys and ice cream have been my main sustinance. Biting down is tender but not excruciating. Everytime I start to think.."what did I do to myself?" I try to be positive and think I wanted this and I'll be so happy when it's done and I have a great smile! I'm proud of myself for finally doing this. Good luck and keep us posted!
Oh and by the way. the night I had the braces put on, I took my kids to a baseall game. You'll be fine! :D

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#12 Post by Zondrae »

I'll be 37 in November & was just braced nearly two weeks ago. I have ceramic uppers & metal lowers & haven't tasted any metal at all. They are a bit uncomfortable sometimes, but not really painful.

You will be fine & just think of the end result!

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#13 Post by hathetran »

its alright dont worry..i think i was more excited than nervous to get my'll grow to love them..a lot of my friends miss their braces after taking them off!! can you believe that??!

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