I hate these stupid braces!

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it's good to whine sometimes

#16 Post by mmadigan »

I have been braced for the second time now for 4 weeks. I just had an adjustment because my molars would not touch and I could only eat stuff I could squish between my tongue and roof of my mouth. The new adjustment was a shocker. New top wire, power chain and super heavy elastics. Ouch!! My molars touched each other about 5 hours after the adjustment but I am still too sore to chew anything. I think the first two or three months will be the toughest and it will get better.
Feel free to whine to me too if you need to.

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#17 Post by tardissauce »

I totally feel you too! The main reason I subscribed to this board was to have people to talk to and relate to about my new metal mouth. Its hard, but everyone here has been great, especially Kiwi! I am on week 2.5 and everyday it gets better. I was on a mush diet for about the first 1.5 and was going crazy. I also wonder what the heck my lips are doing all the time. I even accidently spittled on my co-workers the other day, talk about embarassing. They really got a kick out of it, and it gave them something to laugh about. Overall people are really understanding, they either had them when they were kids or wish they could get them now... Just think how fantastic your smile will look when its all over! Keep your eyes on the prize, that's what keeps me going...

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#18 Post by ssfw »

Hi Braces2.0,

Don't apologize for expressing your frustration about your braces, people on this board are very understanding and supportive. I think it's great that we have this board to vent our frustrations. I do hope you're doing better.

I think once you begin to see some movement in your teeth, you will begin to feel alot better about your decision to get braces.

Good luck.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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#19 Post by Clo »

No, you do not hate your braces !
You feel frustrated now. That is normal. Give yourself some time to adjust.
You'll feel a lot better in no time. And then you will say you love your
braces, when you see how fast they give you big improvements.

Good luck !

Version 2.0 is better than 1.0. Full braces will make a very good result.
But soon you will have version 2.1, the same as 2.0 but without the
annoyance. So, be ready to be Braces2.1 in no time.

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Location: Texas

#20 Post by Aggiegal »

I feel your pain. I'm 36 years old and wanted to rip my braces out of my mouth for the first 3 months that I had them on! But you know what? When you look in the mirror one day and see that your teeth are suddenly straight, it's an AMAZING feeling. I've been in braces for 15 months; 3-9 months left in my treatment and I'm very glad I did this for myself.

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#21 Post by krennen »

Feel free to whine to friends! My first weeks in braces were the same as yours. My molars didn't meet and chewing was almost impossible. I thought I had made a big mistake but with four teeth removed, there was no going back! In a few weeks chewing will get easier. After 7 and 1/2 months I am not completely "used" to having braces. My extraction gaps still haven't closed and my cheeks seem to get caught in my back teeth sometimes when I chew! I know things will always change as my teeth move. There are days when I feel 2 more years can't come soon enough!

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#22 Post by Lillers »

Hey Braces 2.0,

I've fantasized about getting into my mouth with a good pair of needle-nosed pliers and liberating those aching teeth! Then I usually take a few deep breaths and have some ice cream. Or a stiff drink. :wink:

BTW, I whined here big-time when I found out my debracing date would be postponed by at least several months. Everyone was kind and supportive (as opposed to critical), which helped a great deal.

Hang in there –– as others have said, it does get better.
Braced March 2005 (lower); November 2005 (upper); all ceramic. Goal = correcting overbite.

Lower jaw surgery was successfully performed December 18, 2006.

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#23 Post by wiredkitty »

I felt the same way and told people that if I'd know how awful they would feel - I would never have done it.

I used to be constantly aware of them but now its been 20 days and I'm getting used to them and go through long periods forgetting they are there. In fact I haven't used any wax for the last 2 days. I was going through heaps before.

Try and focus on other things in your life and time will go fast...

32yr old Kiwi
Braces on 10 August 06
1st adjustment 21 Sept 06
2nd adjustment 6 Nov 06
Surgery in a year
Expected treatment time: 24 months

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#24 Post by trigger »

Then if you hate it so bad get them removed. Christ, what a lameass. Of course there's gonna be some pain but the outcome makes it all worth it. If you plan on becoming successfull at anything in this world prepare for a little pain. I'TS CALLED THE PROCESS.

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#25 Post by trigger »

I agree my post was a bit harsh but c'mon. Don't you think her level of whining is a bit much? You'd think she was forced to put these on. i did'nt mean to offend but to prepare her for the fact that success does'nt come easy. I do however wish her all the best with her treatment.

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