Newbie who is freaking out

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Newbie who is freaking out

#1 Post by NatalieMac »

Hello all!

I have terrible crooked teeth - i have two teeth on the bottom that are actually in front of other teeth. I always wanted to get them straightened. I had a dentist as a kid who was also an orthodontist who tried desperately, over and over to get my parents to put braces on my teeth, but they wouldn't do it. At one point, she actually extracted a bottom bicupid and a top bicuspid thinking it would force my parents to get the braces, but they didn't cave. The spaces closed up and now my top teeth are shifted way to the right, while my bottoms are shifted way to the left.

I'm 32 and finally am able to afford to do this for myself. I'm so self-conscious of my teeth. I don't smile for photos and I usually cover my mouth to laugh.

I've consulted with two orthodontists now. Both say I need two more extractions to balance out the missing teeth. The first says four years and I can have ceramic braces top and bottom. The second said three years, but ceramic wouldn't be strong enough, that I would need full metal braces *and* head gear. I burst out crying and sobbing as soon as he mentioned it.

I don't know what to do. Somehow, I never thought that it would be a big deal to get braces. I'm so freaked out at the thought of having to deal with not being able to eat certain things or my mouth being sore or having headaches or problems with food getting stuck for YEARS! I'm worried about how it will affect my ability to work, how it will affect my relationship with my boyfriend, how it will affect my dating life if the relationship goes sour, and on and on and on.

I know that so many of you must have gone through this. I don't even know where to begin to make a decision about whether or not this will be worth it for me.

Any help or advice you can offer is much appreciated. I have a hard time talking about it without crying.

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#2 Post by Zondrae »

Hi there NatalieMac! I totally echo what linda21 & Meryaten have already said. You are only 32 - you are going to have your teeth for a really long time yet. 3 years in the scheme of things is really a short time.

I know it is a hard decision to come to. I'm 36 & have only just started this journey too. I was worried what my family would think. I was worried my husband might not like it. But you know what? People that love you are supportive - they want you to be as healthy & happy as possible.

Good luck with your decision & I hope you join us in "the club" real soon. :D

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#3 Post by Clo »


I have been here on this forum for about 3 years now. I have seen pics of
teeth that make you think, wow, this will take ages to correct. But in almost
all those bad cases, you could see such giant improvement in so little time.
I almost think, the worse your teeth are, the better they react to being in
braces. Like for example Dodger's experience :


It didn't even take 2 years for him to get a very nice result !
And there are a lot more such success stories in "Our braces stories"

And even when it takes longer, it is still not that bad either. I have now braces
for more than 28 months, and have to wear headgear too, and after some
adjustment time, this is all not so bad ! After some time, most of us feel like
our braces become part of our body in some way, so that most of the time
we even are not aware anymore we have them. So relax, it will work, you'll
If you think those 2 options are too different, then maybe you can see a
third ortho. I may make choosing a bit more simple if 2 orthos say about
the same. And don't forget, we are all here to help you decide what to do !
You are not alone in this !

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#4 Post by NatalieMac »

Thank you Meryaten. I am breathing. :-)

I was traumatized by a terrible dentist in my teens who did not believe in novocaine, so I avoided the dentist for over 12 years and just started going again about 2 years ago. I'm so terrified of being hurt or having pain in my mouth, so this whole braces business is enough to give me an anxiety attack.

I haven't made any decisions for sure. I definitely want to talk to more orthodontists before I decide anything.

Hello linda21! I agree about my childhood dentist's antics being bizarre. The dentists and orthodontists I've seen have been pretty surprised. They *were* perfectly healthy teeth, and I distinctly remember the bottom one broke at the root and she spent quite some time digging it out. Ugh. And that when my parents took me in for a routine cleaning and checkup.

My main motivation in getting the second consult was that I thought the price for the first one was too high! Turns out the price for the second was higher. I guess braces are just expensive. I'm very, very lucky, though because my dental insurance does offer at least some ortho coverage, which helps a bit.

You're right of course. Focusing on the negatives never gets anyone anywhere. Thank you for pointing me to the braces stories. I'm sure I'll feel better after reading those.

Hello Zondrae! Thanks for weighing in with your support.

Hi Clo! Wow, Dodger's story is amazing! I can't believe it. Thank you for your support and encouragement too.

Oh, I am so happy to have found this community. :-)

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#5 Post by Kris721 »

Well Nat, I think everyone here has said it all. The important thing is that you're doing something wonderful for yourself and those who aren't supportive of you can take a flying leap!

Have another consultation, get all the knowledge you can and you'll make the right decision. When it is all said and done, you will have a beautiful smile and the confidence that comes with it.

Good luck to you!

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#6 Post by stRaighteR »

i believe u should definitely get some more consultations and weigh ur options...

i was in braces before and i am planning on being braced again...i wore my braces for 3+ and i'm not going to lie and say that the time flew felt like forever...but when treatment was finished, it was well worth it...

if u're in a relationship now, getting braces shouldn't matter unless he's extremely superficial...he should be with u regardless...that's just my personal opinion....

take the plunge...i'm taking it for the second time...and you would be surprised at how many ppl on this forum are probably going through the same thing as u...


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#7 Post by Gennel »

NatalieMac, your heart will tell you exactly what you must do for yourself. I really feel for you and I do know from personal experience how you are feeling. I'm 36 and lived with anxiety issues over people's reacttion when they have a look at my chompers. I also had negative experience with a dentist and I actually did not return to a dentist for about 20 yrs! It's very scary at first and you have a hundred thoughts going through your mind and you stay up at night wondering about this. I never smiled in pictures,covered my mouth when I laughed. I did all that uncontiously.
I am married and worried about how my husband would deal with his wife in braces??? lol But you know what? He is very supportive and he knows just how bad I've felt in the past . I have severe crowding and had 6 extractions total. My orthodontist said my treatment will be around 2.5 yrs. Don't freak out with estimates because that is just what they are. My daughter had an estimate of 2 yrs .She's had braces for about 4 months now and guess what? The ortho is so impressed with her progress that he told her " If you wear your elastics 24/7, you will be out of braces in 18 months total! So she has about 14 months left. At first I was beyond terrified of what will happen next with my braces. Now I tell my ortho " if there is anything that will speed things up even if it means temporary discomfort, I'm all for it.

Since both orthodontist that you've gone to have given you totally different prices and treatment time, I would go to at least 1-2 more consultations and see if at least 2 orthodontist give you the same estimate and treatment time then you have a rough idea ...

Taking the plunge can be difficult. I can tell you that once you see progress and your treatment is over there will be no regrets. I have some progress already in less than 3 months and I'm thrilled beyond words!

Good Luck,

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#8 Post by Lisa65 »

Ditto what everyone else says. I've HATED my teeth ever since I was about 12, but until about 6 months ago I didn't even know that adults could have orthodontic treatment. I'm 41 and was told when I was 20 that it was too late to do anything about my teeth.

Unlike you I don't have a dentist phobia so for me it was just a matter of making the decision and finding the money.

But like everyone else here has said, you still have years and years to enjoy a nice smile and 2 years of discomfort/embarrassment would seem well worth it in the end. Take your time and find an ortho you feel comfortable with, and talk through your concerns with him/her. Take time to decide. Another few months won't hurt if you need that long to make up your mind.

There's always support here if you want it.

luv Lisa x

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You'll Be Fine - GO FOR IT!

#9 Post by BracesAt42 »

Hi NatalieMac,

Welcome to the club! I can share many of your concerns with getting braced; I hated my smile for over 10 years (due to crookedness and a bad crown on a front tooth), and finally took the plunge at age 42 and got braced.

I had my braces for just under two years, and overcame all of the little challenges along the way that you refer to. I was amazed at how quickly I adapted to having braces - within a matter of weeks you will learn how to eat, drink, floss, etc, with braces very easily.

Don't worry about how braces will affect your work life -- I lead large groups of people and have heavy interaction with all levels in my job, and do lots of public speaking (conferences, training, etc), and my braces had no impact.

Sure, the first few days are a bit awkward as coworkers notice your braces, but after that it is just a non-issue.

Most coworkers will secretly be thinking "I should fix my smile as well." Some will even confide this to you.

And, in my opinion, it is far better to have people notice your braces rather than your horrible smile -- at least their reaction will be "oh, cool, she is improving her smile" rather than "why doesn't she do something - her teeth are really bad."

When I had braces, I considered it a type of background project -- no matter if I had a good day, bad day or was overwhelmed with every day life -- my braces were working 24 x 7 moving me toward a better smile.

The time will go by so quickly you will be amazed; just go about your normal routine, get out and enjoy life, and before you know it, it will be your debanding day!

I am very happy you have found this site -- it is a great source of information, support, and community!

Best Wishes on your journey to a new smile.


:D :D :D
Yep, Braces at Age 42!
Damon 2's
Braces On: 9-18-2003
Braces Off: 7-13-2005


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#10 Post by hippyhippo »

My situation is quite a bit different than yours. My teeth actually aren't that crooked (the biggest issue cosmetically was my two front teeth overlapped). I was never self concious about smiling or laughing, and in reality, I was pretty happy with my teeth.

But like you I did agonize over getting braces. I mean, why would I put myself through all of this (and pay stupid amounts of money) for teeth I'm not all that unhappy with? For me, I decided that it was worth it to improve my huge overjet since it was beginning to cause me problems. Minor problems now, but according to my ortho and dentist, it would likely get worse if I didn't fix it.

I don't have to wear headgear, but I will need to have surgery. I think I'm happy with that tradeoff to be honest, but talk to me post-op and we'll see ;) As far as your other concerns go, let me give you my personal experience...

The first week was horrible. Sore mouth, sore teeth, couldn't chew anything hard, had problems speaking, etc. However, it does get better FAST.

I'm not quite 3 weeks in and I'm speaking normally (occassionaly I struggle with "s" and "sh" sounds, but that's it), my mouth is no longer sore, and I'm back to eating normal foods. Only things I can't quite eat yet are things I need to bite into with my front teeth (i.e. subs & burgers), but almost anything can be cut up, ripped up, etc and chewed with my back teeth. Food stuck in teeth? Ha! 30 seconds with a waterpik and problem solved. Or when I'm out, I just run to the washroom with my travel toothbrush and I'm good as gold. Really, I don't even worry about it anymore.

Admitidly, my bothfriend isn't quite used to my braces yet. But he supports me, and it hasn't had any impact on our relationship. As he says,"hey, it's still you under all that metal". As far as other guys go, I've been flirted to since getting these braces. I'm sure it's a turn off for some guys, but hey, it's a turn on for others. And work hasn't been an issue at all.

If you're unhappy with your teeth, I think it's great that you're considering braces. Would you rather go through a lifetime of hiding your teeth, or have to go through braces for a few years and be able to smile freely? While braces aren't exactly fun (I'm really looking forward to getting them off), they really aren't that horrible either, though I sometimes whine like they are! Heh. But it's amazing how quickly you adapt. And when you see your teeth moving in the first week of getting them on, it's very encouraging too!

Good luck with whatever you decide!

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#11 Post by NatalieMac »

Wow. You are all soooo friendly and supportive! I definitely feel like I've found the right place.

Hello Kris721! I had a long heart-to-heart with my bf this weekend, and that's made me feel a lot better. He's all for anything I want to do to take care of myself. Plus, somehow that conversation took a turn for the deeper end and we ended up talking about moving in together soon and maybe getting married! :shock:

Yes, stRaighteR and Gennel, I think you are absolutely right. I need more consultations. I've thought about it and talked it over with friends, and I'm not at all comfortable with either of the orthos I've seen so far. The first was too abrupt and didn't want to take time to answer my questions. Her assistant actually said to me at one point, "It's nice that you have your questions but the doctor knows what she's doing." Eek! I don't think I ever want to go back there. The second was just too young. Not to be age-ist, but I seriously think he was just out of dental school. Plus, he drew up my treatment plan in 30 minutes while running to two other exam rooms to quickly do adjustments without taking xrays or molds of my mouth. Hmmm...

Thank you again, Meryaten. I will be sure to mention that I'm nervous. I don't want an ortho who doesn't think that's important!

Thank you bracedagain for your support. :-)

Lisa65, I too was told at one point that I was now too old for ortho treatment. My mom even thought that I should skip the whole thing, get all my teeth pulled, and get dental implants! My dentist told me that if I could find someone who would agree to do that, I should sue them for malpractice!

BracesAt42, time *does* have a way of just flying by, doesn't it? I can only hope that it continues to do so while I have braces on my teeth.

Thank you, happyhippo. I love hearing that so quickly into your treatment you're seeing results and feeling good about your choice and already adapting to the whole business. That's *really* encouraging to me.

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#12 Post by NatalieMac »

Wow. You are all soooo friendly and supportive! I definitely feel like I've found the right place.

Hello Kris721! I had a long heart-to-heart with my bf this weekend, and that's made me feel a lot better. He's all for anything I want to do to take care of myself. Plus, somehow that conversation took a turn for the deeper end and we ended up talking about moving in together soon and maybe getting married! :shock:

Yes, stRaighteR and Gennel, I think you are absolutely right. I need more consultations. I've thought about it and talked it over with friends, and I'm not at all comfortable with either of the orthos I've seen so far. The first was too abrupt and didn't want to take time to answer my questions. Her assistant actually said to me at one point, "It's nice that you have your questions but the doctor knows what she's doing." Eek! I don't think I ever want to go back there. The second was just too young. Not to be age-ist, but I seriously think he was just out of dental school. Plus, he drew up my treatment plan in 30 minutes while running to two other exam rooms to quickly do adjustments without taking xrays or molds of my mouth. Hmmm...

Thank you again, Meryaten. I will be sure to mention that I'm nervous. I don't want an ortho who doesn't think that's important!

Thank you bracedagain for your support. :-)

Lisa65, I too was told at one point that I was now too old for ortho treatment. My mom even thought that I should skip the whole thing, get all my teeth pulled, and get dental implants! My dentist told me that if I could find someone who would agree to do that, I should sue them for malpractice!

BracesAt42, time *does* have a way of just flying by, doesn't it? I can only hope that it continues to do so while I have braces on my teeth.

Thank you, happyhippo. I love hearing that so quickly into your treatment you're seeing results and feeling good about your choice and already adapting to the whole business. That's *really* encouraging to me.

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#13 Post by Echo »

When I first got my braces, I thought to myself, "What was I thinking? This is horrible!" But before long, I was used to them and it was no big deal at all. Actually, when I got my braces off the other day, the ortho asked if I was excited. I said not really, I could continue wearing them with no problem because I was so used to them. I had them for 15 months and never had a broken bracket, wire, no emergency appointments at all. And I ate just about everything you're not supposed to! I never had extreme pain after adjustments, and the only headaches I had were during the first few days of elastics. So don't worry, it will be uncomfortable at first, but soon you won't mind them at all.

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#14 Post by NatalieMac »

Meryaten - I had a wonderful dentist. Then I got a new job, new insurance, etc. etc. and have a new dentist who is good but not nearly as wonderful as the last one. Anyway, the wonderful dentist is the one who referred me to the ortho who didn't have time to answer my questions, and the new dentist is the one who referred me to the other ortho. So, no luck there for me. I have another appointment for a consult with a third ortho the day after tomorrow, so we'll see what he says and how I feel after that appointment.

I definitely want to know exactly what's going to happen with my treatment. I'm so nervous about it - knowing what to expect puts me more at ease. So I don't want an ortho who won't even answer general questions during the consult!

Echo, I have a feeling that I'll feel the same way at first : "What was I thinking?!?!?!?" But hopefully I'll soon feel the same way as you and see them as no big deal and just get used to it. Thanks for your two cents. :-)

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#15 Post by Joanna20 »

Hi there. You seem to be going through a rough time, like most of us are.
The other day I saw some old pictures and immediately started crying, because since I have a lower and upper overjets my profile is ruined since I’m like 13… I didn’t had much conscience of it but now I do, and it makes me feel frustrated. My sister has perfect teeth and I wish they’ll be like hers… My family doesn’t know anything about orthodontics and isn’t motivating me at all – if it wasn’t for this website I would have never gone through braces… I don’t think!
Seriously, my advice is go ahead – don’t look back. Write your concerns here, start a braces journey, beware of what is happening in your mouth and chat with your ortho. about the treatment! I was just told I need 4 teeth pulled to make room to push my teeth back and I’m freaking out, ‘cause I’m going to have to hide that from my family and hide the bills and all until the gaps start to close. I am so stressed right now… I truly apologize for venting in your topic… But seriously go for it… I also had 2 lower stubborn canines who were in front of the rest of the teeth and now they’re moving back to where they belong. And yours will too!
Think positive and remember we are here to help you!



Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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