Muscle mass loss

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icis machine

Muscle mass loss

#1 Post by icis machine »

I have had my braces for about two months. I noticed a weight loss almost immediately and started trying to eat more protein to prevent muscle loss, but I am definitely losing muscle tone, mass, and general weight. I am also losing a lot of flexibility and my strained muscles are not healing. I am considering no long engaging in my physical activities until the braces are off (theorhetically in April) but the loss of training and lost ground is problematic for me.

I am in contact with a nutritionist now but I was wondering if anyone else has this problem and how you dealt with it. I am not looking forward to sweet protein shakes as much of my diet is sweet soft foods and not a nice steak.


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#2 Post by jaswi »

Protein and potassium shakes. Problem solved.

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#3 Post by lionfish »

I'd be loath to give up exercise for 2 years. In fact, it would make me desperately miserable. See if you can work out something with your nutritionist.

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#4 Post by jcdamon3 »

You will be eating normally within a month or two. Just hang in there. I didn't give up any exercising since getting braced. In fact I am doing more and eating healthy stuff.
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
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#5 Post by pippy »

Hi I am up to week 12 now and for the first two months really didn't eat much at all - it was too difficult apart from the squashy stuff. I have to say in the past two weeks it has been almost normal in terms of eating - have been hooking into pizza and salad (what a MESS!!), proper roast dinners and even bacon and eggs for brekky. Needless to say all that nice early weight loss is doomed!! Haven't tackled steak yet but only coz we eat our own on our farm and they are tough as boots :) Now someone find me a nice t-bone and I'll see what I can do!!

hang in can be hard for some of us for quite a while but it does get so much better!!!!

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#6 Post by Attagirl2 »

ices machine, you don't have to have the "sweet" protien shakes. You can make your own using Soy protien or Whey protien and milk. Then you just add the fruit/nuts or what ever you want.

You will be eating regular pretty soon. I found biting into food took the longest to be able to do. But cutting up food more than made up for that.
Had Damon 3 / Smart Clips for almost 2 years
Now in Hawley upper 10 hours/day, permanent lower retainers

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#7 Post by paulosportz »

im into bodybuilding and in the 4months ive had my braces ive managed to gain 4-5kg.

Its hard when you have an adjustment and u might loose a few kilos in a few days but once the pain is gone you just stuff your face with food again and gain the weight u loss + more.

during the days after my adjustment i would drink about 3-4 whey protien shakes per day and constantly eat chick/corn soup and chicken congee

just takes time to get use to.

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#8 Post by sjsarre »

I was the same I lost about 5lbs and i've kept it off but I exercise 4 to 5 times a week intensely..

I would suggest that you visit your doctor if it continues as you shouldn't losing muscle mass and having sprains because of a brace, it might be just a period of time you are going through.

For the past 8 years I have been an avid fitness fanatic. Sometimes I go through periods where for some reason I will strain muscles even when I don't overexert them or change my routine. Typically my hamstrings or calf muscles. It just happens.

Maybe it is time to change your exercise routine?

It might also be wise to complete a food diary for a week or two and see whether you are taking in enough food.

I never drink protein shakes I don't see the need for them, I eat lean white meat, fish such as tuna and prawns and I have two omlettes a week. Cheddar cheese also contains good levels of protein and so does milk.


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#9 Post by candygrrrl »

I'll echo sjsarre's sentiments. First of all protein shakes are a waste of money. You can get the same benefits taking a daily multi-vitamin and eating some of the things the poster recommended: omelets and fish are great-tasting, nutritious and easy on the sore mouth. As are banana/fruit/yogurt smoothies.

As for my experience, I'm an amateur outdoor adventure athlete. I hike, climb, bike, canyoneer, run trail races. Not only did I have to keep up my strength and training with braces, I had to do so with an expander in my mouth for the first six months. I had fears at first, but quickly learned just how many things there are I could eat with a sore mouth – at times too many! In fact, I had to watch the calories initially. And once my teeth settled down, I was eating just about anything, including steaks and pizza.

Unfortunately, I'm back to sore teeth as the expander has come out, to be replaced by elastics and a mouth bow. OW! I totally cannot bite into a thing. I have to cut everything up into tiny pieces.

So, there are ways to adjust. The important thing is to maintain your health, strength, and sense of humor. That will help you get through anything.

Best of luck in your treatment!

icis machine
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#10 Post by icis machine »

Thank you for everyone's feedback. Actually, I have always taken vitamins and so forth. I don't really have sore teeth or anything, but I should have clarified the problem better.

Before the braces, I ate all the time. At least once every two hours and usually not brace friendly food. Now I am eating once every 5-6 hours and I am unable to eat larger amounts to compensate because I am tired of brush and flossing most of my day. I don't have much time to prep weekly meals for myself anymore due to work,school, and 2nd job/hobby commitments.

I was wondering if anyone had something other than shakes to compensate.


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#11 Post by bbsadmin »

Have you gone to the doctor for any blood tests? I understand that you used to eat every few hours, but having braces on shouldn't make you lose so much weight so quickly or make your muscles feel weak.

I think you should go to your medical doctor and get a full blood workup, including fasting blood sugar, thyroid (TSH), and anemia. Tell your doctor what you told us. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to do this. Do it immediately! Please let us know how things turn out.

By the way, I'm not sure how in the world you were able to make your first post as a "guest." A person has to be a registered member in order to post. Not sure how that happened!
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#12 Post by ame_malia »

I don't know what braces have to do with exercise, but as for the food problems, I might be able to help you out there (as none of my teeth touch each other, due to a bite plate, which makes chewing impossible, BTW, are your eating problems due to pain, or a problem like mine?)
-soup - any kind (you can put it in the blender, if the chunks are too big)
-tuna, or any other fish (fish is usually soft enough to mash around with your tongue, or just swallow whole, plus it will help with your protein intake)
-casserole-type dishes are usually soft, and easily cut into small bites that are easy to eat
-applesauce, and soft canned fruits such as peaches
-vegetables cooked until soft
-soft breads, especially if butter is added to make it even softer (even if you can't bite easily, you can tear off small peices with your fingers)
-potatoes and rice are usually easily eaten, especially with some type of gravy or sauce accompaning them (adding cream of mushroom soup to wild rice after it is cooked is very yummy)

If pain makes eating difficult, take some kind of medicine, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, a little while before eating so that the pain will be less when it comes time to eat.


icis machine
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#13 Post by icis machine »

bbsadmin wrote:Have you gone to the doctor for any blood tests? I understand that you used to eat every few hours, but having braces on shouldn't make you lose so much weight so quickly or make your muscles feel weak.

I think you should go to your medical doctor and get a full blood workup, including fasting blood sugar, thyroid (TSH), and anemia. Tell your doctor what you told us. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to do this. Do it immediately! Please let us know how things turn out.
My doctor has done all those tests just prior to my original posting, so we are placing this entirely in the nutritionists hands. In the meantime, I am force feeding myself and have gained a few pounds this week, but is a pre-menstrual week.

The type of weight I am losing is pretty much entirely muscle and my torn muscle is not able to repair so my flexibility is slowly deteriorating. The requirements for the activity (ballet) I am undertaking requires both flexibility and strength.

However, I have taken in some of the suggestions for the more savory foods and that has helped tide me over.

Thanks for the support.


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#14 Post by move4ward »

In the process of that protein gorging, are you neglecting fat? Fat helps the body utilize the protein in your diet. Drinking more protein won't help you, if it's not being digested and utilized.

Omelets, mashed up avocado, some butter with your meals, flax seed oil.

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