Why am I so nervous??? gah...

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Why am I so nervous??? gah...

#1 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

I am sort of happy that my dentist had to reschedule me due to being out of the office the day I was suppossed to get fillings re-done. The whole story is on a thread on here somewhere. However my excitement had turned to fear. For some reason I got so emotionally distraught...well not distraught but just nervous to point of tears almost. I feel like such a dorQ major.

I don't see any reason to be so nervous. It's such a simple process from what I have seen and heard. I don't know if it's the pain that I am afraid of or what. But I've read that it doesnt last long and that I'll get used to it and all that. I don't know. Maybe it's just a mental thing...lol :-* .
And maybe it's the whole thought of getting a whole new face. Becuase I am sure I will not look the same afterwards. There will be a drastic difference whn its all over. This gaping whole between my teeth the size of another tooth will no longer be there. I think that is what is getting to me.

**SIGH** It sounds dumb, I know, but Im thinking this is where all the fear is coming from, Not looking like the me I have known for 24 yrs...haha. I see why the ppl on Extreme makeover cry...lol. But...at any rate. I'm giving myself some time. I am still sore from the fillings. I glad i did not have spacers at the time. I don't want to inflict anymore pain on myself than need be. So sometime in November I make the appt. to get the ball started rolling...again...lol :D
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Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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#2 Post by Dramagyrl »

Your reaction is totally normal. And I wouldn't even say it's fear so much as anxiety. It's a big investment you are getting yourself into - financially, physically and emotionally- it's totally understandable to feel some nerves about it.

Mine kicked in the day I went to the ortho. As I was walking out the door I got all misty-eyed when I realized I was embarking on something really big that was going to have a drastic effect on the next two years of my life and even still beyond that. The B-day appointment was fine too, but after I walked out of the office, I had another mini-meltdown because I was not sure if I had made the right choice.

I'm sure many other people on the board have similar stories. I think anxiety is the natural reaction and sometimes it just gets mistaken for fear. There's nothing to be afraid of, but every reason to be nervous. I'm sure you've also prepared yourself with many of the other threads on here that give you a good idea of what to expect and when it is all said and done, you'll be smiling - both for the ease in which things went, and for knowing that you've made a great choice!


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#3 Post by Jillianleab »

I think what you are feeling it totally natural. I was really nervous before getting my braces for a number of reasons - pain, change in profile, self-esteem, other's reactions... I have to admit for about a week I was pretty anti-social. What broke me of it was going to a wine fest with my hubby and a good friend, and meeting some other people there. After a few glasses of wine I felt a lot better, I can tell you that much! But really, I think getting out helped. Might be something for you to think about after brace day :)

Nerves are normal, but don't let them really get to you. I know my face has changed a little since having braces (I had a 10mm overbite, for cryin' out loud!), but I don't think it's so drastic that it makes me look like another person or anything. I'm sure you will find you have the same experience.

Don't stress too much - REALLY ISN'T as bad as you think it will be!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here:
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 2806#92806

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#4 Post by Kat »

I acually cried at the office! I always wanted straight teeth, it was something I knew would be a big positive change for me. At my consult I cried. After they installed my hardware I looked in the mirror and thought I hate these already, they weren't on for two minutes. W felt vunerable, mixed up, wondered if I did the right thing, wanted them off right there, was scared sesame on the "what if's" who knows what else but a constant thought about being right inbetween the love hat realsonship I had with these new things on my being, they were invasive.
People ask me if I regret it or if I could do it again would I...without a doubt. The out come of what I'm going through is going to be far greater than not doing this. I know this in my heart so when I'm up against it with these things I know I took the plunge and am doing something for myself that is going to help me in the beauty department.

I find I smile much bigger now, sinse about after a week of being braced. I smile so big that even I'm wondering what I look like-what others see. They see something I was never able to do. They see the confident me.

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#5 Post by Natalie »

i'm one of the most emotional people in the world! when i got my exractions i cried! actual full on tears and a little mini tantrum to go with them...and this was at the dentist! oops...

what i've found is that everything i've worried about has been worse to worry about than to actually do, nothing has been as bad as i've built it up to be.

i'm trying to be positive...today is the day i go to work for the first time with braces (i only got them on fri) so i hope it all goes well!

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#6 Post by Lisa65 »

It's natural to have strong emotions about something that impacts your appearance so much.

Don't feel like a dork. I think a lot of us have been in that place you are now emotionally. From your previous posts it sounds like you found an ortho you liked and trusted. The first part is the hardest. Once those braces are finally on you'll look back and wonder why you were so stressed out about it.

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#7 Post by Ronsie »

Dear turrrtlelove22,

It is totally natural to feel nervous, emotional and anxious. Don't feel awkward just give yourself time. I'm another one of those that 'thought' about braces for more than 20 years before taking the plunge and I NEVER would have done it without the help of archedwired.

I was so looking forward to being braced prior to the placement of the braces. But just after being braced, after a long time of silence, I turned to my mother-in-law in the car on the way home and said, "What the hell was I thinking?!" We both had a good laugh!

I've been in braces for a month and a half and had all of the same feelings. Sometimes I felt miserable. I also was scared of how my face might change for the worse when they pull my teeth back to close the gaps. My ortho was concerned about not wanting to 'flatten my face'. Yikes!

Now I don't even think about those things, I'm just enjoying the changes that I'm seeing in my teeth. (My big celebration will be when my front teeth un-cross!! Wow!! That will be soon.)

Take it easy on yourself and know that these emotions/anxieties are completely normal. It will be worth it! And it will get easier!

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#8 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Thank you all so much for being so supportive. I was thinking I was just being infantile about about it all. But after reading these testimonies I see that it is a process and that it is a big change. And that reacting this way is normal. I almost sure I will get in the car or make it home and say to myself (like several of you have already) what was I thinking!!!...lol.

But I am beginning to understand that this is all for the better and that in the long run I will be thanking myself when I am older. I will have the smile that I have always wanted instead of looking back and saying to myself I wish I had have taken care of it then. So I am happy to do it now that I am young. Not that it matters much being older than 25 and having them as so many lovely, older ppl do on here. :D

The majority of the ppl that I have talked to in person that had braces were younger like in their teens and so it wasnt that big a deal to them really and they just blew it off. The older ppl that I have talked to about it were more informational about it. More about the process, and their feelings...which is they like them and have no regrets about going through with it. I'm thinking becuase they have to pay for it themselves so they actually see what its worth...literally. The younger set don't. They know they are getting them and mom and dad or whoever is chucking up the cash for it.

Anyways. I can't wait to get started. I am hoping that it will be uneventful, but I'm doubting that it will be, with my luck...lol. So for that reason I am going to be thinking as positively as possible while going into it and if I cry they will be happy tears!!!...hehe. And I have someone going with me and someone who wants to go with me just because she is just that excited for me...lol...friends are the best. And so is Archwired. I love this place. I learned so much more than any dentist or orthodontist could ever tell me. Getting info from so many points of view is make it all the more worth while going through with it. I'm glad I have gotten into the habit of researching things. This site was one of the first hits...YAY...hehe...

Again thank you for all for your comments they have reassured me more than you know.... :D :D :D :D :D :D
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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