To brace or not to brace: Worried about extraction

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To brace or not to brace: Worried about extraction

#1 Post by toneten10 »

I'm on my late 20s and have been contemplating for a while as to whether or not I should have braces. When I finally found the courage and researched for a decent orthodontist to do the procedure, I was told that I need to have four bicuspids extracted. FOUR!!! Not to mention the fact that I have two impacted wisdom tooth on my lower teeth which also need to be removed.

I'm worried and scared. I'm hoping that someone could describe their experiences as to whether or not it was worth it (to have their third molars and bicuspids extracted), if the process was painful, etc. Stuff I need to know before I finally make a decision. I need some inspiration to get me through this.

Thanks. :)

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#2 Post by Joanna20 »

4? That's nothing... I had to remove:
- All my wisdom teeth (2 were impacted and needed surgery)
- 2 lower second molars (due to wisdom teeth complications)
- 4 premolars

U should feel happy!!! I will be missing 10 teeth by the end of my orthodontic treatment!!!



Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
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#3 Post by tofino »


It sounds like your situation is quite similar to mine.

Regarding extractions: after all my research, all my thinking, worrying, and the like, it was so insignificant. As dismissive as this sounds, simply sit down in the chair and get it done. I'll be undergoing jaw surgery on Dec. 15, and I've emotionally come to the place where I should have been regarding extractions: they put me under, I wake up less than a hour with a new face and some recovery. Done.



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But then again, with wisdom teeth...

#4 Post by tofino »


I should mention a very unpleasant experience with the extraction of four badly impacted wisdom teeth. It was done in a chair by a maxillofacial surgeon, with I.V. sedation. I became aware during the procedure, moaned a bit, then I was put under again. My current surgeon explained that in 1991 the surgeon was titrating my sedation - acting conservatively, avoiding an overdose. My lesson from all this is that I should choose either a local or a general, and nothing in between.

But yet to this day I want to know why, when I awoke, the nurse asked me if I was a smoker (I wasn't). I called the surgeon's office asking for the surgical notes, but they don't have them. Any theories out there?



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#5 Post by pippy »

Hi toneten, I wimped out of braces for the past 16 years purely out of terror of extractions! And that was only the bicuspids!! So believe me I know where you are at. A few months ago I noticed a wisdom tooth come through and create more hassles so went for a consult. In the end I had to get all 4 wisdoms out ...all impacted in a very small mouth. As it was being done under a general I thought what the heck and got the 4 bicuspids out too. Was nervous to the point of throwing up on the day and it was all so easy.....honestly. Took less than an hour, I woke up and looked at the clock and said to the nurse....oooh that was quick...and away we went. I kept waiting for all the swelling and misery post op but it never came...I just looked dorky with my ice packs and my husband availed of the teasing opportunity. The only time the swelling was noticeable was when a particularly badly impacted wisdom got dry socket and even that wasn't bad at all. Don't let this part of the process put you off.........I wish I had been braver all those years ago...or even any years ago...the worrying about it beforehand is 50 times worse than the actual doing it. Good luck

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#6 Post by xtrememkovr »

sorry to hear about your bad experience - ...
wanted to pop in and shed some light on a possible explanation to the smoking question.

If you are a smoker and you smoke after extractions, I believe it is likely that you may get dry root (is that what it's called?) and it can be quite painful. People who smoke are often instructed to not smoke during a part of the healing to insure that this doesn't happen.

Sorry if it's not "dry root" - but I'm pretty sure that is the word for it - or dry socket or something equally as painful as that. ;) It's a routine question that they ask after extractions, I believe, so it may not have been something that would appear in any notes in your file/folder...


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#7 Post by Ronsie »

Dear toneten10,

I had four second bicuspids removed under nitrous oxide and novacaine. The procedure itself was very easy and only had a little nausea afterwards from the gas. But I was lucky in that I never took any pain medication afterwards. I'm definitely one of those dental-phobics so the gas really did the trick. If you're having wisdom teeth extracted, too, they'll likely recommend general anesthesia. In either case, have someone with you to help you get comfy at home afterwards.

I would say that the most difficult part was keeping the extraction sites free of food over the next two weeks as I already had my braces on.

Wishing you the best!

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#8 Post by newmetal »

I had four teeth extracted and was quite worried at first, what a waste of time that was! I felt nothing, of course it is uncomfortable after as there is a bit of blood. Although, the actual process didnt hurt at all, you are giving an injection which tottally numbs you so you dont feel anything. Trust me, its not as daunting as it seems, your feelings are normal but theres no need to be worried!

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#9 Post by wen »

Hi Toneten10,

I recently had 4 bicuspids removed as well, and like Ronsie, I was under Nitrus w/ Novacaine. While I think I fought the effects of the Nitrus, the Novacaine did its job. It was freaky looking the surgeon in the eyes as he was pulling teeth from my skull, but I didn't feel one ounce of pain during or post extraction. They prescribed Vicadin which I never had to take, the whole procedure was totally painless.

The only drawback, was there alot of bleeding for several hours, but it came to a halt after 8 hours or so.

You should be fine, good luck!

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#10 Post by mominbraces »

I have had 2 upper and 2 lower bicuspids extracted
over the last 4.5 months. I had no pain after the upper
teeth were removed (after the anasthetic wore off,
that is). After the bottom teeth were removed
I did need to take some Motrin for a few days. The
dental surgeon said this was because the lower teeth
were "denser".

I had my wisdom teeth out nearly 20 years ago. All
were impacted, I had general anasthesia, and as I recall
I did require painkillers for at least a week afterward.

I went into my treatment with much hope and
expectation on part of my ortho that I would
not require extractions, but obviously that did not
pan out. I have no regrets about my extractions,
but here are some questions I wish I had thought to
ask beforehand.

1. Will you have to wear some kind of anchoring
device after the extractions? Often it is necessary
to wear a holding arch, or "nance", to prevent the
wrong teeth from moving into extraction holes.
The average length of time I have seen for wearing
holding appliances is about 6 months but there are
people on this board who have worn them
for 1.5-2 years. Most people adapt to wearing an
appliance within a few weeks, as I did, but the thing
does affect my speech.

2. How far foward (i. e., toward your front teeth)
will the eventual extraction gaps be located, and will
your speech be affected? I currenty have some
big spaces between my lateral incisors and my
canines, and I have to struggle to not lisp or
slur my consonants.

3. How long will you have the extraction gaps, even
after accounting for the rate of teeth movement?
I feel fortunate that closing my extraction gaps is
the number one priority for my ortho. I have read
postings on this board from people who have lingering
extraction gaps for 1-2 years, because their ortho is
focusing on some other aspect of their treatment plan.

4. Although this was not an issue for me, some
people have expressed concern that extractions will
alter the contours of their face.

I hope you won't be out off from seeking treatment
because of a prospect of extractions. But it is nice
to be informed. Best of luck to you.

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#11 Post by moonchick »

Hi Toneten10!

I've had four teeth extracted as well, 2 upper bicuspids, one lower bicuspid and one lower molar (I was lucky enough to have an extra molar on that side). To prepare, I took two aspirin and got an injection of novocaine. The actual extractions themselves was pretty painless and the only discomfort I felt was the slight tugging sensation when my dentist pulled the tooth out.

Afterward, she gave instructions of no eating, drinking or brushing on the extraction side for the next 24 hours for the clot to form and prevent dry socket. I did feel slight pain in one area, but that was taken care of by aspirin.

I've had power chains for two months now to close the gaps. So far, I've seen a HUGE improvement in the upper right and left. The lower ones seem to be taking their fine time, so I've had elastics on those for the past month.

I think the worst part is as KK mentioned, knowing you can't get them back. although I did get a little comfort that my ortho did her best to pick out the ones that had fillings so that I could keep as many "healthy" teeh as possible.

Good luck with your treatment! :D

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#12 Post by Mmmmuuaa »

My Ortho at first wanted 4 extractions. Then after I had my xrays and pic.'s taken he said only 2. After I had time to think it over I asked if there was anyway I could go with no extractions. He said that it was no problem, that I'd just need to wear elastics then. That sounded good and that's the road I've taken. I'm hoping for a nice big toothy smile!

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#13 Post by toneten10 »

Hello everyone! Thanks for all your advices, comforting words and well wishes. I have to admit, my worries have subsided a little.

To those that suggested that I have more than one consult: I already did. The first consult I had was from a general practitioner that also practiced on orthodontry. She mentioned that I had to have some teeth extracted. Although she didn't mention how many. The 2nd consult was with an actual orthodontist. During the consult, she took a look at my teeth and said that I needed to have four teeth extracted. One from every quadrant. And then she also mentioned that she needed to extract my lower jaw's impacted wisdom tooth (take note, I already had one taken out in my lower jaw-which is why I was concerned in the first place.)

Anyway, I have no problems with the fact that she might need to extract my upper bicuspids. I was more worried that 4 teeth will be extracted from the bottom (ie two wisdom tooth, two bicuspids). After hours and days of worrying, I asked the ortho (2nd consult) if it would be possible not to extract any teeth from my lower jaw. And she said that we could put that on hold until we see the result of alignment on that side. So that's good... Don't you think? Hopefully, everything will turn out okay. I'll be having my extractions November 4. So there you go... just wanted to update you guys!

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#14 Post by Gennel »

there is very little pain with extractions andif you do have discomfort it's usually a day. Mine was not your typical extraction. One of my tooth's root was very ,very twisted so that one tooth extraction was a problem.
If it makes you feel any better I had 6 extractions done in one day PLUS I need all 4 wisdom teeth extracted also! So a total of 10 teeth! I had all 32 teeth until this lol. One thing I can tell you is this .... My fears and anxiety was 100times worse than the actual procedure! As soon as it was done ,I told the oral surgeon" OMG , I can't believe that I did'nt sleep for over a week over this!"

You can make yourself crazy with anxiety. I ended up needing sleeping pills for one week because I was sleeping like 2-3hrs a day when the extraction date was like a week away! You will do fine. Talk it over with your ortho if you have any other concerns.


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#15 Post by toneten10 »

Hello KK,

Thanks for commending me on my effort to explain my concerns to my ortho. I really wanted to have braces but was quite worried about the extractions :p Right now I guess I have to wait till the day of extractions. Part of me is still worried (obviously) but part of me is quite excited about the adventure I'm about to embark on.

Well, I'll be having another consult tomorrow, before the actual extractions which will probably be scheduled next saturday. I'll keep you guys posted.

Btw, it's really nice to have Brace Buddies here. It makes the process less scary. Anyway, thanks again and todallooo!!!

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