New smile...only 20 months away.. In need of support!!

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New smile...only 20 months away.. In need of support!!

#1 Post by sarahxxx »

Hi Everyone

I am soon to have 4 teeth extracted and my braces fitted 3 weeks later. Am I worried, yes! Not so much about the braces as having four gaping holes in my mouth where teeth used to be. I imagine not wanting to leave the house for a long time, but I need braces and am not happy with how my teeth look so I must get it sorted for myself. I love to smile so am looking forward to having straight teeth to show off, will just have to cover my mouth in the mean time!! Will I get used to my new gummy smile and metal mouth??? Will I be able to kiss without the other person feeling my braces ?? Will anone want to kiss me with 4 teeth missing? haha :D

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#2 Post by TuZZi »

I had 4 teeth removed as well... after I had the braces for a month. You may think you're smile will be "gummy" or that all people will focus on are your braces, but truthfully, you are the only one that will make a big deal over them. If you don't make a fuss over your smile, usually no one else does, except for compliments, or sheer interest.

I had a seriously messed up smile 14 months ago, but now I'm on the home stretch... I think I only have 6 more months to go, and really, I've barely noticed my braces in the last 6 months or so. They don't bug me anymore (except after adjustments,) I'm not scared to break them, and I don't get mouth sores, or pokey wires anymore either.

20 months may seem like a long time, but trust me... the time will fly by. The longer you have your braces, the more you will want to smile. I'm a total example of that - before my braces, I rarely smiled because I was so self-conscious of my train-wreck of a mouth. Within the first month after I was braced, I had tons of compliments from people that I seemed a lot happier, and that I smiled a lot more often. I guess it was just from the fact that I knew my smile would be fixed soon, and I wanted to start showing it off!

So don't fear sarahxxx.... there are tons of us here in the same boat as you... we're all here to help each other, and share our past experiences so we can hopefully help others in the process. Enjoy your braces, you'll really get to like them once you see some positive change!!
Full On Metal! Aug 31, 2005
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#3 Post by charlotte T »

Hi Sarahxxx

I had 4 teeth out recently and had my braces put on just over 2 weeks ago. I was worried about how people would react to me having big gaps in my mouth, but nobody commented on the gaps suprisingly. The first day or two was a bit wierd - getting used to eating and stuff, but you'll be suprised at how quickly it feels "normal". Salt water rinses the next day to help heal the holes really do work as well.
I had the extractions done two at a time, a week apart and took the rest of the day off work each time and just chilled out for the rest of the day. Now that my braces are actually on, I don't notice the gaps at all!

I thought of it as the first steps towards the smile I always wanted.

(my boyfriend doesn't have any problems with the gaps or braces! :lol: )

Let us know how it goes.

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#4 Post by juf_84 »

Hi Sarah!

I've never had gaps- well except for when I lost my baby teeth- but I only just realised three months ago that my Dad had a tooth missing and, as a result, a gap! And he's been my Dad my whole life lol! So I wouldn't worry too much about people noticing your gaps!

As for the braces themselves... well I have never smiled so much in my life! You will get used to them so quickly.

And kissing... well my boyfriend and I still kiss as much as ever! The only problem I have ever had is just after an adjustment, so just be gentle when you first get your braces and after adjustments- and beyond that kissing won't be any different! :D

Best of luck!

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#5 Post by ldowns99 »

Hi Sarah!

I just had one of my bottom front teeth extracted this past Friday (the 3rd) and now have a gaping hole in the middle of my bottom row. While it was only one tooth and not four, the extraction happened very quickly and was painless for me. I went with a local anesthetic and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and this worked well. I could hardly believe it when it was over, it was so easy. I had some soreness in the gums/jaw that is now practically gone, but no actual pain.

My husband says that he only sees the gap if I have my mouth open wide and sometimes when I talk, but it's unnoticeable when I smile. I agree with some of the other posts that we probably focus on it more than others and I'm sure it'll be fine for you. Kissing, etc. is the same as it's always been for us - no problems/worries. :D

I'm 37 and just got my braces on two weeks ago and am still adjusting, but even with the extraction, I'm very glad I'm finally doing this for myself, and I'm sure you will be too!

Best of luck to you!

Lisa D.

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#6 Post by florencegal »

Hi Sarahxxx and welcome!

Wow - so much of your story rings true with me. In fact pretty much all of it, word for word! I understand 100% where you're coming from with everything - the extractions, the gaps, the kissing issue - it's like looking in a mirror! :lol:

Like you, more than the pain or discomfort of extractions I was so unbelievably anxious from the point of view of vanity and how terrible I thought it was going to look, especially in these 10 days before getting my braces fitted. Now I don't know which teeth you're having out, but after having my premolars out (the ones just in front of the molars - not sure if they're called the 1st or 2nd ones) last Tuesday not one single person has noticed a thing. It's incredible! Again like you, I am a very smiley person and it has been tricky sometimes to resist the urge to flash a big beaming smile at cherished friends but I already care and think about it so much less after just 1 week. Only if I want to have a real big chuckle at something in public do I bother to cover my mouth with my hand. I truly believe that even if you do smile wide enough for the gaps to show a little bit, the honest truth is that other people are so wrapped up in their own lives (and quite rightly so) that they just don't notice or register what they see. I too was convinced I wouldn't want to leave the house for weeks and stocked up on magazines and dvds but I happily survived a long work trip to London to meet very important clients the very day after, went out to the cinema with a huge group of people 3 days after, met my "childhood sweetheart" at the theatre 4 days after and proceeded to go for drinks and dancing til 4am. And don't think I'm superhuman or especially brave, I'm generally quite a baby when it comes to wallowing in self-pity and often lack strength of will and confidence: you will recover physically and mentally sooo much quicker than you fear right now - I promise!

I haven't seen my boyfriend since the extractions and to be honest am slightly worried like you about dealing with being "intimate" with braces but please take comfort in what the others have said here. Absolutely anyone worth kissing won't give a d**m!! I'm sure with a little care at first you will be able to carry on just as before.

I've realised I'm speaking here like an old hand but I've yet to even get my braces and have relatively very little experience of this whole thing. But to see how "easy" the whole extraction process and recovery can be (touch wood! :lol:) check out my thread in the Braces Stories forum and for all the rest please know that here you'll find all the support you need in the next 20 months. And then some!

Please sleep easy tonight - you're gonna be fine! :thumbsup:

Last edited by florencegal on Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#7 Post by florencegal »

my very first double post! :oops: :lol:

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#8 Post by sjsarre »

Hi Sarah

Congrats on taking the plunge... I had four teeth extracted and the extraction gaps were the thing that worried me the most. Within about 3 weeks I really had forgotten about the gaps except for when I was eating as I got food a bit stuck, however within six to eight weeks I adjusted to them completely and had no problems. My gaps are now about 75% closed in seven months which is great.

My partner says to me that he can't feel my brace when we kiss. To be honest I think I am the one thats more parnoid!!11


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[color=indigo]Big Thanks[/color]

#9 Post by sarahxxx »

Thanks to everyone who replied to my topic. I have now had my 1st 2 teeth taken out and the next 2 are coming out on 23 nov. My bottom jaw ached for a while but not too bad really. Thank you for all your reassurance, it has really helped to hear from so many people in similar situations. Nobody has really noticed my gaps so far and I am on my way to my new smile :D :D . Braces go on, on 13 Dec 06, Bring it on!! :lol: [/b]

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#10 Post by gracie381 »

I also had 4 teeth removed, but actually I didn't let it bother me. I just smiled like normal. Everybody could see my braces, and knew I was having work done, so I really didn't care, because I know when this is all over I will have a beautiful smile and those gaps will be nothing more than history!! I have been in my braces 13 months and time has flown! After a while you barely even notice they are there, it just becomes part of you. Even though I will be glad to discard that part of me! LOL! Best of luck and hang in there. Also, my hubby has nevered complained about kissing me with my braces. The only time I complained was at first maybe after an adjustment when they might be a little sensitive for a couple of days, otherwise, I can't tell much of a difference! Just remember it's all worth it!!
TEETH NOW (Oct. 28, 2007)
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#11 Post by valster »

I'm having four teeth out as well. Our orthodontists must all be copying each other!

Well, at least you're not the only one! :D

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#12 Post by jdub »

Cool - We've got the same B-Day sarahxxx (12/13). Hope yours goes well!

As for kissing...I've been on the other side when my wife had braces a few years ago. I did notice them at times, but when that happened it was usually 'cuz things were <blush> going well </blush> :oops: ! Initially we waited several weeks because we didn't know what to expect. Then a couple of days around the adjustments were off-limits. Otherwise, business as usual.

I'm curious to see how she reacts to them in a few weeks.


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