I am a 41 female with all four wisdom teeth and a missing lower front tooth (hypodontia). Little crowding below, medium crowding on top. Gums and teeth in good condition. 2mm overbite in front. No crossbite. No facial deformities.
Consult #1:
Very experienced, highly rated/reviewed ortho who explained that a missing lower incisor would make the process more complicated in that straightened uppers would create a 7-8 mm overbite.
Recommendation: Clarity braces, upper and lower with the removal of two upper bicuspids. 2 years of treatment at $4900. Limited retainer afterwards
Consult #2:
Recommended by my dentist, 30+ years of experience, no internet reviews available.
Recommendation: IPR on my upper teeth to limit any increase in overbite. No extractions. Metal braces lower. Clarity braces upper. 9 months with braces at $2800. Consistent retainer use required afterwards.
Now. These are very...VERY different results.
I did not mention to DDS #2 that I had already recived a consult from DDS #1 until the end of the consultation. His explanation for the differences: 'overkill'. He did nothing whatsoever to diminish or disparage the reputation of DDS #1, but simply stated that I do not require such a lengthy and extensive process.
Now, I will admit that well before receiving the estimate from DDS #2 that I was already in favor of having him perform the procedure due to the noticable improvement in hygiene and sense of calm within his office as compared to DDS #1.
One more small thing...
I have a history of heart murmur.
DDS #1 simply asked if I typically require antibiotics prior to receiving dental cleanings and then said nothing more about it.
DDS # 2 requires a letter from my cardiologist or M.D. before performing any invasive procedure. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Could these consults be any more different?!
I am so confused...and so concerned. Clearly, I don't care for working with DDS #1 for the reasons mentioned above, however, does that necessarily make DDS #2 the correct choice?
Should I seek a third opinion?
Any advice would be appreciated.