Am I the only one????

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Am I the only one????

#1 Post by Skinny »

Hi there...I had an adjustment like no other today, Im wondering if anyone has been though this same thing or not? Im in so much pain right now....I would like to see if this pain is normal? or when it will get better?
Ok here is what happened.....
My Ortho put my wires in, way diffrent today. He put it in normal for the frount teeth but then on the sides and back teeth, he ran the wire up over my brackets (On the top teeth) and under the brackets (on the bottom). I felt major preasure after he did this. He told me its to fix my bite. He is pulling the teeth and bone down so my teeth meet diffrently.
Now Im having sharp pains in my gums and teeth. And the presure is unbelivable!!!!!
Please tell me Im not the only one who has ever had this done... :oops:
Im 30 Female
TMD, Crowding, Overbite
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#2 Post by Skinny »

THank you!!!
Im tring my best to be a big girl about this!!!! haha
Im looking forward to moving forward even if it means going though this.
....I guess?...... :roll:
I sure would like to meet someone who has been though this before that is for sure!
Im 30 Female
TMD, Crowding, Overbite
Clear on top Medal on bottom
Beauitful smile wishes to Everyone!

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#3 Post by Kat »

I had something close and even posted a question about the pinging in a tooth. It's painful just like a toothache.

Went back to the dentist thought I had something in my tooth under the gum but after he scraped around a bit I went home and haven't had the same pinging as before.
So, if after a adjustment you are feeling this it most likely normal and your teeth are just very sensitive.

Load up on the over the counter meds.
I used a tylenol and a advil and two bare asprins at the same time for a couple days when my pain started and I haven't had to take anymore for a few days now. Just eat a little something with the meds for your tummy.

These things do make us hurt, I really didn't know how much before bracing. I always read they were uncomfortable but it does go past that.
You'll be ok, take something for it.

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#4 Post by chrisd »

it is possible to get what is called a traumatic eruption of a tooth. that is to pull the tooth out so quickly that the root is damged. if it is that unbearable i would give a call.
3m clarity on top changed to supertorque metal
3m victory metals bottom
estimated treatment time 16-20 months

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