Extraction fears

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Extraction fears

#1 Post by jc75 »


This is my first post but I have been reading the message board for a few weeks now. I must say it has been a great source of information and a real confidence boost to know that there are so many other "grown-ups" in the same boat!

I was due to get my braces on Saturday but unfortunatley this has been delayed by four weeks due to some problmes I have had with my extractions. I went to the dentist yesterday morning to have 2 pre-molars removed. One of them came out fine but the other snapped at the root and half of the root is still left in the gum.

I have to go back in next Monday to have the rest removed. This will involve a surgical extraction where they cut into the gum and bone to remove the root.

I was offered sedation for this process as I am a very nervous patient but I have opted to have it done by local anasthaetic as it means that my dentist will do it for me in familiar surroundings.

Lets just say I am extremely nervous about it all (my palms are sweating as I type just thinking about it!!) and I am so dissappointed that, after having waited so long to get my braces on, I have to wait another 4 weeks and endure what sounds like a horrible procdure.

Are there any other people reading this post that have had a similar procedure? If so, what was it like and did it hurt?

Thanks for listening.

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#2 Post by cowlypso »

I'm having trouble getting up the courage to even get any extractions. Still hoping that I'll find an ortho who disagrees with the first two!

Anyway, have you considered nitrous oxide? Many dentists have it (but not all), and it's often given in addition to local anesthetic. Just makes you a little loopy and so you don't care much what they are doing.

That is my plan if I have extractions, because I probably won't be able to afford IV sedation. I'll probably end up at the dentist with local and nitrous. I've had it for fillings before, and it's pretty good.

You could also consider getting a prescription for something to dope you up a bit. Valium or whatever it is that they like to prescribe. They'd still use the local then, too.

Those are the two options that I can think of where you'd be a little less aware and nervous, but still be able to get it done with your dentist.

Good luck!

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#3 Post by Joual »

I haven't had extractions yet, but I just wanted to say good luck and I hope everything goes well. I have to have premolars extracted also.

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#4 Post by Danielle »

I had four premolars extracted within a few weeks of getting my braces put on. The process was so much better than I had pictured it for years. During one of the extractions I was told that the tooth could possibly break during the procedure--luckily it came out in one piece. Unfortunately, I cannot ease your fears since I'm still dreading my surgical removal of wisdom teeth sometime in the next year. I can tell you that I was a big dental chicken for years and I allowed that to stop myself from getting braces years ago... and when I look back the worrying was by far worse than the actual procedure.

A few things to remember: This is a saying on a cute piece of jewelry, but I think it applies to me and my fears of the dentist: "From an acorn grows a strong and mighty oak" meaning yes, you can do this.

And you might want to look into oral sedation if you're really nervous, I had this when I had all of my fillings changed before getting braces... you fall asleep--no extra needles and you sleep through the process. Good luck to you.

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#5 Post by lisaemtp »

I definitely understand the dental anxiety...I didn't go to the dentist for several years because of it. When I had all four of my wisdom teeth out last summer I saved up for the IV sedation, and it was SO worth it. Knowing that I wasn't going to remember anything about the extraction helped me not to get anxious beforehand. If you have a lot of anxiety it may be worth the price to have that reassurance. You could also try bringing along an ipod/CD player with your favorite music to help you relax.

I'm sorry that you've got to go through this and that the treatment is delayed. Whichever route you take, best of luck and we'll be thinking of you! Let us know how it goes.


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#6 Post by Clover »

That actually happened to me a few years ago, when I was having a lower molar extracted. I have very large, curved roots, and my dentist had real trouble getting one of them out. He eventually decided to leave the root in, but it became infected, so I went to an oral surgeon to have it removed. I can honestly say it was fine, although, like you, I was very nervous before I went in. I had four injections to numb my mouth completely, so it might be a good idea to be prepared for that. Afterwards, I couldn't feel a thing. The OS made a small incision in my gum, drilled into the bone (this didn't seem any different to having a tooth drilled for a filling) and lifted the root out. I then had three disolvable stitches put it. It wasn't actually as bad as the extraction, as there wasn't the same amount of pulling or feeling of pressure. Please try not to worry about it, as the thought is much worse than the deed. You'll be just fine, and this will all be worth it when you're flashing that gorgeous new smile! Best wishes x :)

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#7 Post by joney »

Hi jc75

I also had two premolars removed on Thursday and they came out without too much problem. I am so sorry to hear about your trouble and just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow. I can't really say that I know anything about the proceedure but just wanted to remind you to take care of yourself afterwards and get lots of rest. I can understand your disappointment at putting off your brace date but in 4 weeks your extraction sites should be well and truly healed.

Best wishes

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#8 Post by jaje01 »


Understand your concerns but local is a good way to go - a lot of dentists prescribe valium before you undergo this. If you're really worried about the op, why not book in to see hte dentist a day or two before to chat it through - and mention some sort of mild tranquiliser. it really does take the edge off things...

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#9 Post by chillin-in-grilz »

I had 8 extractiosn in the past year. 6 surgically and 2 normal at the dentist.

Its not so bad, if u have a high tolerance for pain, I do somewhat but it wasnt so bad.
Brace Free February 17th, 2009

Braces January 29, 2007

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#10 Post by gardena »

I extracted all four pre-molars at once before I got my braces. It wasn't as bad as I expected. It didn't hurt that much. It took like 2.5 hours for my dentist to take out all of them...but that was b/c of me...my dentist said my roots are flat; thus harder to pull.

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#11 Post by jc75 »

Hi Everyone

Thanks very much for all your replies.

I had the extraction done yesterday. I had it done by local at my dentist and it really wasn't too bad. I was really really nervous beforehand but my boyfriend came with me for moral support! The worst part was actually the nervousness beforehand I think. I had a total of 6 injections - 3 in my gum and 3 in the roof of my mouth. I felt a short sharp pain when she injected the roof of my mouth but it lasted no longer than a second. When she got to work I just closed my eyes and tried to think about something else. There was a lot of drilling and pulling and tugging but I can sincerely say I never felt any pain. The entire procedure took about 45 minutes.

I was numb for a lot of the day yesterday but I kept myself dosed up with painkillers and haven't really felt any pain since, although maybe a little tenderness. The swelling isn't too bad either. I have even managed to eat pretty normally as well.

I'm very relieved that it's all over and it is now onwards and upwards to beace day, on 2nd December. Can't wait!

I am having the stitches out on Monday 20th and spacers in on Monday 27th but I'm not too worried about them as I have had spacers in for weeks already in anticipation for my previous brace day of 4 November which had to be cancelled due to this complication.

Sorry for the long reply - I am just very relieved I've got this bit out of the way!

Will keep you updated with my progress.

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#12 Post by jc75 »

Hi Everyone

Thanks very much for all your replies.

I had the extraction done yesterday. I had it done by local at my dentist and it really wasn't too bad. I was really really nervous beforehand but my boyfriend came with me for moral support! The worst part was actually the nervousness beforehand I think. I had a total of 6 injections - 3 in my gum and 3 in the roof of my mouth. I felt a short sharp pain when she injected the roof of my mouth but it lasted no longer than a second. When she got to work I just closed my eyes and tried to think about something else. There was a lot of drilling and pulling and tugging but I can sincerely say I never felt any pain. The entire procedure took about 45 minutes.

I was numb for a lot of the day yesterday but I kept myself dosed up with painkillers and haven't really felt any pain since, although maybe a little tenderness. The swelling isn't too bad either. I have even managed to eat pretty normally as well.

I'm very relieved that it's all over and it is now onwards and upwards to beace day, on 2nd December. Can't wait!

I am having the stitches out on Monday 20th and spacers in on Monday 27th but I'm not too worried about them as I have had spacers in for weeks already in anticipation for my previous brace day of 4 November which had to be cancelled due to this complication.

Sorry for the long reply - I am just very relieved I've got this bit out of the way!

Will keep you updated with my progress.

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#13 Post by lynnm »

Thanks to all who posted on this thread. I'm doing my research and mental prep for 4 premolar extractions on Thursday. I remember how it was with my wisdom teeth back in high school and, from what I get from everyone here, this should be a little easier.

The few people with not-so-easy experiences are making me a little queasy, but if you survived it, well, I'm sure I will too! Nice to know what the possibilities are.

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