how much did it cost to do your treatment?

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#46 Post by dena »

I have clear uppers, metal lowers. I have four teeth removed and my treatment is estimated at 24-30 months. I paid approximately $4000 for everything.

four bicuspids removed 1/3/06
clear uppers and metal lowers placed 1/5/06
timeframe for braces: 24-30 months

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#47 Post by hd2755 »

I have insurance that is going to cover at least one half of the cost so at 5,000 usd cut that in half and you got 2500 for adult braces i think that that is not that real bad also with 500 to 1000 down that leaves me with 1500 to 2000 at 100 per month not a bad thing eh. thanks go out to my employer to now having this coverage.


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#48 Post by Ronsie »

I have full ceramic with treatment time estimated at 1.5 - 2 years. Cost is US$1,000 per year so I suppose the final cost will be US$1,500 - $2,000. That includes everything but the four extractions which were about US$100 total.

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#49 Post by spideywoman »


I have 8 ceramic on top, and full metal on my lowers will be placed in 2 weeks.

Total cost for treatment for me was 6,400 NOT including the 4 biscupid removals I had in the summer.

Some covered by insurance but totally worth it!

Drama Queen
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#50 Post by Drama Queen »


It is costing me £3,500 for ceramic uppers and lowers, which I pay in monthy installments (and it is making me so poor!). I have been given an 18 month sentence in braces.

Lau xx
Braced on 25 July 2006 Ceramic upper and lowers
Braces off on 3 April 2008

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#51 Post by user »

Mine is £2330 that's £750 up front and £99 a month for the rest, estimated 18month treatment time.

That's for clear/tooth coloured braces on bottom and top front and damon3 on the back top ones.

I went for a few free consultations with ortho's in London and they wouldn't tell me a price without charging £150 - £250 for a full consultation, but they were estimating in the region of £10,000 for treatment!!!!! (this put me off braces for a long cos I assumed that was the going rate).

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