Should I Stop

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Should I Stop

#1 Post by clrv »

I see my Ortho on Mon. so I only have 3 more turns on my expander until I see him. The problem is that it is getting really hard to turn. This morning it bent the key just a little.

As far as my background I am trying to expand the top without surgery and next week will be the third week. I have had zero trouble turning the key before and there really has been no pain just discomfort and headaches. I keep the expander really clean so I know it is not because of that.

The question is should I stop turning it until I see him on Mon. just to make sure there is nothing wrong? Maybe my mouth is just not going to move without surgery.

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#2 Post by Delag »

Keeping in mind that I know NOTHING about this, I would stop. Monday is not very far away so you really won't lose any time. If things are so tight that the key bends, I think I would want the ortho to check things out.

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#3 Post by sjsarre »

I agree. Best to stop and wait until Monday, its not that far away. If its getting difficult to turn then there maybe a reason for that, maybe the expansion is done.


science teacher
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#4 Post by science teacher »

I have an expander currently. I have had the sarpe surgery so my expansion is very easy.

My guess would be that if you have not had surgery and it is getting hard to expand 1 of 2 things is going on.

1. your teeth have been moving in the jaw and cannot move anymore.

2. your jaw is expanding but it has reached its max until something loosens up. I believe I heard about the "big pop" from people who expanded with out surgery. At some point the suture (line connecting the bones down the middle) has to separate. It may be that you have reached that point.

All that said, I just stop until monday when someone can check it for you.

SARPE 11/23/06
Expansion over 12/18/06 8.5mm
Brace day tops 1/15/07
Brace day bottoms 3/19/07
all expansion devices removed 9/19/07

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#5 Post by clrv »

I agree I am going to wait untill Tomorrow and see what they say. I really hope I don't have to have surgery.

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#6 Post by clrv »

So I went to the Ortho today and he tied it off so that it could not move anymore. We are just going to hold off for six weeks to see if the pressure will go ahead and break. Do you think this will work or am I prolonging the inevitable?

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