The truth about expander speech issues?

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The truth about expander speech issues?

#1 Post by BillyNPhoenix »

Hey everyone~

I have been reading through this site for several weeks now and I have to say, thank you! It has been reassuring to read through some of your stories and posts, this site is a valuable resource that I’m sure I will use often over the next two years.

I start my journey next Wednesday (1/3/07). Well, the difficult part at least; the impressions, photos, etc. have already been completed. I don’t have much straightening to do, but I do have an impacted canine and cross bite that needs to be corrected (with a palate expander). I’m 32 now and after many years on the fence I have finally decided to do it (a small chip to the baby canine from a McDonald’s French Fry, of all things, was the final motivation).

I get the spacers installed on the 3rd, and then I’m having the palate expander and braces installed on the top jaw on the 10th. I’m told the bottom braces will follow in about 6 months. I decided to do both the expander and the braces at the same time to hopefully save some time. I’m sure it will be painful, but at this point I just want to get into it and get it over with (I’m a bit impatient at times).

As luck would have it, though, I have just been offered a new job and will start that new position on Monday the 8th. I’m very excited for the new position but I have to admit I’m petrified of what the expander will do to my speech, which will be installed on day 3 of the new job.

My question is: Can anyone share with me how bad, honestly, was your speech affected by a palate expander.

I hope I’m being paranoid, but the timing is not great. I had prepared myself for everything when I thought I was going to be around people who know me, but I’m afraid of making first impressions with my new co-workers as I slur and spray spit all over.

Thanks again for all of your previous posts! If anyone has any other advice for the new kid I would appreciate it.

Happy New Year!

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#2 Post by gunter8888 »


I can totally relate to your situation. I am 34, work in software sales (talking all day) and got an expander back in August. Your speech will sound worse to you than it will to others. However, the first 2-3 weeks will be challenging. My advice? Hit it head on. Do all the same things you always do. Talk to everyone and never let the expander become an issue to you mentally. You may need to slow your speech a little and re-learn to ennunciate certain words and sounds, but within a couple weeks you will get the hang of it.

As for spitting? You will have excess saliva for a few days, but keeping it in your mouth shouldn't be difficult. I only recall accidentally spitting once or twice and I don't think anyone noticed either time.

Practice speaking out loud - read aloud, read the Rainbow Passage. Also, you can try my favorite, singing in the car when you are alone. Something about singing that forces me to concentrate on the sounds I need to make that makes for great practice. Do it when alone because you will sound horrible at first.

Best of luck!
Expander in 8/9/06
Lowers on 11/30/06
Uppers on / Expander gone on 1/31/2007
Class III elastics added 3/14/2007
Expander #2 - 6/27/2007
20-24 months w/ fixed metal braces

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#3 Post by lemonlyme »

i've had mine since September, and im going to beg to get mine out on the 3rd, it's still really hard for me to enunciate. I'm used to it, it doesnt really bother me, but my speech isn't completely clear..and i've practiced tons! and talk all the time!

it's definetly noticable and i get 'huh' a lot.

It's totally worth it, but i'm not going to's a pain. (p.s. it doesnt really hurt but the braces do kinda for me..)

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#4 Post by BillyNPhoenix »

Thanks for the words of wisdom, I think I may have just needed a bit of encouragement. I do feel a little better, and the Rainbow Passage is a great idea – I will definitely use that!

And I have to say that I love that no one asked about the possibility of postponing the expander! When I mentioned my predicament to several of my friends their advice was to wait a few months and then start again, which I don’t want to do and I love that I’m not the only one who thinks that way. I’m very ready to begin this process and I’m happy to have found a group of people who agree with me!

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#5 Post by ssfw »

Hi Billy,

What a coincidence, I began my orthodontic journey on 1/3/06 and got my spacers placed and impression done for my expanderat that appt. The expander was used to correct a crossbite and widen my upper arch. I had the photos, x-rays and impressions done in 9/2005. I can't believe it has almost been one year since I began my orthodontic treatment.

Yes, the first few weeks that I had my expander my speech was slightly effected but found that if I talked slower it helped alot. Your speech will get better as your mouth gets use to your expander. My speech got better as the weeks went by and after about 2 months, my speech was back to normal and by that time I was so use to the expander that I sometimes forgot I had one. I do recommend warm saltwater rinses several times a day because there's a possibility that the expander may rub on certain areas of your mouth and tongue and it will become very sore. This happened to me and the warm saltwater rinses helped alot. You might want to begin the saltwater rinses now so that your mouth will toughen up and maybe you will have an easier time than me. Also, I found that if the expander did constantly rub on a certain area, I placed wax on the expander or bracket and it felt so much better.

I still have my expander and it's been almost one year ( I had it placed on 1/20/06) and to be honest with you I forget I have an expander. I was suppose to have it removed after about 4 months but my orthodontist still needed to make minor adjustments and wanted to be sure the expansion was stabilized. I think some people are usually disappointed if the expander is not removed as scheduled but I didn't give it a second thought. He told me that he plans to remove it at my next appt. and as I told him before, if he feels it would be best to keep it on the entire time of my ortho treatment, it's fine with me. I just want to be sure the expander is not removed too early.

I hope you will enjoy your ortho treatment as much as I have - yes, I actually enjoy my ortho. appts. I just can't believe how my teeth look compared to day one.

Keep us posted.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

Posts: 43
Joined: Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:07 am

#6 Post by cbushnaq »

Hi Billy,
I am one of the unfortunate ones that are still having speech difficulty because of my RPE. It's been in for 3 months. My biggest problem is when I am speaking on the phone. I just explain to whomever that I have a dental appliance in and somethings are difficult to say. I just stated it like it is completely normal. I think it is all in your attitude. Just give out the impression that this doesn't bother me then why should it bother you. I always make a joke about what I just said if it comes out slurred or completely mispronouced. I can not say the letter Q and it is in my last name and I seem to always be telling someone how to spell it. Though I have to admit my husband and kids seem to enjoy hearing me talk.

Good luck,

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