Damon 3s vs. Inspire Ice. Any metal regrets?

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Kimochi Warui
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Damon 3s vs. Inspire Ice. Any metal regrets?

#1 Post by Kimochi Warui »

I'm 26, female and in January I'm scheduled to get braces (after 8 months of wearing a tmj splint).

Throughout this whole process, I have imagined getting the "nicest" possible ones ... the so-called invisible braces ... but then I moved and my new orthodontist is big on the Damon 3s ... so now I feel pressured to get them.

Being 26, in a new city and having a new "career" job, I'm really nervous about having metal. My ortho says they are aesthetic and that all his patients opt for them over clear. I've looked at the brochure and the website which I think make them look better than what he showed me in his office (a mouth model with a set of braces). I've read about people who go half metal half clear, but this man is against that, says it's better with just one kind.

He also seems really against Inspire Ice, the other kind he offered. I understand that it will take longer and I would have to have more appointments with the Inspire Ice and whatever other benefits Damon 3 offers.

So how are the Damon 3s? Does anyone wish they had gotten clear as opposed to these half metal-half clear braces?? Do Inspire Ice really stain easily? Are they really that much slower??

I feel really unnecessarily emotional evertime have an appointment ... I couldn't decide which braces to get ... I have to call the office by Jan. 2nd if I want to get Inspire Ice and not Damon 3.

So please, your pros and cons of this "breakthrough" technology.

Thanks a lot!

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#2 Post by missing_tooth »

I went with full metal braces, never regretted a moment of it. Besides it's all color goodness at each appointment.

- missing tooth -

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#3 Post by SecondTimer »

I chose ceramic on top and metal on the bottom. I don't regret my decision, but since I now know from experience that no one but myself cares, I'd just go with all metal and save the extra $$$ paid for the ceramics if I were just starting. I read many many posts stating that it's no big deal to have metal, but I didn't believe it. Now after a few months with braces, I believe that it's true: no one but yourself cares what kind of braces you have. Just my two cents!!

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#4 Post by LucyVanity »

I got all-metal, and it was what my ortho suggested. He seemed to be really against ceremics XD anyway, I can't say that I love my braces, and I definitely have not gotten the urge to play with lig colors, but I am at peace with what I have, and they're good at what they do.

Also, I personally see no point in chosing a different type of braces because of visibility. Anything that uses an archwire is bound to be noticeable, whether one uses thin shiny brackets or thick ceremic ones. Or maybe I'm just not picky XD

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#5 Post by Delag »

How do you think other people look when you see them in braces? I have always thought metal braces are kind of cute. Of course I think they are much cuter on other people than they are on me :lol: There is no right or wrong answer here, both are good choices and both will lead to the same end.

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#6 Post by joney »

I have Damon 3s and they're working just fine for me, I don't think there really is such a thing as an invisible brace but most people aren't bothered whether you have a brace or not. Of course not having ceramics I can't compare but if you feel you would be happier with ceramics then try to insist on that.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


Kimochi Warui
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#7 Post by Kimochi Warui »

Thanks everyone for your responses. You've been helpful (and confusing)! Does anyone have any photos of themsleves with Damon 3s on their front teeth?

I have seen the website and the brochure but those photos were not like what I saw on the "mouth model" at the orthodontist's office (big contrast - the braces don't seem That Bad on the brochure, but I was shocked when I saw the actual brackets in real life) ... But I want to see them on real people.

I'm still hemming and hawing. I feel like I might go with the Inspire Ice since I'm thinking about it so much. I'm sure I'll be like everyone else -- once I get used to them it won't be such a big deal. I'm feeling really vain right now ... life could be a lot worse.

Thank you again for everything.

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#8 Post by joney »

My teeth are quite crooked and not so white so I hope the pics don't put you off but I am a "real person" so here is a link to my story. viewtopic.php?t=13602&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30

The photos, which aren't brilliant are on page 3.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
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#9 Post by JoeMama »

I had the same decision to make. I wanted clear and my ortho wanted me in Damon 3s because she thought they would be better for my situation. I ultimately went with the Damons and they've done a great job, in fact at my last check in I was told they'd be coming off this spring, which is really early. But I don't like how they look and have never really gotten used to them.

However, I honestly don't believe other people really care if you have braces or not. I've never had any weird experiences. Hardly anyone pays any attention to it. In fact any extra attention I've gotten because of them has been positive. So I wouldn't worry about how it will affect your career. Good luck with your decision, it can be a tough one for some of us. :D
Damon 3s. On 2/15/2006. Off 2/21/2007!
Essix on uppers, Hawley on lowers.

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#10 Post by Granola »

I had a choice between Inspire Ice or metal on top, and chose ceramics. I really debated with myself about it a lot, like you are now.

I am really happy with the aesthetics of the II brackets when I look in the mirror, and would definitely make the same choice if I had it to do again. My ortho offers white wire ties for ceramics (instead of ligs) and that is a really nice look. For me, the ceramics are just more "me" than the metals. Since I'm not someone who wears a lot of metal jewelry, it's not my preferred look. I had full metal braces as a teen, so had already BTDT.

I have had the same experiences as everyone else--that almost no one notices or comments on my braces.

Good luck--whichever way you go, you'll do fine!
Uppers placed 2/8/06--Inspire ICE ceramics
Lower (stainless) placed 2/23/06
Treatment time: 17 months (estimated was 12-18 months)
Debonded: July 11th, 2007
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#11 Post by jdub »

When I first thought of braces I was thinking the clear ones, too. When I talked to my Dr she preferred the metal to the clear - claiming fewer popped brackets and quicker treatment. They were going to do clear on the top front six and metal elsewhere. Not knowing much at that appt I didn't ask anymore questions.

Then when I had my records appt they told me they were now using Damon 3's and the clear would really only be a clear base with metal on the remaining bracket. The admin (who's almost done with treatment) has clear brackets and wishes she'd waited for the Damon's just based on the size of the bracket and her perceived comfort.

Now, two weeks in, I'm glad that I went metal. I feel like I can't talk and at least people can quickly tell why. And I've discovered that (like everyone says but I didn't really believe) nobody really cares about braces but the one wearing them.

I've posted my pictures with Damon 3's in my stories thread if you're interested in some real pics (not the web site where they looked very tiny).

Good luck,

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#12 Post by ucldbmine »

I had a similar delima when I first got braced. I wanted ceramics so as not to be the old lady with a metal mouth. I ended up going with the Damon 3 for a couple reasons. The main reason was the ortho I went to for the ceramics gave me an estimated treatment time of 22 months. The estimated time I was given for the Damon's was 10-14 months. Because I wasn't thrilled about being braced to begin with I chose time over appearance. I found after I got them on that it was awkward to begin with, I didn't want to smile for anyone but as time went on and I got more comfortable and now the metal appearance doesn't bother me. It's great entertainment for my daycare kids too they love me to make funny metal faces. Because of my occupation the damons were also benificial for me because of only having appointments every 10 weeks vs. every 4. As everyone has previously stated only you can make the decision as to what is important to you. Good luck in your decision.

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#13 Post by jennielee81 »

Maryaten directed you to my page and since I have them only on my lower fronts, maybe that's not a good picture for you...

Kim has them on top front and some of her pictures are really good examples of how they really look. Try this link. viewtopic.php?t=8901&highlight=

Good luck with your decision!!
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3535 a little more about me here: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/co ... 961130.htm

Kimochi Warui
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#14 Post by Kimochi Warui »

Thanks again everybody for your input. My mom is the only one I've told about archwired - I call it my online braces support group.

I decided to go with Inspire Ice. I'm a little nervous because my ortho has not used ceramics that much ... however, I decided that he wouldn't have offered me that option if he couldn't do it (I don't want to hear any horror stories of incompetent dentists). I have a feeling every ortho prefers metal because it's obviously stronger. I think I would too.

Anyway, the notion that other people don't notice or care if you have metal braces wasn't enough for me. Those same people also don't mind or notice my crooked teeth, which are really crooked on the bottom and a little crooked on top. My teeth bother me and I'm fixing them for me ... and whether I wear metal for 20 months or ceramic for a bit longer -i t's a really long time to hate my smile even more. I have already been lisping with my tmj appliance since last june ... and that will continue ... so I'm going to lisp with ceramic braces.

I'm 26 and over Christmas I was looking at my high school grad pic with my mom, who has said that my teeth have worsened, and they actually have. They were never straight but I thought she was justifying not getting me braces when I was a kid (my older brother had them). So I don't resent my parents for having to deal with this now ... especially since they have generously kicked in about a third of the cost. But really, I wish I were putting my hard earned money towards paying off my student loan more quickly, a vacation or upgrading my bachelor apartment to a one-bedroom (it seems so many of my friends are home owners these days).

I know that I'll never regret the results so that's the end of my complaining (about that aspect).

I'm getting my braces on January 19 ... I'm eager to get this dental show on the road. Maybe by then I'll figure out how to post some pics.



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