Different attitudes

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#1 Post by osubeanbags »

I don't have my braces on yet, so maybe it'll change, but right now I'm looking at it as something I'm doing FOR myself ... if it was my choice, I'd put them on right this minute lol (as opposed to February).

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Treatment was always something that I was going to do for me. My folks, for whatever reason, did not pursue it when I was a kid, so it was up to me to do something about it as an adult. Goodness knows, it had taken me long enough to get around to it.

Because I had ownership of the decision, I was pretty positive about it starting out. It had to work out. The big question was always whether braces were going to interfere with my lifestyle. I'd heard all the stories about pain and suffering, and I was understandably nervous. Would I be able to eat? Talk properly? Dive? Work out? When I discovered that braces would not make one jot of difference, I was fine.

I'm still pretty cool with the whole thing and tend not to drift away from my present attitude.

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#3 Post by bckydgardnr »

My braces have always been for me...
I had always been self concious about the way my teeth looked, but I didn't think they were that bad...until I started cracking teeth because of my bite. I thought about braces and talked with my regular dentist for quite awhile before I made the consultation. Once I met with my ortho it was a matter of 3 weeks before I got them on.
As I read other posts on this board about others being scared or really nervous, I don't remember being scared. I was really excited, maybe a little apprehensive, but mostly excited to start the journey. I am the type of person that always does for others, always concerned of others needs...etc... Getting braces was the BEST, most expensive thing that I have ever done for myself, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! :D
braced 1/18/05


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#4 Post by Spidey »


one important stepping stone on my braces journey was definately having 4 teeth pulled this summer. I know it isn't surgery, but my worst fears have always been having teeth fall out~ that freaky dream that hits with no warning.

That was definately something that was done to me. I felt as if I was not given an option (which of course I was...) but it was something that had to be done for the journey to begin. That was something that I approached with fear, trepidition and worry. I demanded all 4 be pulled at once so I could "get it over with". I even HELPED in the dentist chair by moving my head against her force when trying to pull them out. Those babies flew out of my mouth...

Then, when the recovery was done, I was healing. I was ready to have the braces placed... This was most definately with a much different attitude. I was full steam ahead and exited for something that I have ALWAYS wanted for myself.

Interesting because 2 very different feelings all within the same journey...

Just my 2 cents...

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#5 Post by joney »

I'm a bit like KK in that I never really realised just how bad my teeth were. I knew they were crooked, particularly the bottom ones but I kinda kidded myself that I didn't really show my bottom teeth much. I also never realised that I had an openbite or that there was anything unusual in this! Overbite, Underbite, Openbite, all of these terms meant nothing to me previously.

Getting the brace felt like something selfish to me, it means spending money that the family could use elsewhere. It was a difficult decision to make to commit this money to something just for me. However this will hopefully prevent losing teeth in the future which I definitely didn't want. My family are very supportive of the decision which helps.

I don't feel that this is being "done to me", I made the choice to do it and I am very happy that I have. I only wish now that I had done this years ago but never mind, better late than never. It would have been nice to have been born with lovely teeth and I must admit to feeling a little envious of people who have naturally straight teeth. However I have so many other blessings in my life that I am grateful for and I am making a positive change for the future.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#6 Post by smile2006 »

Very interesting question. To be honest, right after my jaw surgery I definately found myself saying at times, "why did I do this to myself"!!! However, on a normal day I clearly know I'm doing this for me. Braces and double jaw surgery were something I choose to do at 41 because I hope to have teeth for the rest of my life. This process at the same time has increased my quality of life in a way which is noticable to me on a daily basis. Although others might not readily perceive this, what I have choosen to do matters to me which, when you're footing the bill, is really all that matters :lol:

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#7 Post by SimInsomniac »

I also didn't realise how bad my teeth were before being braced. Once I got them, most of my family and people at school said they were suprised I "needed" braces.
I went along with the braces nevertheless and looking back I wish I could turn back time a few years when I was first asked about getting them. If I'd got them at 13/14 then I can imagine my final result would be better than how they really will turn out. They crowded a lot in between this point and when I got them at last and as a result, I have a lot of chips, especially across my lowers and it's made treatment harder than it could have been. Not to mention I have about 6 fillings already at 17. I don't think I would have needed extractions either. :(
I know this isn't really all my doing. I was younger and convinced myself that I would never wear braces because they were "uncool". I don't think I even knew what braces were for! I was naive. :lol: But still, to me it's a missed opportunity.
I've done it all for me: for oral health in the future and cosmetically. I don't feel guilty seeing as I get free private treatment. :D But it's probably been one of the, if not the best decision I've made. I love the results so far. It's been slow progress for a teenager considering I had no expander/elastics to add to treatment, but I love my braces. :D

Damon 3 braces for 22.5 months.
30th August 2005 - 13th July 2007


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#8 Post by ellebee »

Unfortunately, I tend to fall more on the "doing this to myself" end of the spectrum.

I've had a love-hate relationship with my teeth for a long time.

I fractured my two middle upper front teeth when I was 10. I lived with fractured teeth for 25 years.

I had braces as a teen for a short while, but my bite reverted. I never had a retainer.

Also, my bottom teeth were never properly corrected and my lower secondary incisors remained rotated about 45 degrees.

In my 30s I got veneers on my two middle upper front teeth. I felt like they made my teeth look very prominent and I became conscious of having an overbite.

When my daughter got braces I thought about getting them for myself. My teeth just weren't "that bad," although my bite was definitely off and I had to wear a night guard because of grinding in my sleep.

Then, this past year, I accidentally put too much money in my FSA and stood to lose more than $1,000 if I didn't use it.

That finally started me on this journey. I have to admit I had mixed feelings.

Since then I have continued to have some doubts.

I was "sold" on ceramics and shocked at how unexpectedly bulky they are.

My fiance's ex, who is a hygienist, was subsequently very critical of my Ortho, which makes me feel unsure of his competence.

Now, at the 2-month mark, I'm not seeing progress.

I've been troubled by night clenching and severe dry mouth.

On the bright side, the soreness has dissipated and wax is a thing of the past.

I'm also positively surprised that I can eat most things and that keeping the brackets clean isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The worst part is that I can't seem to forget I have them. Not because I am self-conscious, I really don't care what people think, but because I feel them all the time. It feels like my teeth are "in prison."

This week I have my second adjustment. I am curious what my Ortho will say about my progress, dry mouth and clenching.

I will probably continue with the journey. I've invested this much in time and money and discomfort -- I might as well end up with something to show for it.

I so admire those of you who have been able to "embrace" the experience (wow, just realized that is a play on words).

At least I have not let it stop me from doing anything I would have done.

I just hope I can get through the rest of it. 2 months down, 10 to 22 left to go.

Wish me luck!

Spacers, Nov. 1; Braced Nov. 8, 2006; Braces off March 26, 2008, just short of 17 months. Glad it's over but the jury is still out on whether the game was worth the candle.

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#9 Post by Lisa65 »

It has always been "for" me. I've always hated the way my top teeth looked and until quite recently I didn't even realise that orthodontics had advanced enough for people my age to have braces.
So as soon as i realised it was in fact possible and that i could afford it, I wanted it done.

When my ortho told me how complex my treatment would actually be, I was taken aback but it still didn't affect my resolve to go through with it.

The only time I've felt despondent is regarding my mini-implants and one of them being rejected. I felt pretty down about that because I went through a lot of pain and discomfort and it was all for nothing, and I am going to have to go through it all again at the end of this month.

Seeing the way my bottom teeth have moved and aligned over the last 6 months has been a tremendous boost and I just hope that once the implants have done their job, that my top teeth will follow suit.

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#10 Post by Jillianleab »

My desision to get braces was certainly FOR me. In the past I would have moments when I was self conscious about my teeth and other moments when I wasn't. It got to the point where I was embarassed about them more often than not and I realized then I had no excuse not to do something about it. My husband was always very supportive but other family members, not so much, which made things more difficult. Once I got braced my hubby made it clear how proud he was of me (several friends did too) whereas my mom made me feel like I was doing this TO myself. I complained to her on day four or something and she told me I should have them taken off since I was so miserable. Since then, I don't talk to her about them, but strangely enough, she's made additional comments about how happy and proud she is that I've done this, and it's made her re-asses her oral care and appearance! So, in the first few weeks (especially that first day!) I felt I was doing to TO myself until I got outside reassurance that I had done the right thing. I don't think there are any moments I actually love having braces, but I have many moments I love what they are doing for me. I don't regret my decision at all, but I can't wait for my "sentence" to be over!

Braced 5/19/06 - Full Metal Mouth!
Went topless 07/27/07!
Totally NAKED 08/30/07!

See my braces story with lots of pics here:
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtop ... 2806#92806

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#11 Post by sportsgrl97 »

in the beginning of treatment i was doing it to myself.....

but what do u expect, i was 13 when i started and my parents were paying for it. but now im doing it for myself, i dont want them off until everything is fixed and close to perfect. i guess i just figured out that why not do it this time around correctly so i dont have to come back later and do it again. :)


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#12 Post by alexa »

Well, to be honest, it just sort of varies with me.

I did this for myself. I do know that much. I hated my smile before braces and seeing my smile in a photo or in the mirror just made me want to cry. Braces are the answer for the problem. I don't feel that way anymore. I can smile, and I don't feel self conscious or ashamed at all. I finally feel good about that.

On the other hand, as I mentioned in my own thread, the braces aren't as novel to me anymore. In the beginning I was so excited with every single movement and the changes were so dramatic, I was just floored with amazement. For the last year or so, the changes have been few and very subtle, so the excitement has sort of waned for me. I find that I'm a lot more whiny about braces now than I was two years ago.

Even with that being said, it really does vary day to day. Sometimes I'm all jazzed about my lig choices, or if my teeth pictures come out well...other days I just wish I could eat a salad without half of it getting stuck in my teeth! I guess I'm just moody. :lol:

Overall, I'm happy I did it. One of the best decisions I've ever made...but I'll be happy when it's done and I can look back on my completed ortho blog fondly! :wink:
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
Hawley retainers top and bottom

Tin Indian
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#13 Post by Tin Indian »

:D I felt from the beginning I wanted to do this for myself. I sat on the fence so long I wondered about doing this to myself was the right thing to do. I procrastinated so long and then I found this board then said to myself, YES I can do this for me. I told no one except for my wife as she left for vacation the night before with some friends. YEAH, I did FOR me :D , I wanted better teeth for so long ( the wife didn't care either way because we could afford it)I just decided to go for it , and am glad I did. :P
Braces on 9/01/2006- Braces off 4/14/08

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#14 Post by LadyTr0uble »

Hmm, never thought about it that way...

My problems: severe crowding on the bottom, slightly bucked on the top but the bucking was starting to show in pictures), open bite

I'd thought for the longest time that braces were for cosmetic reasons so I pretty much turned my nose up at it, even though I had flirted with the idea from time to time.

finally, i went in for a cleaning and my dentist told me that i had gingivitis and it was because i wasnt able to clean properly due to my teeth being on top of one another. So I took a dive... and got braced. This was something that I needed to do for me, so my teeth and gums will be healthier.

then I came home and took a good long look at myself in the mirror (I'd been too scared to look long and hard at the dentist's office for fear of appearing too vain) and wondered "what have i done to myself"

it depends on the day i guess??? i have to say that this is something FOR me on most days. like i have said a million times before: my smile is going to be a beautiful one (not entirely perfect but as close to it as mother nature would have it) and my teeth and gums will be healthier for it. it's even taught me some really good habits

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#15 Post by Jembrace »

This journey in braces is definitely FOR me, even though the financial hit is heavy. I have a deep bite, plus some gaps in my upper toothline. I also have been grinding my teeth forever and the front ones have chips in them. My teeth also have shortened with all the grinding and I have jaw pain from the grinding. My ortho says once we get my teeth properly aligned, it should stop the grinding. I will need more work after the braces are off, too.

I'm finally in a place in time where I CAN have the braces, where I get support and where I feel it's okay to do this for me. Ten or so years ago, there's no way I would've been able to get the braces.

I'm a month into my braces, still need wax at night so I can get to sleep. I also can't eat some of my fave foods with this thin wire. Still, I don't regret my decision and I can see some progress.

I know I'm doing something for my overall dental health, not just for cosmetic reasons. I'll have to take some pics to show here, since other folks have done the pictures.

1st wire change June 2007

~No dream is ever lost if we never cease to try~
Moody Blues

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