just got braces ...please help !!

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just got braces ...please help !!

#1 Post by La$Vega$ »

hi, just got damon3 top & bottom on jan 9th ...pain is alright ..main Q is on the top where the crowding is the wire is not straight like goes kinda up and down ..looks funny ..how long does it take for that to start changing and look/get more straight

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#2 Post by joney »

I've had damon3s for 2 months now and I noticed a difference in two weeks to three weeks. Hopefully you've taken some photos, compare them in a week or two and you'll probably be surprised. Even more than this you will notice the changes when you are flossing. My wires were zigzagging too but now after 2 months they are much straighter.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#3 Post by iBorg »

I have to agree with Joney TAKE PICTURES. My top arch wire looked crooked and I didn't really see a big difference, then about three weeks into treatment I noticed I could see my top teeth. What a thrill. Hopefully in a couple of weeks you'll have such an eureka moment.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#4 Post by Rickysa »

That is the beauty of Nickle titanium (NiTi) archwires!

Back before NiTi was used in orthodontics, loops had to be placed in stainless steel wires to provide the flexibility and range to engage crooked teeth.

NiTi is special in that you can displace it a great distance without deforming it and still get a light force (it has a large "range")...perfect for use in the early stages of orthodontic treatment.

Dr. S
-Grad of UNC Ortho '92 (research centered around ceramic brackets)

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#5 Post by ghostmyimag3 »

I dont have damon's however i had movement after 11 days. I have pictures on my blog to reflect it. (link at bottom)
My wires were pretty bent and up and down in the front especially on the bottom but now after 2 months i'm getting new wires. Its not a fast process.
Metal braces on Uppers and lowers-November 8, 2006

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#6 Post by SherwoodForest »

I have the zigzag in the archwire, too. My canine teeth need to be brought down. I've had my top braces on for 5 weeks and I have noticed an improvement, mostly on the front 4 teeth.

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#7 Post by bracedintx »

Hey La$ Vega$,

I've had my braces on for over a year. I take pictures after each adjustment and am just starting to notice a change in the overall shape of my arches. I agree with KK about flossing; you'll notice your teeth are shifting because the spaces between your teeth will change pretty often. I am trying to be better about listening to my ortho's advice: BE PATIENT +\+
self-ligating metal brackets all around


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