Does anyone regret having extractions?

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Does anyone regret having extractions?

#1 Post by BracesAgain »

I'm facing the prospect of having 4 extractions (of bicuspids/premolars). I am a borderline case where the orthos would treat me with or without extractions, however if I don't get extractions profile will be slightly protrusive and my teeth will tilt outwards instead of being straight up and down. My lips do not entirely close over my teeth due to this protrusion unless I make a conscious effort to pull my lips over the teeth... I am feeling conflicted and torn, but the tilting of my teeth is quite bothersome. I'm wondering how many people have had 4 extractions like this and if you are happy with the extractions after seeing some results with the braces. Thanks!

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#2 Post by Dark_angel »

I had 4 extractions in september 05 and i dont regret it but i feel that loosing four healthy teeth at 18 was alot but i am pleased with the results so far, my bottoms are nicely aligned and almost done. My ortho did suggest removing a fifth tooth ( a molar on the upper left) at my last visit yesterday but i declined and as such my bite classification on that side is and will be some what between class I and II but i feel loosing another tooth would be too much.

My advice to you is explore your options for treatment, ask if there is a way around the extractions perhaps widening the arch or the guarantees of good results. Is it the prospect of having the procedure done that is worrying you?


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#3 Post by joney »

It's a big decision to get extractions. Sometimes they are necessary. I had two extractions, which I don't regret, with my overjet and degree of crookedness I needed them. However I have noticed that some people here go down the road of seeing how it goes without extractions and then, if necessary, getting the extractions done. In fact the owner of this site Lynn followed that course and her teeth look fantastic.

Have a long think about it and get other opinions before you make your decision.

All the best
2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
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#4 Post by Braced4braces »

Hi. My fren had 4 extractions but her lips STILL do not close as people do when they pronounce for eg the "m" sounds. I think its kind of habitual for her to do that since she had protuding teeth for very long. For me, my situation is just like yours! I had damon2s on first and considering about extractions later. I'm thinking of not going for the extractions because of her case. i read somewhere we can't really get that perfect teeth even with braces though... Do update on ur decision!

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#5 Post by SDFD TSchott »

I had four extractions and only one extraction site has closed up completely so far. I'm hoping the others will follow really soon.

As for worrying about having extractions done, I knew they needed to go cause it would of cost me a few grand to try and save them so I just had them pulled.

SDFD TSchott


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#6 Post by LucyVanity »

I got those exact 4 extractions. My orthodontist actually wanted me to get 4 wisdom teeth out all on the same day, and I was like... noooooooo way.

Sometimes, I still wonder if these gaps will really be closed, but there's no turning back now.

I figure, I've got a lot of teeth, so I can spare some premolars XD

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#7 Post by platinum »

What about asking this question in Retainer forum?
I guess they can tell you if the caps are coming back etc.

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#8 Post by MsViola »

BracesAgain: I am in the same predicament as you. We are going to take a wait and see approach. I definately have to have my 4 wisdom teeth out, especially since one of them has a cavithy and 3 of them are impacted. I have never had a tooth pulled so this is a hard decision. I wish us both luck!

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#9 Post by 24KSmile »

Hi there,
Sometimes the extractions are really the best option--otherwise the orthodontist doesn't have enough room to work. I had 4 extractions--2 first premolars from the uppers & 2 second premolars from the lowers. This was back in April & September 2005. Now all the gaps are gone & you can't tell that I had any teeth extracted.

Both my uppers & lowers were protruding a lot at the front & now they are very close to vertical. My profile has changed & I think it's a great improvement.

So, if you have confidence in your ortho, then follow his advice. It will be worth it.

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#10 Post by MsViola »

BracesAgain: I am in the same predicament as you. We are going to take a wait and see approach. I definately have to have my 4 wisdom teeth out, especially since one of them has a cavithy and 3 of them are impacted. I have never had a tooth pulled so this is a hard decision. I wish us both luck!

1/17/07 - Upper (Clear) & Lower (Metal - self ligatating) Braces
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#11 Post by tinseltownusa »

I had 4 teeth extracted on Dec. 21, 2006 and even though it has been less than 1 month the gaps have already begun to close up. For me, there was no option. In order to straighten my teeth, some had to come out (even though I already had wisdom teeth out a few years earlier).

Try to stay open-minded to the idea if your ortho suggests it. Having teeth extracted is not a cop out by the ortho--if he or she says you need it done then you probably do. Also, ask yourself if after all the time you spend in braces if you will be happy if your teeth & bite will be less than "perfect" (perfection being whatever it means to you).

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#12 Post by payoki »

I was in braces for over a year without extractions and my teeth couldn't get any better and so the doctor took out four of my teeth and now it's moving along towards the right direction and I'm happy with what I'm seeing. so don't be scared, with the extraction the result is much much better if your mouth is protruding.
mother of one.

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#13 Post by Boolajoojoo »

I was wondering about the same thing. I have not been braced yet either, but the possibility of pulling two of my upper bicuspids was mentioned to me as an option. My reply being "I'd rather not" ... and his retort being sarcastically "Oh, you're one of the few that doesn't want that." I laughed... but it's not so much that I am scared of the procedure or the pain involved... I just don't see how it's that great of a solution, but I'm not the expert. It doesn't seem like many people have said they regret the extractions though. I just want to have enough teeth to chew with you know? I'm kinda using them right now... and I can't seem to visualize how having any teeth pulled would be an improvement... so I kind of want to find someone that says they can get the *best* results without pulling any teeth, the only orthodontist I've seen yet offered a compromise result if I go without the extractions.

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#14 Post by Stich »

I had 4 extractions and I consider that decision the toughest one of this whole braces journey. I had a large overbite, caused in part by my jaws growing incorrectly. Because I have no TMJ pain I easily decided not to have jaw surgery, but the only way to improve my overbite was to pull teeth. Looking each day at the 4 gaping holes where healthy teeth had once been always made me worry if this was the right thing to do. But about 9 months into my treatment we started working on closing the gaps and now I am glad I made the room. My gaps closed up quickly (4 months) and now I only have a slight overbite and my teeth fit so much better in my mouth... it is hard to tell I even had teeth pulled. So there are no regrets.


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#15 Post by Dreamer »

Absolutely no regrets at all! Had 4 premolars extracted due to overbite and not wanting expansion surgery as I also didn't have any TMJ pain. Now that my gaps are 100% closed you can't even tell I had any teeth pulled and it's been the best choice I ever made! Also I am very happy I chose not to go through with expansion surgery because already my results exceed my expectations from the extractions.
full metal braces 4/26/05~~debanded 12/13/07!
12/13/07 bonded retainers + wrap around hawley

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