HELP I am having doubts

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HELP I am having doubts

#1 Post by taylorhl25 »

I am due to have my braces fitted in 4 weeks and was feeling fine about everything but after a conversation with my husband last night I am suddenly feeling very unsure and almost want to back out. My husband is very supportive and happy for me but last night he told me he was just worried in case I felt very self conscious and he mentioned when I get all dressed up to go out, and I may feel not so good, because of the braces.

I am not the kind of person to let vanity get in the way but for some reason I could not stop thinking about what he said last night and I woke up this morning thinking "do I really want to or need to do this". :cry:

Is this normal and can anyone give me any advise ? ?

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vanity, fear, normal!

#2 Post by mmh »

you sound just like me - but you know what - I was in a cold sweat the night before, but I think in the long run it will be worth it. I am married and I have two children (little, 5 years and 2 and a half years), and they have been completely supportive. For the first few weeks it feels like a really big deal and you feel like everyone is looking at you, but in fact, everyone else is worrying about how they look! It's a passing novelty and then it goes. You will feel a bit self conscious but soon enough you will feel like it's not that big a deal and just get on with it. Whether you go ahead and get them or not, time marches on. Good luck. I am coping and it's been about two months. It gets easier.

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#3 Post by Whirliebird »

If your husband is supportive and you have gone this far it would be foolish to back out now. You obviously don't like your teeth the way they are and you will only regret it in years to come if you change your mind.

I say go for it - i did, my husband was also a great support to me, and in all honesty i felt better and more attractive dressed up to go out whith my braces on and my teeth in all the right places, than i ever did brace free and teeth all over the place.

I will be getting my braces off in 4 weeks time :D .... i had them for almost 2 years, they feel like a part of me now

My advice is to go for it - my 2 years has gone by very quickly, and it is only a very short time in your life at the end of the day.

Good Luck - let us know how you get on.
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#4 Post by Lisa65 »

Helen, I can only back up what the others have said. It has to be your decision, but I don't think in general people notice our braces nearly as much as we worry (or subconciously hope??) they will. It tends to be a 5 minute wonder for them, but for you it's a major issue.

I seem to remember you said you were only 29, so that's a long long time you will have to either enjoy your nice new smile, or to regret not having the treatment - depending on your decision.

It's normal to have doubts about what is a life-changing event, with all the associated stress about such a major issue. You don't have to get the braces on the pre-arranged day if you don't feel ready. You're in charge and can delay it if you wish, but I also seem to remember that your treatment is only going to be 12 months - so by next Christmas you would probably be brace-free and enjoying your new look and associated increase in self-confidence.

A year is nothing.

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#5 Post by Raspberry »

I was worried about the same thing before I got my braces on. But I smile more now than I ever have, and I feel way more confident about the way I look, metal and all. I barely notice them anymore, they have become a part of me. I'd say if it's something you really want, go for it... the minute you start to see your teeth shifting into place you'll feel awesome!

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#6 Post by taylorhl25 »

Thanks everyone for your support, it really does mean a lot and helps a great deal.

I am new to this and I think my emotions are just in shock that it is all happening so fast. Lucyloop, I am like you too and the braces are due to the fact that I still have a baby tooth on my top right hand side (2 teeth from front), and it is hanging on by a mere thread while the adult tooth sits comfortably behind it effecting my speech and it needs moving. So I kinda knew aswell that braces were going to be a part of my life at some time but it was always put to one side and now it is here in 4 weeks they will be on and I am just not in control of my emotions.

Your all so right and it definately appears that I am the only one concerned about this, or so I though because when Stephen (my husband) voiced his concerns last night, it threw me. I go over in my head the reasons why I am doing this and there are many, but only one reason for not. . . "will I be happy" and I think I have come to the realisation that I make my own happiness, not other people, not the Orthodontist and not my husband (love him though). I am only 29 and my brace time is only 12 months and that is nothing compared to the many years of happiness it will give me. :) :lol:

I am sure there will be many days up to the brace fitting that I feel down or worried, but I just have to log on to this site and read the amazing stories of success and also realise that many people around the world are doing this, so it really can't be that hard :wink:

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#7 Post by Nawners »

I can't wait to show off my metal mouth! I LOVE the way braces look. My boyfriend tried to be as supportive as possible, but I could tell he wasn't very happy about it, probably more because of the cost. I had to explain to him that this is something that I am doing regardless, and he can support me or not. He eventually quit complaining, and now is discussing what colors I should get.
You are the one that needs to make the decision, regardless of what that decision is! Please don't change your mind because you're afraid of what someone thinks. :wink:
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#8 Post by gunter8888 »

When I first started researching orthodontics about 2 years ago my wife thought I was stupid. She had a miserable experience having braces for 4 years as a teenager and could not understand why anyone would choose to undergo orthodontic treatment.

I explained to her many times how much I hated my smile and my crooked teeth and how my bad bite was taking a toll on my teeth and jaws. Eventually she understood that it was important to me. She still couldn't understand why I would want to go through that "torture", but she did know it meant a lot to me.

Even when I began with my expander 6 months ago my wife still didn't understand, but she was supportive. About a month ago she noticed the difference the expansion of my upper arch has already made on my smile and she exclaimed, "Wow! Your smile is going to look so good!" Ever since, she has been truly thrilled for me and been my biggest cheerleader.

I guess my point is, they love us no matter what. That's why they married us. As guys, we often say things as they come to us; without much thought to the consequences (no news there, right?). Your husband loves you. He will continue to love you - braces and beyond. Make sure he knows what this means to you and how much you appreciate his support. Then when you have difficult brace days he will be there to remind you how great the outcome will be.

Best of luck!
Expander in 8/9/06
Lowers on 11/30/06
Uppers on / Expander gone on 1/31/2007
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#9 Post by lionfish »

Taylor, it's perfectly normal to have the butterflies at this stage. I had 7 weeks between committing to, and actually starting treatment. There was many a time in that period that I wanted to pull out.

Almost one year later, I'm just thankful I stuck with it because the changes for me have been so marked. I look at photos of myself now and my face has a nice symmetry to it.

There has been some interest from friends and family, and curiously enough some of them are still only noticing my lower braces for the first time even now (I have linguals on top). It really is only a big deal for us.

And 12 months will go lightning fast.

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#10 Post by amd »

Taylor, I wouldn't be overly concerned about what other people think. Right after mine were put on today my daughter and I went out for lunch. As we're paying my daughter nudges me and says "Hey Mom the woman at the cash is staring at you", :shock: (and she was). So I looked her dead in the eye, smiled as big as I could :tingrin: and said to her "Hey, whadya think? Like 'em? I bet you're jealous that you don't have 'em My teeth are going to be so awesome. Don't you wish you had some?"
To which she replied with a look that said "that woman's either cracked or on crack"! :Questions:

It's all what you make of it. You have to do what is right for you and disregard other people's comments. Having always been teased and had comments on my underbite, living with braces will be easy for me considering what I will look like afteward.

Good luck with your decision.
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Me too!

#11 Post by purkeyrose »

I am 36 years old... well, 37 in a couple of weeks, but who's counting! Anyway, I have needed braces all my life, but my parents couldn't afford them when I was a teenager. I just got my braces on two days ago. Even while sitting in the chair, I wondered if I really wanted braces (although I really do need them and have wanted to straighten my teeth forever). I kept telling myself that my teeth aren't that bad (yes, they are). I think I was just worried that something might go wrong and I wouldn't like the way the looked or fit together afterwards. Plus, I've had periodontal issues and am worried about the stress the braces will put on my teeth. However, the reason I have had periodontal issues is because of how crowded and crooked my teeth are. Can't fix one without the other. I am not worried about what people think of how I look in braces. It is a temporary thing and will improve my oral health overall. I have gotten a few second glances but no one has said anything to me about them. The only trouble I am having is that a couple of my front teeth are tighter than they were before (from the spacers, I think) so it is hard to get floss between them and a bit painful. I'm sure that will ease up as they start shifting around. I don't have the archwire on my bottom teeth yet because I have to get one tooth extracted. I opted for braces only instead of braces plus surgery on my lower jaw. If I had gone the surgery route I would have had to have three extractions instead of only one. I thought it would be best to lose fewer teeth. I've ordered one of those irrigator devices to help with keeping my teeth and brackets clean. Especially since it has been hard for me to get floss between the teeth that have the bands on them and the other teeth. It's probably because I'm not used to doing it and it takes a bit of maneuvering. I'm sure I will get the hang of it. Good luck with yours!

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#12 Post by Sherri »

I remember looking in the mirror one day about two years ago and thinking that I guess thats one thing I missed the boat on in this lifetime was having straight teeth. Then I really started to think about it and thought that if I grin and bear it for two years then I will have a lifetime of straight teeth. I found that I try harder with the rest of me now keeping my weight down, dressing better maybe do my nails more wear some accessories, grew my hair longer. Sure I may have a mouth full of braces, but I think the rest of me looks alot better than it used to. And when I'm done I will have a great smile and not something I am self conscious about anymore :D

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#13 Post by florencegal »

Taylor - I had the exact same doubts as you and went through a few days a week or so before getting my extractions when I was ready to call the whole thing off. The thought of losing 4 teeth I'd never be able to get back and facing up to 2 years in braces seemed far too much to handle. But I did it, am 2 and half months in and in all honesty couldn't be happier!

For better or worse, I'm a person that puts a lot of importance on appearance - how I (and other people) look to the outside world is very important to me. This may make me a very shallow and superficial person, but that's the way it is! I have to admit for perhaps two days after getting braced I'd look in the mirror and couldn't believe this was the way I'd have to look for 18+months but it's all question of getting used to it - now I don't even notice my braces in the mirror at all, I'm more worried about checking my eyeliner is straight and I've managed to make my hair look presentable! I have friends I've known since starting high school aged 11 and they didn't even notice my braces, I had to point them out because they make so little difference to my appearance. And like others have said, you're so young and will have a lifetime to enjoy your perfect smile. which will make everything worthwhile. Take a deep breath, summon up your courage and go for it - I promise you it'll be the best thing you've EVER done for yourself!


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#14 Post by shoshiaf »

Don't be afraid of what other people are going to think of your braces. If anything, they will notice what a proactive role you are taking in order to improve your bite, oral hygiene, and overall appearance. Your feelings are completely natural, but just think of how small the treatment time is when compared to your entire life!

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#15 Post by bracedintx »

Taylor- I got braced at 30. My husband was only semi-supportive because it would cost a lot and he didn't initially understand the long-term effects I would face if I didn't correct my teeth. But as soon as I got them on he said "oh, it really changes your overbite"...I said "What?? You think I have an overbite??" I thought I had pretty straight teeth but clearly I didn't. Now he compliments the tooth movement. On another note, I went out to a formal event last night and was a bit bummed about the braces with the fancy duds. Of course no one cared but me. Most of the time I just have fun with the lig colours and am happy that my jaw pain is virtually gone :)
self-ligating metal brackets all around


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