Poll - other peoples' comments on your teeth

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Poll - other peoples' comments on your teeth

#1 Post by Lisa65 »

When people notice your braces or you tell them, and they say stuff like

"I couldn't see anything wrong with your teeth before, they looked fine to me"

does it irritate you?

Do you get the idea that they are somehow implying that you are wasting your money on something which is (in their eyes) pure vanity?

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#2 Post by platinum »

When I told my landlady she said that my teeth look nice.
My boyfriend probably understands, because before I got braces, I showed him my overjet. He got suprised and asked "How the heck you are able to eat" and "did you suck your thumb as a kid".

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#3 Post by ghostmyimag3 »

No people notice my teeth now, they were junk before. I get complimented on how well they are looking now.
Metal braces on Uppers and lowers-November 8, 2006

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#4 Post by ema27 »

I only have had braces for a week but when i told people some said oh but you have nice teeth or theres nothing wrong with your teeth.Both of these annoyed me cos i do have crooked teeth and it is obvious-so why do people say that.I dont think its a cost issue-just that people are afraid to hurt your feelings!


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#5 Post by Lisa65 »

I guess as a rule people don't go round looking at each others' teeth, so unless your teeth are truly awful then they will always seem worse to you than anyone else.

But the reason I asked is that I have a good friend who has said just that to me on a few occasions. Maybe she's trying to be kind and not hurt my feelings by agreeing that my teeth would benefit from some work, but it's had the opposite effect. Even after me pointing out my 8mm overjet, crossbite and overlapping front incisors, she still said "well I still think they don't look that bad" and I find it really irritating, especially as she has nice teeth herself!

Just wondered if this kind of comment is common and what others consider the reasons behind it are? My friend loves me for who I am and so doesn't care about what my teeth look like, and that's her reason for saying that - but that doesn't mean I shouldn't care what they look like, does it?

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#6 Post by joney »

In my experience most people don't comment.

A few have asked me if it costs a lot, to which I just reply "yes".

Most of my friends have been supportive and some have said that they wish they could sort out their smiles.

Only one negative comment so far which I chose to ignore.

Some have said that they didn't notice my teeth were crooked, but then they wouldn't would they, before I had my brace I tended not to notice people's teeth so much unless they were extremely fantastic or terrible.
2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#7 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

I had someone tell me they couldn't see before that I needed braces, but now that I have them they can. In my mind I was like what? Can you not see this gapping whole in my face? It did annoy me...kind of...But then again that just shows that we see more wrong with us than others.

Another was like well you looked 16 before and now they make you like about 12 or 13... :shock: ...HHmmm not sure how to take that since I'm TWENTY-FIVE...I think it's a good thing in a way tho. And sometimes it's not. Like getting carded and such...bleh...and asking when I'm graduating from highschool...LOL
LiFe iS A HoOt iF You arE aN oWL...O.o

Sept. 28 ~ Consult with Orthodontist
Dec. 5 ~ Spacers In
Dec. 12 ~ Braces On!!!


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#8 Post by gunter8888 »

I've had that comment a few times. Probably because I only smile with my uppers and they look okay, at first glance. And because I only have my lowers braced right now (expander up top).

I usually take it as a compliment. Something along the lines of, "You already look good and don't need improvement." Mostly, I think its just a matter of people looking for something nice to say about our braces. I know some folks get pretty surprised to see someone 30+ years old with a metal mouth. Plus, I find that most people are not as preoccupied with teeth as we are. So they don't see the imperfections that drive us to want to improve our smiles.
Expander in 8/9/06
Lowers on 11/30/06
Uppers on / Expander gone on 1/31/2007
Class III elastics added 3/14/2007
Expander #2 - 6/27/2007
20-24 months w/ fixed metal braces

charlotte T
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#9 Post by charlotte T »

I had this comment a few times, especially from closer friends surprisingly! (some of my friends are v.honest and blunt :lol: ) But it didn't offend me, I was just completely shocked that they didn't notice how bad my teeth were. I guess it confirmed to me that we notice our own teeth way more than anyone else does! Although I am a bit teeth-obsessed now........ :D

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#10 Post by nita »

I have had a couple friends say that my teeth weren't that bad before, and I generally take it as a compliment or a reassurance that people really don't notice the teeth of others.

If a friend were to continue commenting about how my teeth "aren't that bad" then I would definitely be irritated because then I would see it as some kind of jab at my vanity.

I had one friend ask me why I didn't have braces as a teenager. I told her that my parents didn't have enough money at the time. She obviously didn't understand (she comes from a VERY well-off family) and started talking about parents not taking care of their kids :roll:. I didn't even respond to that.
Top brackets and spacers on 2/17/06
Molar bands on 3/6/06
Extractions and full braces 3/27/06
Update: 22-24 months total time in braces!

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#11 Post by PrincessMelody »

Only a couple of my close friends knew I had a tooth on the roof of my mouth so many of my friends were shocked to learn I got braces. Some of my family friends even thought I had braces when I was younger and asked why I got them again. My top arch appeared fine... round, no crowding, and just a couple gaps. Bottom wasn't so great looking but that wasn't very visible. So I have gotten a lot a questions as to why, but nothing very rude except for one of my best friends thinking it would have a negative impact on my overall look... which surprised me. She thought me couple gaps gave me character. I told that if I only had the gaps and not that wayward tooth I wouldn't have gotten braces and that she should try dealing with a tooth on the roof of her mouth. I got a little upset over that comment because I really am not doing it for cosmetic reasons but even if I was so what, she should be supportive.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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#12 Post by SimInsomniac »

I got the same sort of response of: "Your teeth are fine, I didn't think you need them!" And fair enough, my case wasn't too bad, but I'm at the age where a huge number of people get them, especially in recent years. When I got them, 3 of my then 5 close friends had or were done with braces so I wasn't alone, now another friend recently got them and it's just us two left. My friend's result fuelled me even more: they really are perfection! :D

I don't think anyone thinks I'm vain for it, after all I'm not paying for it. I was very lucky to get free treatment before they tightened the requirements.
Quite a few people say how straight they are and I sometimes get asked how long I have left because they look so much straighter. 8)

Damon 3 braces for 22.5 months.
30th August 2005 - 13th July 2007


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#13 Post by Brandyleigh35 »

I've had a few people say that to me also. I think mostly because my teeth weren't terribly messed up I had a relatively nice smile before getting braced. So people are like "why did you get braces? Your teeth were already straight" I think they assume that I got them for vanities sake. I work in a school and the kids all think I have them so that I can look better. They are always asking me why I have them now, saying that my smile was good before.

My reasons for getting braced were due to the sleep apnea my retronathic jaw has been causing me. So I have to explain to everyone that it is a medical necessity....so that I can breathe at night when I sleep and not die. That usually shuts them up pretty quick. Truthfully though I think people dont' really notice the specifics of peoples teeth. I mean if you have a nice smile or are comfortable in your skin then people just sortof take your looks for granted. I have also had several people mention that they think its sortof sad how everyone has to have perfectly straight teeth these days. That its like everyone is a cookie cutter imagine of each other, and that teeth that are not really bad give people character. I was like "uh yea, if you say so" Personally I'm thrilled that mine are looking so great now, and had no idea how wonderful a correct occulusion can be.

I think people have many reasons for questioning peoples decision about braces. I just figure they are ignorant about what is happening in my mouth and don't let it bother me too much. Trust me....when you are finished, these people will be the first ones to say how different and great your teeth look!


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#14 Post by jenfire »

I never get comments on my teeth. I think if anyone did say something rude, I would probably tell them that it is a long, difficult process that I am doing for myself. The opinion of others really does not matter.
Ceramic Braces and RPE, estimated treatment 18 months


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#15 Post by chicklets »

I've gotten mostly supportive comments. Usually the comments are that my teeth looked fine to them but if it makes me happy then that's all that matters. I can appreciate that. I would never presume to tell someone they don't *need* to get their nose fixed or their eyes lasered so they don't need to wear glasses.

I can share the one very rude comment I've gotten so far. I posted this little story in another thread recently. I'm still shocked about it (and so glad I have somewhere I can share these things), and I bet you will be shocked too:

I ran into an old friend recently who noticed my palate expander right away (I've had it for several months and still talk with a lisp ). I told her that I would be getting braces in a few months. First, she said, "why do that, your teeth look fine." I explained that they have shifted and crowded so much in the last 10 years (I'm now 42), and I'm hoping to prevent worse things like gum disease later in life. Her response: "So basically it's vanity." Then she had the gall to tell me that she had more important priorities in her life. I was really shocked and didn't know how to respond at that point. I basically just nodded and changed the subject. :x

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