Is anyone correcting a mild problem?

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Is anyone correcting a mild problem?

#1 Post by bracesat35 »

Hello, I am a 35 (almost 36!) yr old woman on the eve of getting braces for the SECOND time in my life. I had all sorts of crowding, etc when I had braces on in my teens. I had 4 extractions, headgear, the whole nine yards. Unfortunately though I was cavalier about the retainer which I lost about 6 months after the braces came off. I didn't worry much about it though because my teeth looked fabulous, I was told I only needed the retainer for one year, and I was a teenager afterall...

It didn't take too long for my front two teeth to get pushed out slightly. Those teeth stick down further than the others though, and I've always hated those abnormally large looking teeth.

So I had a consultation with an ortho, paid for the records fee, etc. He recommends 6 months of braces, 6 brackets on the top, 6 on the bottom. I think I can get by fine.

I was all ready to go for it with ceramic brackets, but looking at the little models they have in the office I then decided to use metal because they have a flatter profile. Plus, I figure it'll be apparent that I have braces anyway, so why try to hide them?

The thing I am worrying about now, late the night before I'm supposed to get them on, is... will people think I'm incredibly vain for doing this? No one has said they think I need braces, even when I told them I was thinking about getting them. The ortho also describes my teeth as pretty good. Some friends think I"m nuts to go through all this for such a minor correction. My husband of course supports me, but he really doesn't think I need it.

Is there anyone out there in a similar situation? I must be having night before jitters?


~ Rach ~
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#2 Post by ~ Rach ~ »

Hi! :-)

I'm 29 and i'm 12 months into my first (and hopefully last) braces sitting.
Its amazing the amount of people after seeing my braces, have commented that they didnt think i needed them in the first place.

Its a personal choice and regardless of what anyone else thinks, its something we're doing for ourselves. My Dad was incredibly negative about it, especially when he realised how much it was costing, but this coming from a smoker who at the age of 53 looks as though his are all about to fall out, i dont take much notice.

Each to their own, and good on you!

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#3 Post by Nawners »

You are not vain at all. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a great smile! Every day I hear "Why are you doing this, you have nice teeth" or "You don't need them". And I say "thanks for your input, but I am doing it anyway because I want to.

Good luck in your second journey with braces!
~There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus~



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Thanks ~ Rach ~, Meryaten, KK, and Nawners

#4 Post by bracesat35 »

Wow ~ Rach ~, Meryaten, KK, and Nawners. I really appreciate your support and encouragement. I am feeling so much better after reading your posts. I have the confidence to go ahead with this for sure now! I am sooo glad I joined this board!

I have yet to decide on: uppers only or both, and metal or ceramic brackets. I am leaning towards metal on both. :o

Appointment is in 1 1/2 hrs. Eeek I'm so excited!

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#5 Post by PrincessMelody »

My situation just goes to show you can't always judge a book by it's cover. Many of my friends questioned why I got braces. Even my one friend who is a dental assistant asked why I didn't just do Invisalign because her dentist could have "hooked me up" :lol: She had no idea what my real problem was. It's not like I walk around telling every person I meet about my teeth. From my smile it is not apparent that I have any problem with my teeth. I have a few gaps here and there but my top arch was round, I didn't have any visible crowding, and the only crowding was in my lower arch which wasn't really that visible. My problem is that my left second premolar is in the roof of my mouth (check out my WWW to see what I mean). So I am sure to those that don't know me very well, and have not asked me why I got braces, think I am very vain. But if asked why I got braces, I tell them about my lonley little tooth up there. I, however, don't care about what everyone thinks because I know why I have braces. Even if it was for a cosmetic reasons, so what. This is for you!
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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#6 Post by tommyfive »

i'm having a small correction done and it will have me in braces (12-top/12-bottom) for 10 months (estimated).

i'm in the same situation with my wife's support, although she says she doesn't see it as something she would put herself through. but she does understand that it's important to me, she sees what''s being done, and supports me.

this is something I have wanted to do for myself for a long time. to the point where i've looked in the mirror every morning and night and wondered when I would do it. Now I can stop doing that!

i'm not trying to look like a movie star here. I just want my teeth to look as good as they can and to last for as long as possible. i'm not doing it for anyone else's happiness; and it's not affecting them in any way (well, maybe they think they would be better off if i gave *them* my money). if they have something negative to say about it, you have to wonder why they think it's any of their business.

you're doing this for you, and that's fine. don't let the turkeys get you down!
top arch braced 3/21/07
new wire on top 4/19
bottom arch braced 4/19
buccal tube lost on 5/4, replaced on 5/5
new bottom wire on 6/26 (I think)
top & bottom chains (round 1) installed on 7/24 (ouch)

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#7 Post by Skylark »

I'm in a very similar position! I had the works as a teenager but they've started moving since. Up close there were a couple of noticably crooked ones, but from a distance, I had a fairly nice smile.

My teeth have been worsening by the month lately (despite STILL wearing my grotty old retainer) and I really just wanted to stop this movement, but it turns out only braces will sort it.

So I'm in ceramics for 6 months and then hopefully invisalign. To get them absolutely perfect I'd need metal uppers and lowers, elastics, the lot. But that's a commitment that I don't want to make - either financially or timewise. I'm happy to get them nearly perfect with just ceramic uppers.

I've had them a month and it has been absolutely fine, I've had far less comments than I thought about vanity - and if I do, I explain about my teeth shifting and my bite worsening. Conversation over, people aren't too interested anyway.

People may think you have great teeth but you know your teeth best and if you're unhappy then go for it, it will cease to become an issue when they're on!

Good luck!

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#8 Post by bracesat35 »

Hi everyone! Well, I did it! I went for metal because they don't stick out as much. I screamed when I saw myself with them. Weird!! It's like having a flashback to middle school. :D I'd say within 15 min or so of staring at myself in the mirror I became very used to them, and now I actually like them! I suppose this wasn't that hard for me to adjust to since I've had braces before. So anyway, I've just gone about my day smiling and enjoying it. :lol:

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#9 Post by platinum »

So anyway, I've just gone about my day smiling and enjoying it.

I have been so embarresed whole day. People can't understand me. I look horrible. I hate these things already. I could go with lower braces but my retainer looks so bad. A metal line over my upper front teeth. UGH
I haven't been smiling at all.

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#10 Post by bracesat35 »

Platinum, I'm so sorry you had a bad day. What type of braces did you get? I hope you feel better about it soon. You're probably just not used to seeing yourself this way, huh? Honestly, seeing so many other adults with braces helped me work up the courage to do it. There are a lot of people out there who wish they were doing this too. We just happen to be amongst those who had the guts to do it! :D

Hang in there :o

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#11 Post by platinum »


At the moment I have titanium lowers and upper retainer. The retainer prevents me biting off lower brackets. The problem is the retainer. It is really annoying, it fills my mouth and I have a horrible lisp.
It seems I have to wear it 6-9 months before I get upper braces.
I could not get Invisalign because of my bite. But later on my treatment I can switch (and I will) to Invisalign.

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#12 Post by erik »

I am in a similar situation, just a little older at 40 and the opposite gender. I have six upper and lower all in ceramic. Supposed to have them about nine months.

The strongest reaction I have had was from my mother! It was as though she was insulted because I did not have them as a kid, that she had done something wrong... Then came the "your teeth aren't that bad"... So, I think they felt I was a little vain.

But, my teeth have always bothered me. Even though they were not horrible, they were not great either. Also, being a guy, most attempts at improving your image are frowned upon. But, my wife has been very supportive and has encouraged me to get them.

It has been very exciting for me personally. My bottom teeth were overlapped quite a bit, but now, after three months, they are no longer overlapped. They feel smooth on the inside!! It is so cool!

In a few months it will be all over and I will no longer have "not that bad" teeth, I will have "nice" teeth. I know it will be worth it!


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#13 Post by Skylark »

Good for you Bracesat35! Like you I had them when I was younger and I do think it makes it easier to adjust second time round. Platinum, I'm sure you'll get used to them, and your speech should go back to normal soon. Think about the long term gain of a great smile!

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#14 Post by SecondTimer »


Your situation is similar to mine. I had braces as a teen and over time, the lower teeth became crowded again. I just couldn't stand looking at them in the mirror knowing that a few years ago they were perfectly straight.

I went to several orthos for consultations, trying to find one that could treat just the lower teeth. They all said the same thing, however, that both arches had to be treated (the uppers have to be flared a little to make room for the lowers) They all also said that only the front six teeth would need braces.

Like you, I decided that I could deal with that so I picked one of the orthos and proceeded. He charges less for this 'Limited Treatment' that's expected to take less than a year. There was a little bit of a surprise when he presented the final treatment plan after taking records though - he decided it would be easier for him to just go ahead and place braces on all the teeth including molar bands so he would have 'more control'. The ortho said it would actually make the treatment faster since he'd be able to expand the upper arch a little which I gather is not possible with brackets on just the front six teeth. He actually gave me the option of not banding and bracketing the back teeth, but strongly encouraged the comprehensive option. Since he didn't increase the price, I went along with the change in plans.

The extra brackets and bands do not bother me; you can't see them as they're on the bicuspids and molars; it's just that it took a little getting used to the idea of having a full set of braces vs braces on just the front teeth.

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#15 Post by betty »

Thank you so much! I am having braces fitted on Friday and my greatest fear has been that it is only a minor problem. All my friends have told me I am crazy it and that my teeth are just a part of who I am, and that they aren't that bad. I hate the thought of everyone thinking I am being really vain.

Reading this discussion has made me feel much better. I will get them on Friday and hopefully will get used to them quickly too.

Thanks for posting this message!

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