expander problems...starvation?

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expander problems...starvation?

#1 Post by paddyhollowmama »

My14 yr old daughter got an expander on this past Wednesday. It is not the kind where you turn a key, but one shaped like a "W." The base of the "W" is facing her front teeth. Instead of it being tightened at any time, it exerts a constant, slow pressure.
The problem is that it seems to trap food in a major way. Do they all do this? I am wondering if this kind is worse in that respect. Any one ever have this kind of expander?
She is crying and saying she needs to get it out, not because of pain or even the slurred speech, but she says she is going to starve. Does any one know how long it takes to relearn to chew and swallow?
Thank you!

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#2 Post by Amburly »

Hi paddyhollowmama ,

Although I don't have that type of expander, I have an RPE(key turning type) I can tell you that the first week or so is not a fun time. Luckily though things do most certainly get better and I can eat anything I want as long as I'm prepared battle with the food that gets hung up in the expander. Tell your daughter that things will be much better very soon.

I hate to hear that she is having so many problems, hope she finds a way to cope until then


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#3 Post by Metamorphosis »

Hi paddyhollowmama,

It sounds like you might be talking about a TPA...?


I have a TPA, and like expanders, you get used to them eventually (I'm guessing it's easier to get used to the TPA!).

Have lots of yummy soft stuff on hand for her to eat - things that wont get stuck.

Pudding, jello, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, applesauce, yogurt, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, pureed soups.

Have her avoid the stuff that really sticks until she gets used to it, such as:

Bread, leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, etc), long noodles, etc.

Advise her to break off small bits of food to eat at a time, and to try to focus on chewing with just the molars - keep the food off of the roof of the mouth.

After awhile i'm sure she'll begin to get the hang of it.

I wish you both luck!

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#4 Post by KatK »

I have an expander also, not the same type, but I experienced the same problems. I was convinced I would starve because I couldn't eat. However, you get used to it. Tell her to sit with a big glass of water, take small bites of soft food, and chase quickly with the water. This will help her get the food down.

Macaroni and Cheese is good... the protein smoothies you can get from GNC are good... milkshakes.. yogurt... cream of wheat... etc. About 2 weeks after I had mine in I was able to eat pizza again :-) I hope she gets better, it will be well worth it for her :-)
~ Pendulum on December 1st
~ Damon lowers March 27
~ Palatal Bar installed May 22nd..
~ Damon clear uppers May 22 too!

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#5 Post by BillyNPhoenix »

Hi Paddy,

I have the same expander (W-shaped spring that applies constant pressure). I felt the exact same my first couple of days, but I feel much better even after just one month. I found it too difficult to try anything other than soup and shakes the first week (and by soup I mean tomato and other completely broth soups). It helped me learn to swallow first, then to move on to food, and the constant pressure made it hurt to chew anything. I found some protein pudding at GNC, or other health food store (they’re a little expensive, but the additional protein made me feel fuller), and protein shakes (such as muscle milk - they are loaded with calories and tons of protein). Then I moved to chili and other chunkier soups and now I’m doing much better and can eat more and more everyday.

I think the key for me was to start basic and move up, the W spring completely gets in the way of swallowing so it took a while to learn a work-around (I try to keep the tip of my tongue pushed against my front teeth and swallow hard using more throat muscles instead of pushing things back with my tongue against the roof of my mouth). And as others have said, everything will get stuck up there so have several glasses of water handy. And a positive attitude – assure her it will get better and will be worth it!

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