Dry, cracked lips...

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Dry, cracked lips...

#1 Post by ame_malia »

I've always had a tendency to get chapped lips, but I swear since getting braces its gotten worse exponentially!

I used to use plain ol' Chapstick (and it did a pretty good job) and then for Christmas my mom got me a Burt's Bees starter kit that came with mint-flavored lip balm (not only does it help with the chapped-ness, but I also love the tingly mint feeling) However, my lips are still perpetually chapped. Basically, I just keep them from being painful and from cracking so much they bleed. (having a bloody spot on your lip makes people look at you funny....) I also have a tendency to chew on the little pieces of skin that start coming off, because I hate the feeling of have little pieces hanging on, and I want them to come off.

Does anyone know of any other lip products that could help?

[Oh, and I've also tried this Blistex lip infusion cherry splash, but I swear that actually made my lips worse. Its a liquidy-type stuff instead of a waxy-greasy type. (I do not recommend it!)]


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#2 Post by cowlypso »

The best things that I've found for when I was really chapped are...

Chapstick conditioning (blue tube)- regular chapstick seems to stimulate the formation of those little strings of shedding lip skin, but this kind doesn't do that. I like it a lot better. This is my usual daily lip treatment.

Blistex moisturizing lip balm something-or-other. It's in a tube and it is a liquid more than a solid stick. I put it on at night and it really seems to have a healing effect.

Carmex- another one that will tingle/burn when you put it on and is a heavy-duty treatment. I only use this one when I'm desperately chapped because it burns, but others on the boards absolutely love it. It does work, I just don't like the burning.

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#3 Post by starryadora »

The best thing for chapped lips is actually plain ol' Vaseline. A lot of dentists/doctors recommend that to their patients. Just slather it on before you go to bed every night. And remember...do NOT lick your lips! That just makes it worse.

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#4 Post by itsjustme »

I also have dried, cracked lips. Let me tell you, I don't think its a good look for me! I have yet to find anything that helps to hydrate my lips for real, as opposed to just masking the dryness for a few hours, only to let it return even worst afterwards! I keep buying lip stuff, but I think I am going to use regular vaseline and save my money. :cry:

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#5 Post by Skinny »

Yes! Plan Old Vasoline You can get a big tub of it for about 99 cents, Its the best thing out there. Put it on before bed sleep with it on there then after brushing your tetth put some more on. It also makes your lips look really nice too.
Stay away from Carmex and blistex and most other types of lip balms and stuff they have chemicals in them that make things worse.
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#6 Post by Lisa65 »

I too am a devotee of Vaseline. I have a massive tub of it in my bathroom which I've had for about 5 years and I've hardly dented it! It's dead cheap and it lasts for ever.
I also have a little tub which lives in my handbag so I always have some handy, and I use it whenever I feel the need.

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#7 Post by Danielle »

I use either Burts Bees Original Lip Balm or Blistex Medicated Lip Balm on an everyday/all day basis. When my lips get really bad I grab the Rosebud Salve--it's basically Vasaline with a very slight pink tint and I think it's a little less greasy.
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#8 Post by ame_malia »

Thanks for the answers everyone! I think I may go get some vaseline.

Also, my mom recommended something to me that I used to use as a kid and totally forgot about it. It's called Bag Balm. You can generally find it in feed stores....


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#9 Post by Joel- »

Another product similar to vaseline but may be better: Aquaphor!

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#10 Post by Jillianleab »

I have the same problem with really dry lips - and mine also bleed because I keep picking at them!!!

I like vasoline for at night before bed; put on more than you think you will need, it will absorb. During the day I use various Blistex products, but I haven't tried the lip infusion stuff you mentioned. I like the medicated one and the Silk and Shine. Aveeno also makes a great lip blam.

Remember to drink lots of water too, it will help you stay hydrated. I drink a ton of water and still have dry lips because I'm outside in the cold and wind every day (doggie needs her walk!). Good luck!

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#11 Post by *boom!* »

Make sure you drink plenty of water. Dry lips can be a sign of dehydration. I'm very guilty of not drinking enough water but I notice that when I do, I have a lot less problem with dry lips.

Also remember that the more product you use, the less likely your lips will be to continue to make their own moisture.

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Vitamin B!!!

#12 Post by DanceDiva »

I have had dry/cracked lips for a long time and mine also got WAY worse with braces. My dentist told me to start taking Vitamin B-complex and I have never seen such an improvment. I don't know if it's just me, but man, my lips are perfect now. It's actually really weird to not have peeling chapped lips now.

PS - I also use Vaseline lip therapy

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#13 Post by Nawners »

Be careful with carmex and the like! They tend to have a 'rebound' effect. The more you use, the more you need, when it should be the other way around.
I have a friend who used a lot of carmex in her earlier days, and now if she forgets her lip balm, her lips instantly dry and crack. I think she uses plain bonne belle strawberry lip balm or something like that now.

My personal favorite lip therapy is the satin lips collection from Mary Kay. It's spendy, but worth it to me! It has an exfoliating cream that you apply first that gets rid of all the dry skin. The lip balm you apply after feels great and it lasts a long time, compared to others. In lieu of that, I like Blistex Silk & Shine.
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#14 Post by charlotte T »

This stuff is fab. Nuxe Reve de Miel Honey Lip Balm .52 oz

Its definitely more of a nourishing treatment for really dry lips rather than just a petroleum based product, which I don't find that great in my opinion.
I find when my lips are really, really dry I need something heavy duty!! :D

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#15 Post by chevyhuny »

It may sound gross :oops: ... but I use vitamin E oil. Just a bit. It really sinks in.
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