braces on in four weeks

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#16 Post by Lisa65 »

Amazon do them, Jon ... B00008K62U

and Express chemist ... ad_x1.html

Those two were just the first 2 results of a Google search. You might be able to find them cheaper if you surf round a bit.

Dr Jon Harrow
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#17 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:) Hi Lisa and Karen
Thanks for the advice on the toothbrushes, i will check them out. Well its thursday morning and the sun is shining, Nirvana and Kate Bush are the present music on my i pod, and I ve just spoken to my other dentist whom i have been e-mailing over the last few days, and yes yes yes :!: :!: , She has looked at all my notes, and at what the ortho said, and so She is also happy now, so looks like all systems go for the 12th.
So now I'm going to try and book a few days snowboarding in Val d'Isere, as its half term for colleges and the university here next week :) , i should be marking work and doing more on my Post Doc, but then quality time is just what the doctor ordered (always follow own advice), so excuse me as I as quickly flick over to Expedia...i will try hard not to break a leg (actually i walk with a crutch,I damaged my hip and knee on a black run in the Bavarian Alps, at Garmische-Partenkirchen) :(

Dr Jon Harrow
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#18 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:) Hi Everyone
Its been another great day :) , even though ive been again to the orthodontist, i had some more questions, and since i was working this morning in the same location, decided to do both at once. So what can i say, very helpful and amiable, especially after my last visit and how i felt, for those who don't know, see the earlier entries :( .
I have managed to resolve the worries i had, and then later at my work place i got talking to some of the dental nurses, who were also very informative and I think glad I'm going to get my wonky teeth in order,( I used to talk to their dental phobic patients, can you imagine how that must have looked, someone with rubbishy teeth telling someone else not to be worried about the dentist!!!)
although one of them worried me a bit, as She said " ohh Dr Jon you're so brave" do you answer someone like that...condesending or what?, the others were all okay, and have said call if any help is needed, they also gave me a leaflet they give all their patients for supplies, so all you friends in the UK
So its three weeks Monday till B-day, I'm actually starting to look forward to it, in order that is a facing of a challenge that Ive avoided for far too long.
Jon XXX :)

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#19 Post by Jembrace »

Hi Dr. Jon!

I just got through reading through this thread and it does seem you're more positive about all this! I also have type 1 Diabetes, have had cataracts removed from both eyes. In addition, I'm almost deaf. Now I have braces, too. I still find many ways to have a positive outlook on life, due to hobbies and such (Not cars, I collect/restore Cabbage Patch Kids dolls!)

Seems your health issues have really kicked you, but think of this: You are still alive and able to go play in the snow. Many other people, younger than you, have passed on. You are about to get your wonky teeth braced, many people passed with their wonky teeth still untreated.

Every so often, yes, us humans need to have a pity party for ourselves; however, it's not good to stay in that well of darkness. (I'm also taking anti-depressants, so I know about that stuff, too.) We have to find something positive in each day of our lives. Getting braces to fix teeth we've been hating is a positive for EVERY day!

I'm looking forward to hearing about brace day! Remember Karen's advice to rinse with salt water and take a pain medication about an hour before you get braced. This forum is a great support group, so keep hanging around with us!

1st wire change June 2007

~No dream is ever lost if we never cease to try~
Moody Blues

Dr Jon Harrow
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#20 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:) Hi everyone.
Another good day, although the sun has gone away,well it is 6pm!,so that should be expected, but the sun will shine again all day tomorrow,so I look forward to seeing it again.
many thaks to all for the info and replies, thanks karen, i know what you meen about the negative feeling stuff,i know that was the reason for some of my ngative attitude in that my sister had braces in the 70's,which looked terrible(and She would not mind me saying that)and i only avoided them because i refused to go to the dentist, until I was an adult, then it was my choice of whether to sort out myself, or not, and i chose the latter, giving college, uni, med school, crohns,etc as the excuse,if I had not had them, I would have made up possible abduction my aliens in order to avoid looking like, aformentioned sister.
Stupid really, as I spend loads on other stuff, ie keeping skin young looking, but my smile (or lack of it) really let me down...I was the dowdy,quiet one at the pub and party, because i did not want to look at anyone, and i can't find a photo of me smiling, or without my hand over my mouth, or in front of it.
I really think my students will enjoy seeing my face..or at least I hope so,
Karen I know you said that no one really noticed the braces, but my students are taught to see changes in people...they're student nurses,and doctors, and other future medcial professionals, they notice when I wear my hair diferently, and when i got my nose pierced...well you can imagine the response,only to be expected, we train them that way.
I'm sort of ready with some answers, some serious, some not, so I will let you (all) know the reactions when they happen.
As for the nurse, I think She thought that braces were a teenage thing, She was quite surprised when i mentioned adults, and that some treatment is available on NHS...not in my local hospital, which is why I'm out of my area, and paying part to have more choice.
I know what you mean about being positive around negative people, the friend(?) I first spoke to about braces, who was a little strange in Her response, is very negative, and possibly I'm a little more upbeat at the moment because She is in Canada (hmm perhaps She may stay..only joking),and so we have not spoken, but She is one of those people who wants to wrap me in cotton wool and protect me, always telling me to rest etc etc....on the other hand Her husband (from Oz, Sydney), like me is an adrenalin junkie, always trying to find something more radical to do, so is a great friend, so you can imagine the conversations when we are together....we choose not to tell her what we are doing, until we've done it,and then strangly enough its me who is told to be more careful(???)
Anyway that got all that stuff off my mind..still checking for deals on skiing, cannot find anything at present, so it looks like marking for me all week. :cry:
By the way, another question to anyone, my ortho when questioned about time of treatment said ,not sure a year perhaps, but wait and there a basic time or an average, He did say it would be quite quick, but then I also tell patients that (keep on taking the tablets..), but from looking at this site, most individuals treatment takes, anything from a few years to.....
any answers fully listened to, divulged, and i promise I won't feel too down if its an eternity..anyway i do know at the end i will have to have permanent retainers that is a question
By the way thanks Lisa for that link, Ive ordered some ortho heads, and a much better price..not that I'm a cheapskate or anything, but I hate wasting money..well on toothbrush heads anyway.
So bye for now to all, Im off for supper :) :) :)

Dr Jon Harrow
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#21 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:) Hi to Jembrace
It seems like you are experiencing the same journey of health as I am, and as many others seem to be, in a way that is the good thing about this site, I signed up for support with my braces and find myself talking about my other health problems and find others in a similar situation, which of course is also good support...In that I know that when I'm having problems with the braces and the crohns is a problem, or the diabetes plays up, there are people who are in a similar situation and understand.
Was your eye problem a result of the type 1?, I know that I'm checked twice yearly for retinopathy, due to my other diabetes complications-ie the neuropathy in the foot, leg, hands and kidney I lost. Also have you been told of a link between your diabetes and teeth, was that your reason for braces?, this issue, in that I had lost teeth due to the deteriation of blood supply and nerve endings, was the reason for my loss, why the consultant referred me to a special care dentist, who passed me on to the orthodontist, and is the reason why I'm gettting a generous discount, and is also the reason why I am able to get Implants to replace the lost teeth also for free.
I have been told of a link between hearing and diabetes also , hmm say no more, but it is one of those underdiagnosed and misunderstood conditions. :cry: :cry:
I do try to keep as active as possible, but that is probably in reaction to the is my way of coping ( I also know about a personal way, a reaction to illness) there is also a link here with diabetes, in fact this year we as professionals were advised to keep an eye on our diabetic (I hate this word...illness as metaphor and all that, I am more than diabetic) patients and to refer should there be any sign of depressive behaviour(!!!!!)
Its good that you have found ways of coping, I shall read your braces journey, when ive finished this, hope this is not too boring :-Z are cabbage patch kids still around?, we had them here years ago, I know my sisters were big into them, and i think my niece still plays with one of them (now tell me they're worth millions and she should not be chewing it, (she is only 26 niece...not my sister!)
Hmmm time to stop, but do keep on looking in, its good to know there is support out there for the good and bad days, and that everyone is in a similar situation. :) :)
Jon XX

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#22 Post by Nickie »

Hi there

I just wanted to say that I have NHS braces and appearance-wise, it's not that bad. They are much smaller than in the past and I've not had any negative comments about them (nor has it stopped me from dating!) I understand that you think the ceramics might be better for you and if you think that's best, then obviously go for it.

I also have a fair few health problems and I have to admit that I've rescheduled a couple of ortho appointments when I'm having an especially bad day. But my ortho knows all about this and said it's fine, that there's no damage because of it and it probably won't increase my treatment time as the wires they use these days are very long-acting.

Dr Jon Harrow
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#23 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:lol: Hi to Karen and Nickie
Thanks for the thoughts and replies, Karen the reason for asking, was that i got talking to another orthodontist and She mentioned that my approx length of time of proposed treatment was a little short, and since the NHS is paying, for the period He recommends it will take, I don't want to have to find out at a date in the future that its going to be longer, and I'm then left chasing extra NHS funding, or paying as a private patient, because it is so long winded...its things of this nature which cause my Crohns to be problematic, and I can do without all the extra hassle.
Im actually in a NICE (National Institute Clinical Excellence), funding crisis at present in trying to get my insulin pump renewed, they seem to think that its a luxury!!, and I really don't want to go back to the old system, but the insulin pumps cost thousands of pounds and have to be renewed periodically, and as you may be aware the NHS is in a real funding crisis at the moment, hospitals are shedding staff (Doctors and Nurses included) and we are about to see a hospital close (serving a catchment, of 2 million people), with the patients coming to our local hospital, which was built to serve a 25 mile radius and a population catchment of 45 thousand people, but is actually serving a population of 1.2 million, so that equals 3.2 million people using a hospital which is far too small, crazy or what, so any extra funding for insulin pumps/braces well hardly important is it, shall I write the cheque now?
So in a long winded sort of way i would rather be told its going to be 2 years and then be pleased that its shorter.. knowing that the funding has been accounted for...hmmm maybe i should have gone private after all?
Hello and Thanks to Nickie I did notice that the Brackets are a lot smaller now, but I suppose with everything else going on i wanted to have the less noticable ones, I think it will be metal on the lowers anyway,and they are not that noticable, as my lip covers my bottom teeth when my mouth is open anyway, although i am assuming that the power springs will be a little more noticable? thoughts anyone?....and I also understand from looking at this site that staining is an issue with the ligatures, and I eat lots of things that are possible 'stainers' ( curry,tomato, as Im a vegan, so use loads of herbs/ spices etc in cooking), does anyone think that the coloured ligatures will look out of place with the aesthetic brackets, or am I just making the brackets noticable, in which case I might as well go for metal :? :? , hmmm more questions, but I assume that curry coloured ligatures are not going to look good, ie not quite white, not quite coloured, I suppose like when you leave a red sock in a white wash...the result is never a nice shade of pink, but rather a colour which says red sock left in white wash :oops:
These are actually little type concerns, i would possibly go with the metal if it was less hassle in that respect, and as for the coloured ligatures, well perhaps in time... I'm actually quite an alternative person anyway,and could probably carry it off, I'm the only male doc that has'nt been made to cut their long hair, and after working in Africa for a NGO I had dreadlocks to my flame red henna, management hated it, patients loved it, I'm actually very alternative anyway :?: :?:(some of my old work colleagues nicknamed me Patch, after the Patch Adams film !!)
So its three week tomorrow to date, that I will be off to bed, know that when I wake it will be the B-day, I'm really actually looking forward to moving on now, have got it sorted out, apart from a few teething(??)issues
but ready to go for it, and finally start the journey I have avoided for so long, seems silly that I did, but I feel that for me, as well as possibly for many others who contribute to this forum, that there are right and wrong times to carry things onward, or change direction on the path of this funny old thing called life.
Im at the hospital all day tomorrow, its my weekly chemo (azathioprine and methotrexate to help with the Crohns) day, so a nice sleep in bed and nurses bringing me tea, but the best part? coming home in the evening :)
So time to sleep, per'chance to dream.. :-Z

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#24 Post by Nickie »

Well IMHO, coloured ligs on the ceramics seems a bit odd. I don't eat much curry but when I have it everything changes colour. When I had a clear bumper thing over my extraction site, curry made it tumeric yellow. My blue ligs went teal and my pink ones changed too. I just got a power chain which is also clearish, and because of it I'm currently avoiding curry...

Good luck with your chemo tomorrow!

Dr Jon Harrow
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#25 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:( Hi karen, Nickie and Friends.
Hmmm feeling a little sick today, its the chemo stuff they spent the day filling me with, not the thought of the b-day...I'm still okay with that, no problem.
Thanks for the advice on the coloured ligs, I will check the site out, just as soon as i finish here...if I'm not asleep by then :-Z , it has been a long and tiring day.
So what colours do you suggest, and is the orthodontist going to have them, Im sure the latter is a yes,I especially like the idea of the colour showing through the bracket...and to think i wanted ceramics so that they did not notice too much, what a difference a few weeks makes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
So colours, my fave colour of course purple, then red, actually i like all colours, being a fan of bohemian living, and bright i need to say any more, by the way Karen, another vegan wow, i ve never talked to another vegan, well that was not my parents, or sisters, or family.
I think I'm off to bed :-Z , sorry everyone, but the chemo has really knocked me out, but some more later. Bye to all for now.
Jon XXX :) :) :)

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#26 Post by Jembrace »

HI Dr. Jon! Yes, my cataracts happened because of my type 1 Diabetes. I'm only 48, so I'm a big young to have the cataract issue. With my teeth, I have a deep bite, some gaps, plus my arches aren't properly aligned. No problems with my gums, thank goodness! As for the rest of the stuff, I know there is a connection between Diabetes and other immune system disorders. You are lucky, being on an insulin pump! I still do the injections of long acting and regular insulins. Not so bad, actually, I'm used to it.

With ligatures, the bands are placed around the bracket and in front of the archwire. Look in the ligatures thread and you'll see what I mean. I have Damon 3 brackets, so don't have the fun of having colors on my teeth.

Good luck with your bracing and it's good you are getting rest when you're tired.

1st wire change June 2007

~No dream is ever lost if we never cease to try~
Moody Blues

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#27 Post by Ives »

Dr Jon Harrow wrote:Hi Ives
Just to reply, im a medical doctor..wait for it,Psychiatry/Psychology, and Medical Sociology, but due to ill health Im working at present in Acadamia, teaching others to be like me.....hmmmm, is this such a good idea, others may say.
You mentioned working in a repair it automobiles?,
As well as being mad on music, I am also mad on classic cars (at present 62 bug-eyed sprite, 64 spidget, 54 Morris Minor, 1970 Morris Minor , and a 24 Austin Seven special) :) :) :) :) ,they are actually helping with my sanity over braces at the moment.
It sound like the guys at work will be okay, i have not told any work friends at the moment, im hoping they will either not take any notice, other than that I will think of a coping mechanism at the time, or an alternative plan, many don't know about my other health issues, :oops: :oops: , as written about previously, they just know me as Dr or Prof Jon whois a little controversial??
Good luck with the 1st march, hope to see some more of your journey here.

Hey Doc
sorry it took so long to get back to ya.
I'm a small engine mechanic. Work on anyhting from small weed eaters to large tractors. Love my job, great variety. One of my many hobbies is RC airplanes. Again, love the small engine work. Sounds like you have some great cars. I love american muscle cars my self, anything 1969 and earlier. Camaro in particular. Wish I had the $ to find a clunker and rebuild it, but life keeps getting in the way.

Take care of yourself and see you on this board.

Braced March 1st 07

Dr Jon Harrow
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#28 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:) Hi to Jembrace and Ives and all my friends.
Well its tuesday afternoon and I've had such a lovely sleep, yes until of the advantages of the insulin pump jembrace, that is why I'm so determined to keep it (re funding issues mentioned previously), I have enough other medications to worry about, inc other injections without all the Lantus and nova rapid stuff, its so easy on the pump, small dose insulin all the time and a bolus dose before having a working pancreas really...I also got used to the three and one, and have to still do it when I have a bad skin infection (crohns and diabetes again!! :( ), or are in hospital, or indeed I will have to return to it if the money does not come through, or buy my own. Hope your B journey continues well, thanks for the support, keep watching this space, i will be here on the highs :) and the :( lows
Ives, sound like a great job, i have a friend who helps me with my cars, on jobs I can't manage and He has got a 1965(I think) Ford F100 pick up and a 1967 Mustang..I love to watch drag Racing, I had a Rodded Morris Minor once (1960 saloon, with 3.4 v8, running with supercharger (GMC) and Nitrous! (13.2 quarters ), sold it to buy the Seven special. I too love muscle cars, ( Plymouth Roadrunner any one?), but our roads here are small country lanes, so it would be too large. Have you seen Vanishing Point ? one of my fave films ( or Two lane backstop? another)
Just keep on with life, and save towards the Camaro, but don't let either take over or get in the way of the important things. You said Braces on March 1( hopefully) second thoughts, or problems i hope?
By the way Lisa thanks for that link to Dento care, they had the ortho heads at a ultra cheap price, so that is that problem sorted as well, so thanks again, hope all is okay at the moment :)
Anyway I'm off to eat, and then go to my piano lesson, then my dance lesson (Ballet ..yes really..don't laugh it is very good gentle exercise, and great in helping with Tai Chi movement)
So bye to all until later :)

Dr Jon Harrow
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#29 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:) Hi Friends
Back again, but with not much to report, other than some really positive comments from a group of friends i had lunch with, who were asking lots of questions about the ortho and seemed interested, I have decided to tell people it is going to happen, rather that let them find out, with possible strange comments.
I also spoke to the orthodontist's nurse today, who explained a little more of what to expect, She said to make sure i eat before!!, and said that the ortho would only do one arch on the 12th March, and the next four weeks later,12th April, i assume this is for a reason?, perhaps it is to spread the pain and discomfort over the longest period possible :( , or what?, I suppose it is due to many factors, but is this usual practice?
The Crohns is playing up again, so I'm off to the hospital again tomorrow, lets hope they don't make me stay....I did think about giving up hospitals for lent, but possibly not a good choice, although the most sensible for me.
I have got the insulin pump interview/review next week, so lots is happening at once, no wonder the crohns is problematic!!!
Bye for now
Jon XX :) :)

Dr Jon Harrow
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#30 Post by Dr Jon Harrow »

:) Hi Karen and Friends
Well its two weeks to go from tomorrow, and I'm actually getting excited, I think i now just want to get on with things and start the journey properly. I ve spoken to the orthodontist again about a few things and alieviated any last minute problems, and issues, so now I'm ready, which ,when you consider how nervous and low I was a few weeks ago, i think i must be concentrating on the positive, and i have also found some good and understanding friends, both in my community at home and my new friends on this community, so thanks to you all.
By the way Karen, I hope your course went well, sounds very interesting, the bit I mentioned about the ortho and pain, wa a kind of joke, I have actually got a terrible sense of humour, as my friends are aware, they just ignore me!! :( , of course I'm positive about it all, I know there are good reasons for it, i actually said to the ortho, that it is a good way of making us come to extra appointments, and make more cash..His reply was, that he has got to make extra cash if He is to keep up with me on the vehicle front(He loved my Sports convertible, was a bit envious i think)
Well its raining here, so that is quite useful, as I promised myself I would go out and do the garden this afternoon, so the rain means I can't go out,Ahhhhh I feel so blessed :)
Bye for now
Jon XX

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