Sanding my teeth????

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Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:55 pm

Sanding my teeth????

#1 Post by pcgal »

I just went in for my first lowers are still crowded and my doctor replaced the elastic bands on two of my pushed back teeth with metal wires. He said once my teeth pop forward, he'll be narrowing the tops of them so they fit better. My teeth are shaped like an upside down triangle and he said when they're side by side, I'll have gaps at the bottom by my gums. Has anyone had this done? Does it hurt? I'm a big weenie when it comes to anything remotely resembling a drill (bad experiences in the matter what they did the numbing didn't work...) What do I have to look forward to???

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Location: south west london, Uk

#2 Post by Amy19 »


I had this done at my last adjustment, and it was nothing to worry about. I worry about everything and i hate pain, so was nervous about this. But if im honest i didnt even know what she was doing, until she asked me to choose colours (best part) and i felt a gap in between my front teeth!

(if i looked correctly it is a tiny tool that has two sides to it, on to do the main sanding and the other is a polisher)

The worst part is the smell, (i thought it was the horrible glue again) but i would choose a horrible smell over pain any day!

Really nothing to worry about, its excellent you can see such a huge difference after it is done.

Good luck

Amy :D


Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:55 pm

#3 Post by pcgal »

Whew...when my ortho said what he wanted to do, I immediately said, "no you don't!" Now, I can relax...well, a little :wink:

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