How you save $ for braces

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#16 Post by Naduah82 »

You're teeth really aren't that bad. Just a bit of crowding. I'm sure braces will fix all of that. But you're teeth shouldn't affect your self of steam. I know exactly how you feel though. I've wanted braces ever since I could remember but my parents just couldn't afford them. I used to feel bad about my teeth, especially in school. When I got out on my own and started working that all changed. People didn't treat me any different than anyone else. I'm now 24 and ready for braces. I'm finally ready to do it for me, not anyone else. (Not saying you're doing it for anyone else)I saved up as much as possible. Hopefully I can pay them off in full but if not thats fine too. (my dental ins. doesn't cover braces)If this is what you truly want make an appointment with a few orthos and see what they say about payment options. Then if you can't afford it maybe it's better off to wait until you have more money coming in. If you buy them on a credit card you'll be paying a TON in interest. I know it's really hard to overcome insecurties about you're teeth, seems like everyone stares at them. Please don't hide behind them like I did for so long. I was always the shy one who didn't talk much b/c of my teeth. Now i'm the one who's always talking lol. If someone doesn't like you because of you're smile then ther're not worth talking to in the 1st place.

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#17 Post by Braced4braces »

Hi Kaka, I read your story and I empathise with u. I guess I'm in an almost same situation as you. My younger sister also dislike me because she thinks I'm prettier but I lack confidence whenever I have to smile or take pictures because I hated my teeth. Your teeth are much better than mine and so they might not need a lengthy treatment in braces :)

Confidence is important and braces can give u a straighter set of teeth to make you feel confident but you need to keep in mine, that's not everything! Happiness and satisfaction in life comes from a lot of other things are giving and sharing.

Wish you all the best :D

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#18 Post by nancoy »

Hi Kaka, I have to agree with the others, using a charge card is not the way to go, sure your 18 and are old enough to start a line of credit but you don't have a steady job, you make $3000 in the summer and still can't save for braces due to having to pay for your living expenses which means if you do charge your braces the money is not going to be there come time for the monthly payment not to mention the high interest rate you will get. I say if you are determind to use borrowed money, I would suggest a student loan, low interest rate and no payment till 6 months after you complete college but I would not do this until you have visited every othro in your area.
Most orthro's understand their patients don't have insurance and can't afford to pay in full so many offer down payment and no interest payments. You can use some of your summer earnings for the down payment and pay the no interest payment with the same money you are planning to pay for your charge card.

I have almost perfect teeth too, look at my link below. My parent said I didn't need braces and was happy to offer them to my sister, who didn't want them. I had to wait till I grew up now at 28, I have had them for almost 2 months. My braces cost $5880, $1000 down, $244.00 interest free for 20 months. Despite what I wanted and what I needed, I didn't let my almost perfect teeth, height, or weight (4'10, size 12 in GIRLS-I still hear short jokes on a daily basis) get in the way of what I wanted to do nor who I wanted to be. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if someone doesn't like what they see, they are more then welcome to look the other way.


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#19 Post by Kat »

Kaka, I would make it happen and right away. I would go to the orthos office and tell them about your finances. You'll be very suprised on how they can work with you. I think the best thing to do is to get them very soon. You will find ways to pay, your mom and dad will se that these are very important to you and will most likley let up on you and you must tell them you have to pay for these. Even a part time job will make your payments.
Do it, it really sounds like you can.

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Saving money!

#20 Post by Cynnamin »

I am on an extremely tight budget. I have to exercise a lot of give and take when I want to change something. In order to afford my braces, I read all the circulars that come around and exercise self-discipline when buying things. I will generally hold off on purchasing makeup etc until there is a sale going on where I shop. I use coupons for everything and also plan ahead when preparing meals so there is leftovers for lunches at work.

When I was in college, I bought nearly all of my textbooks online and sold my others online. I used (i think that's the name) and was able to save a lot of money that way (as well as make a bit), moreso than buying and selling at the bookstore. I generally would go by the bookstore before classes began and got the ISBN off the numbers of the books I needed.

The biggest thing is self-control - you will have to learn to curb those impulse purchase decisions and decide what you can live without.

Putting your braces on a credit card is only going to cost you a lot more money. Credit cards are so not worth it - you can start digging a hole that will take you a long time to get out of.

Also, something to keep in mind when choosing an orthodontist (particularly in light of the distance between your home and your school), find out what your estimated treatment time is going to be. If it's going to be longer than you are planning on attending that school, using the ortho near the school will only be an inconvenience to you. My ortho is especially considerate of students' schedules and is more than willing to schedule around them as much as he can - school breaks, around midterms and exams, etc. You can also try to schedule your visits around going to visit your parents - they get to see you AND you can get your braces taken care of.

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