New here ! decision to make

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New here ! decision to make

#1 Post by jf74 »

Hi everyone,

I have been reading this board for a couple of weeks and it's been a great help. I have been bothered by my crooked teeth most of my life and never had the courage to put in braces, mostly because I have a class II problem and would need lower jaw surgery. I finally decided to do it partly because of this board. I tought I was too old to get braces and get an operation ( I am 32 ) but I realised I am not that old ;) There is no age to get beautiful teeth.

I followed what people here suggested and I consulted 2 orthodontists. I expected to get the same answer from both, but of course each had their own idea on how to solve my problem. They both agree I would need lower jaw surgery ( my lower jaw would need to be moved forward by 7-8 mm ), this part I was expecting, no big deal.

What I found strange ... actually not this much by reading some of your experience, is that one suggested 4 extractions to make room, the standard 4 premolars extraction. The other one said he can do it with without extraction by shaving between my teeth, this way he can gain maybe a couple of mm and by using damon-3 brackets and expanding my teeth ( most of them are slanted inward ) he can gain another couple of mm.

I am not worried for the teeth on my lower jaw, they are not particularly crowded, I just need 2mm maybe .. but for the upper side I need around 5-6mm, maybe more, it's more crowded up there ;)

Anybody had good experience with something like this ? How much space can you gain by usind this method ? I am really tempted by the no extraction solution. For some reason I really don't like the idea of removing 4 teeth, actually it bother me more than the surgery. All of my teeth are healthy and I hate the idea of removing something that is still functional.

Both seems competent, one was refered by my dentist, the other one treated people in my family with success.

I'm not sure set what to do, kind of hard to say who have the best way, both way would probably work, but I'm still a little bit chicken about this whole process I guess :wink:.

Anyway, thanks for reading, it just feels good to actually write to people who might understand my dilemma.

Disclaimer : english is not my first language, hopefully I did not do too many mistakes :wink:

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#2 Post by Slickster »


I met several ortho, and it ranged from basically most saying pull 4 teeth, one guy who even suggested lower jaw surgery, to the guy I plan to go with (no extractions, expander, slenderizing teeth).

My opinion is don't have your teeth pulled, once they're out you can't put them back in! You can always have them pulled later if you really want to! :shock:

Also, you'll have a broader smile without extractions and your profile won't risk being flattened.

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#3 Post by jf74 »

My opinion is don't have your teeth pulled, once they're out you can't put them back in! You can always have them pulled later if you really want to!

Also, you'll have a broader smile without extractions and your profile won't risk being flattened.
That's what I was thinking too, broader smile, no flattening, faster recovery. I would rather try no extraction, see how it goes and then if it don't work remove them.

What worry me is that the ortho who suggested the no-extraction plan told me that he really hate to remove teeth so he only do it if it is absolutely necessary, but is it to the point where he could do a treatment that's not optimal for future stability just for the sake of saving teeth ? He seems very open to talk about why you can or not remove 4 teeth. As he said each ortho have their own philosophy and technique, each probably as good as the other ( or close :wink: ).

Problem is that there is no way to really know the final result until I actually do it. Honestly I don't necessarily want the "perfect" teeth, I just want relatively straight and stable teeth, a decent bite, and be able to smile once again. I like to smile and laugh, but I have restrained myself for years, it's enough.

Too bad I can't look 2 years in the future and see the final result to help me decide which to choose :wink:

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#4 Post by Delag »

I agree with KK - get a few more opinions. I had some teeth shaved down at my last appt. (front lowers). My teeth are shaped like inverted triangles so this was needed to get rid of black triangles. Not much was shaved off - in fact the teeth closed within 3 hours. I can't believe the gaps that have opened up between all my other teeth though! My once very tight teeth don't touch in several places and I have a 1mm gap b/w my (hmmmmm....thinking ) lower lateral incisor and the one next to it. Guess the point here is that *I* think a lot of space can be gained with shaving.

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#5 Post by jf74 »

Thanks for all the reply :)

guess I will go ask for a third opinion. It's not the kind of decision you can rush, an extra month or two of waiting won't make a difference in the long run.

It's just the stress of all that process is starting to get to me. I just want it to start so I stop worrying about it. I am the kind of guy that takes a long time to make a decision, but once I do it I want it NOW ;)

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#6 Post by bsblguy »

Hi. I was told I needed 4 teeth pulled at my first consult years ago. I decided not to do it as I didn't want to pull 4 good teeth. I'm glad I waited. With advances in orthodontics they can many times do it with out pulling teeth. The Ortho I chose showed me pictures of people that had extractions and how their faces collapsed some and really changed their looks. I know that at times extractions are necessary but I for 1 am glad that I didn't go that route. Of course only you can make the right decission for you. Good luck.

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#7 Post by lz »

I think you should save all the teeth you can.
If a dr. thinks that the treatment can be successful without losing any teeth then do it.
save all the teeth you can :)

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#8 Post by jf74 »

I will ask the first ortho once again why he can't do the no-extraction. I actually asked him ( before I saw the second ) if he can do it with no extraction and he said no way ... maybe if I explain what the ssecond said he will understand.

For the backup plan of the second and the chance of everything working with no extraction I will have to ask him, it's an excellent question ! He looked almost sure but a more precise answer would be great. He probably will need another consultation to be sure. I think I was too excited when he told me he can go the no-extraction way. My mind kind of blurred and I forgot to ask him a couple of things after that ;)

I think the best way will be to do a list of question on paper so I don't forget anything .. at least they seems both open to answer all of my question, so this should not be a problem. Anyway, if they would not want to answer that's a very bad sign to start with !

I am also going to see my regular dentist tuesday, I will ask him what he think of that and if he can refer to me another doctor for a consultation.

Maybe I will post some picture of my teeth later, you would see how much crowding I have.

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#9 Post by jf74 »

Just a little update on my case,

last week I met the no-extraction doctor with a long list of questions ... he answered them all in detail and really impressed me. He is 95% sure he can fix my teeth with no extraction, will probably need IPR on 4 teeth but that's it.

I will go with him then, he gained my trust and his staff looks very nice.

I just have a cavity to fix and wait a little bit for a gum graft to heal properly, then the beginning of may I should get my braces on top, 2 months later on the bottom :)

Only bad news with the no-extraction is that during my visit to the regular dentist he found a cavity on one of the tooth that was supposed to be extracted, too bad ;)

In the mean time I will continue to read this board, it is so encouraging

Guess I will start to take picture and start a log somewhere ;)

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#10 Post by jennielee81 »

Sounds great!

I also had one ortho suggest pulling 4 teeth for my 4mm overjet and then a second told me he could do it without extractions (I was thrilled).

I went with #2 and am VERY happy with my result. :D

Keep us posted onyour treatment and progress and share your pictures with us!
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007 a little more about me here: ... 961130.htm

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#11 Post by jf74 »

Another episode in my saga ;)

This week I talked again with my "extraction" ortho, and he explained to me more in detail why he have to extract and why it could be dangerous to go in a no extraction route.

He could do it with no extraction, but it will give a less stable bite and could cause problems with my gums and teeth in the future. Danger of going no extraction would be to move the teeth too much at the edge of the bone and thin out the bone and gum. With extraction hole he can put the remaining teeth exactly where he wants in the middle of the bone. Basically he said that if I go all the way with the surgery ( I have 7-8 mm to do ) I have I should go with the 4 extractions and I will have the "perfect" bite then.

I could even go with no surgery, but the result would probably be unstable ( no point doing that in my case ).

It seems everytime I go to one they are nice and manage to give me very good arguments and make me change my mind ;)

When I think about it the thing that annoy me the most about the extractions is the fact that once it's done there is no turning back. If I go with the noextraction and something happen I can still stop the treatment ... with 4 holes in your mouth you have no choice to go all the way.

So basically I have :
no extraction : easier to do, less short term pain and problem, less teeth movement to do ...but potentially problems in the long term
extraction : harder to do, more short term pain and problem, more teeth movement .... but potentially a perfect bite and teeth for the rest of my life

I hate my tendency to overthink too much and question everything, sometime I think my life would be so much simpler if I was dumb, not curious and just go with the flow ;)

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#12 Post by Delag »

I don't think you are overthinking this. I think you are being smart. I still vote that you go and get another couple of opinions - if nothing else it will give you more questions to ask the first two doctors.

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#13 Post by jf74 »

I will go for a third consult ... if I get the same answer ( 4 extractions + surgery ) for a perfect bite I will stop worrying and go for it.

Hopefully I get the answer I want and will get my braces for May ( and may be have 4 big holes in my mouth for the summer :lol: )

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