I hardly even need braces! (pic)

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#76 Post by Nikkiekoala »

EazyE, You asked if we think you need braces. From the pictures YES! Sorry but, yes, your teeth are misaligned and just don't look good. You mention that nobody notices when you smile. Well, maybe or maybe it is that people commonly don't look at someones teeth and tell "Good grief do something about your teeth they look horrible".
You are young, you don't have the benefit of seeing into the future and how you will feel about your teeth then. We here at archwired have been a teenager and many of us wish we had done this when we were young.
Be patient. Yes having braces is a bit of a pain especially in the beginning. But as time goes on you will adjust and the braces become a part of you. Before you know it they will be off! I am sure by then you will be glad you had them.
Good luck!

Braced Aug. 11th 2005
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#77 Post by spaced*out »

How are braces embarrasing? They aren't painful at all either you have to have dedication and determination. I myself didn't want to get them , but now as I sit here in them I am so happy my parents were going to pay for them . Think of the outcome and get a positive attitude about them.

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#78 Post by Ready2go43 »

I thought this was a support group,this original post is getting out of hand dont you think,it is turning into one big slanging match,were supposed to be supporting each other,it is a big step to get braces as an adult,I am 43 and get braced 3 weeks today,I am not looking forward to it,but for health reasons it is my only option,what I am trying to say is,everyone is right in there own way but it seems to me that all of a sudden a KID,appears on the scene and everyone is turning against each other,this is a great support group,lets keep it that way.
No offence is meant to anyone,so lets carry on supporting each other,like I did mention in an earlier post EAZY,should of said no,it would of saved all this complain in the long run,keep up the good work all of you,as I said 3 weeks and its my turn :wink:

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#79 Post by nahky »

To the OP or original Poster , Eazy, sorry, Don't have time to read through all the posts to this thread

I'm just wondering, is it even a possibility to get your braces removed? I mean, you have no serious issues, would your parents agree and comply with your orthodontist, just because you don't like them?

I got my braces at 17, I paid every penny myself. So i say appreciate the fact you don't have to save up and fork out for it yourself . So i know the value of a buck. You say your teeth are hardly noticeable, which is fair enough, but when i see some with misaligned and less than average teeth, i tend to look away at their teeth because of it. I don't go tell them that its hard noticeable and they need orthodontic work.

I always thought my teeth weren't that bad either. But now, the braces are off, I'm thrilled, and I get more compliments on my smile

I would say Yes, you do need braces. Simple as that. a great % of people need braces, some more than others.

And like you said, your teeth aren't that bad, therefore, movement should be reasonable, shouldnt take too long.

Goodluck with continuing your treatment, it'll be worth it
Nahhs, Jaw Surgery 'n all<
Progress Pictures on Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 Debracing/Teeth Whitening Pictures on Pg 16

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#80 Post by EazyE »

Sorry i havnt replied lately.
Ive decided to keep them for a while. My teeth are already moving and the pain is going to. I'll just wait and see how they look in a few months.

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#81 Post by macca »

HI Easy,

Well done on your decision. I'm sure that after the initial few months you won't be hacked off any more about having the braces and will have wondered why you were set against the idea. After the first few months you generally tend to forget they are there most of the time.

Is it the social aspect of having braces that bothered you? Were you getting negative comments from mates etc? I know and have met people in your age bracket with braces who were also concerned at first, but pretty quickly got over it as they found nobody was giving them a hard time. Hardly anyone bats an eyelid these days at braces.

Hope the next few months go well, and keep us all posted on your progress.
All the best

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#82 Post by Ready2go43 »

Hi EazyE,congats on sticking with it,you wont regret it,especially later on in life,dont turn back now,unfortuanately I never had the option when I was younger,it might of prevented problems Im having now,keep going and good luck

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#83 Post by spaced*out »

I appologize deeply for me just blowing up , but braces are not embarrasing at all and I do wish the best for you! :D

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#84 Post by Mmmmuuaa »

Hi EasyE

Glad you're sticking with it! I know teen years are very important but you will never regret fixing your teeth. I've had my braces for almost 6 months now and I have seen alot of improvement. When I was a teen I also didn't think I needed it but now I've developed jaw problems and needed to get them! And they are expensive. So stick with it, and don't remove the bottom, they're the ones you don't even really see, and you don't want to only do it half way. Good Luck! :D

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#85 Post by EazyE »

macca wrote:HI Easy,

Well done on your decision. I'm sure that after the initial few months you won't be hacked off any more about having the braces and will have wondered why you were set against the idea. After the first few months you generally tend to forget they are there most of the time.

Is it the social aspect of having braces that bothered you? Were you getting negative comments from mates etc? I know and have met people in your age bracket with braces who were also concerned at first, but pretty quickly got over it as they found nobody was giving them a hard time. Hardly anyone bats an eyelid these days at braces.

Hope the next few months go well, and keep us all posted on your progress.
All the best
No it wasnt the social aspect really. Everyone either didnt say anything or started telling me about when they had braces and asked how they felt.
I heard bad things about spacers, good thing i didnt need them. I just got depressed because they hurt so much, but i dont notice them now, a few teeth still ache when i put pressure on them but most are ok.

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#86 Post by EazyE »

Mmmmuuaa wrote:Hi EasyE

Glad you're sticking with it! I know teen years are very important but you will never regret fixing your teeth. I've had my braces for almost 6 months now and I have seen alot of improvement. When I was a teen I also didn't think I needed it but now I've developed jaw problems and needed to get them! And they are expensive. So stick with it, and don't remove the bottom, they're the ones you don't even really see, and you don't want to only do it half way. Good Luck! :D
Thanks. I'm not getting the bottom one removed either anymore.
Is that you in the pic? If so, Wow.... lol

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#87 Post by Mmmmuuaa »

Thanks. I'm not getting the bottom one removed either anymore.
Is that you in the pic? If so, Wow.... lol[/quote]

Why yes, thank you! :D

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#88 Post by EazyE »

Mmmmuuaa wrote:Thanks. I'm not getting the bottom one removed either anymore.
Is that you in the pic? If so, Wow.... lol
Why yes, thank you! :D[/quote]

Lol :wink:

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#89 Post by Jembrace »

I'm also glad you've stuck with the braces, so far. I can understand your frustration, your wariness of having braces. Patience is not a strong point of teens, I do remember those years. LOL!

Just keep going one day at a time like the rest of us. I'm glad you're seeing some progress, that helps a lot to keep up one's spirits!

1st wire change June 2007

~No dream is ever lost if we never cease to try~
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#90 Post by Cynnamin »


I am glad to hear that you have changed your mind. I know how hard it is to be a patient patient!!!

I was unable to get braces when I was younger because my family could not afford them. Now that I am older, I have put myself into braces willingly - my teeth were extremely crowded, overlapping and at risk for falling out later. My orthodontist was surprised that I was not in pain constantly from the amount of overlap and damage that had been done to my jaw.

I was so self-concious of my mouth when I was younger that I NEVER smiled and always covered my mouth with my hand - everyone told me it was not bad but it still bothered me. There are very few pictures of me (even now) smiling because I was so unhappy with my mouth. I understand completely how you feel about your mouth now with your braces on.

I wake up at least once a week wishing I had never gotten them. My jaw muscles ache, I have sore spots in my cheeks where the appliances rub, I get tired of brushing constantly. My boyfriend used to HATE my braces and refused to kiss me at first - he thought my smile was just fine before. I am miserable some days and seriously consider taking them off.

Every time I get an adjustment, I go through the same pain and second-guessing myself - wishing I had never gotten them. It's back to eating chicken noodle soup and soft foods for another two weeks until I can chew again.

It is a terrible terrible hassle and it doesn't help that you feel like your mouth is terribly ugly now or you're embarrassed by having all this stuff in your mouth. I've only had my braces since November and I am amazed at how well my teeth are moving. However, you can't have them taken off when your teeth are straight and expect your teeth to stay that way.

Gum tissue has AMAZING memory - even years after having braces and wearing retainers, your gums will still try to shift your teeth back into their old position. Moving teeth means that the bone holding them in place has to be broken down so the teeth can shift, then giving the bone time to regrow around the teeth. It's a slow process and the length of time depends on how quickly your teeth move, how fast your bones both dissolve and regrow, and how much care you take in following ALL the instructions your orthodontist gives you.

BUT - the important thing to remember is that even though you might think your mouth is fine - they have a reason for putting the braces on - it's not to torture you and make you miserable. Like some others have said, it's possible you would have some serious problems later in life. Keep your eyes on the prize - your mouth will be even more beautiful than you imagined if you stick with it and take care of them as recommended. It's a lot of work and a lot of hassle, even for the rest of your life, but if it's done right, it IS worth it.

I would suggest that you take a look at the Our Braces Stories forum and look through some of the photos that people have posted there, of before and after. It might give you some perspective on what your mouth *could* look like when all is said and done. You might also find some folks who had teeth similar to yours.

And on a more personal note, my oldest brother got braces when he was a teenager. He hated them and later removed them himself. Now that he is older (41), his mouth is in terrible shape. His lower teeth look like shark's teeth because he did not complete the treatment and they are in a worse position than they were at the beginning. He has a lot of jaw pain and a hard time eating things sometimes. He always helps to remind me that it WILL be worth it when I'm feeling down about my braces.

This forum is a support forum - we are here to support and help each other through our braces ordeal. Some of us enter into it willingly, some of us do not. But it seems that those of us who stick with it are almost always happier in the end - sometimes even happier with our new smile than we thought we'd be!!![/url]

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