Two major problem, ortho just walks away...

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Two major problem, ortho just walks away...

#1 Post by Kat »

1st problem is that a bracket came off one of my front teeth about 4 months or so ago. The assitant threw it back on a bit crooked. WELL, no my tooth is a bit crooked. I have pointed this out to my ortho everytime I go for a adjustment, sometimes saying it is crooked and now saying it isn't . Now this thing is crooked even a laymen sees it.
So my ortho says it's not crooked and that we will just file the tooth on the bottom straight when almost finished. :shock: There is now a good gap between the two teeth because it's crooked!!!!!
Last adjustment I mentioned it again, he says "we can argue about it for 6 hours" then walks away. WTF!?!?!!!!
He will not reposistion this bracket. I want to somehow have this bracket come off just before my next appointment. (if ya know what I mean)
Anyway, how do I get this ortho to understand I hate this? I've tried at least 5 times now.

2nd problem, my assistant damn near knocks out teeth everytime she works on me. Sometimes I get a different assistant and all goes great but when this first one gets me WHAM! I come out of the chair half way and I'm not kidding for even a second here.
This sucks too.

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#2 Post by iBorg »

Seems you need to just relax a bit and chew on something.....HARD. I think you have a great reason to have a fresh apple. Maybe gluing it on a second time would get it straight.

Sorry this may not be the best way to handle it, but it might work.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
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#3 Post by Dimples »

What is up with the attitude from them. When I went for my consultation, the ortho was excellent and everybody in the office was so friendly. I hope it stays that way LOL. I don't want to have to get ignorant with somebody.

If you aren't satisfied with the treatment, be persistant and keep letting him know.
Although it shouldn't come to this point. Hmm...that apple method might help.


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#4 Post by starryeyedfairy »

wow, from the various responses across this board.

alot of us have sucky, jerky, or coniving orthos that are working with us... lovely.

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#5 Post by Dimples »

Starry that's what I was thinking!


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#6 Post by iBorg »

Maybe some of the board members are having a bit of a bad day. As for me, I absolutely love my ortho and most of her office. Not real sure about my assigned hygienist. I think she's okay but lacks the over the top wonderful personality of most of the staff.

I wore braces (this time) for 1294 days or 3 years, 6 months and 17 days.
But who's counting?
Jaw Surgery June 1, 2009
Thanks for praying for me and thinking happy thoughts.


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#7 Post by ellebee »

Can you request a certain assistant when you make your next appointments? I always ask for Debbie, after Denise mucked up with my brackets by not using the right etchant on my veneers. They just book me in with the assistant I request.

Spacers, Nov. 1; Braced Nov. 8, 2006; Braces off March 26, 2008, just short of 17 months. Glad it's over but the jury is still out on whether the game was worth the candle.

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#8 Post by Kat »

I can't make a appointment because they think it's just me I'm sure because of the rolling eyes etc. I have brought the problem up many times. They act as if I'm stupid or something but the stupidity is that I'm not getting any answers or a solution here.
This sucks and I really wish I had gone with another ortho by this time.
Ortho is alway gone in a flash.

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#9 Post by ssfw »

I am always so thankful to have the great orthodontists that I have (two orthos in my office). Neither of them are ever too busy to answer a question or discuss any concern. All of the support staff are just as kind and caring also. This has made my ortho treatment a pleasure.

You need to have a private discussion with your orthodontist regarding your concerns. It seems you have the problem resolved regarding the ortho assistant.

Good luck.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
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Next appt.: 11/18/08

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#10 Post by sportsgrl97 »

hey if the fresh apple doesnt work.... you could try a pair of pliers. garauntee it will work like a charm. one of my rebelious friends did it with all of them (im only 15). it didnt cause any damage to the teeth. he said he didnt even have to wiggle it hard. hope it all turns out for the best with whatever way you choose :D


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#11 Post by Skinny »

:roll: Well thins may not be the best advice but I would pull that bracket off before you back there, and when you show up for your next app. say to the recptionist that you would like a certain girl to be your ass. They dont get offended when you ask for someone inpiticular trust me I work at a dentist office and I feel flattered not fustrated.
Good luck to you! :wink:
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#12 Post by flipib05 »

hi Kat
my friend tried to take one of his brackets off as a joke with a pair of pliers one time and his whole tooth came out! It was not fun for him! So maybe that is not such a good idea but i can't stop you from doing what you want. Maybe you should just be like, LISTEN HERE BUDDY! I AM PAYING GOOD MONEY FOR THESE THINGS AND I WANT THEM DONE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO MY CONCERNS! But that might not make him so happy.
This is a really hard thing to decide on. So do what you think is best then because this has ME stumped on what to say.
Image to hear about the bad service though. Good luck!

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#13 Post by BracesRacer »

Thats no fun :( It seems totally silly to file away a perfectly good tooth just because they are too lazy to pull off, and re-attach a bracket. That can't take but ten minutes tops!

I am glad I have my ortho too he is extremly busy but his son will be coming into the office now too (fresh outta school) so that will hopefully give him some more time to chat. All the other girls I have had there have been waaay nice too... always friendly and very quick to smile. I am actually excited to go in there for my first adjustment just so I can show off, hehe :)

Good luck to you though I hope you get this sorted out!

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sorry to hear that.

#14 Post by payoki »

there's an assistant at my orthos office who is very inexperienced so i get scared whenever i get stuck with her.
i don't want to hurt anyones feeling so I just endure the sever pain. :cry:
mother of one.

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#15 Post by kayakchic »

Kat - it sounds like you need to step up and be the adult in this situation. Calling to request a meeting with your ortho is not being disrespectful but being pro-active about your treatment. As stated multiple times throughout this board, the best thing to have is open and honest communication with your ortho and the staff. They need to respect your concerns since you are paying their can and house payments. And if you don't get their respect then it's time to look for a new ortho that will.
Hope all is taken care of soon...
KC in WI

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