Gaps: How long?

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Gaps: How long?

#1 Post by sophtcheeks »

Hello, I'm new to the site and to braces. I got them in mid-December 2006. I also had extractions [2 upper and 2 lower]. After I got them, I was surprised at how much straighter my teeth were. They looked great. Six months later, and my smile looks horrible. The gaps I have are HUGE. The gaps are closing where the extractions were, but new gaps are forming. It's also embarrassing for me because I'm a junior in high school. Most people have their braces off or are getting them off soon. How long does it usually take for this awkward smile stage to go away? They seem to all be about one half-one centimeter. I was wondering because retakes for senior portraits are in the summer. [My estimated treatment is two years]


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#2 Post by mizzdee »

hey i have the same gaps as you i also had 2 upper and lower extractions..i know what you mean about those gaps..well at least you're in high school i'm 22 soon to be 23 so don't feel bad..hopefully our gaps close soon..take cares!!!

here are some pics of my gaps
left side Image
right sideImage
open biteImage

you can't tell from the open bite that i have gaps but i see
good luck on your progress

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#3 Post by insanemommy03 »

I know the feeling with the gaps. I have them too!! I know that they will close soon I am just patiently waiting! I just got these braces on Friday the 25th. I am hoping I have a lot of changes in the next 3 months!



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