so this is really annoying :(

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so this is really annoying :(

#1 Post by Lana »

I had my consultation with my oral surgeon, (early- i was so excited b/c i was thinking i was going to be able to get all done by my brace day of July 31st! ) Well... not only am i going to be getting the I.V. sedation- which is still making me nervous- i'm only getting one side at a time done since they are taking out 3 bicuspids (2 on one side, one on the other). Also, they don't have an opening til the 29th....of August!! So that means i'll have to reschedule my banding day, and wait about 4 weeks, or whenever they have another appt. day!, til i can get the other 3 teeth pulled, and THEN i have to wait a couple weeks after that to get banded. So that could be another month or two in between getting teeth extracted. I was going to call the ortho, but now the office is closed for the day. I though i read somewhere in another thread about there being a limit on the # of days/months that you shouldn't wait to get braces after getting an extraction? I think the person said you shouldn't wait longer than 2 months? I hope thats not true because then maybe i shouldn't get my bicuspids pulled at the same time as wisdom teeth, to avoid that problem.

Sorry so long! I just got all excited i had a banding day and
now :shock: :x :(


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#2 Post by Carolinahigh12 »

I totally understand and I too am in the same boat. I prepared myself to get braces this month, but my ortho wants a lower bicuspid taken out first and that cant be done until July 9th so my brace day was pushed back until July 26th. I feel your pain , I started the journey back in March and I feel as if I am overly-excited and becoming very impatient about the whole thing. Maybe you can ask if you can be put on a calling list so that if someone cancels then you can ease into their appt time. Just a suggestion.




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#3 Post by wwdia »

Sorry about your wait.
I understand how you feel about everything taking it's sweet old time. I was wondering if you had considered laughing gas? I had it last week when I had a bicuspid removed. Let me just say, WOW!!! I loved it and had my insurance not covered it, it would have only been 35.00$$$ I could have lived with that!!!
Something to consider!
Best of luck

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#4 Post by Carolinahigh12 »

when I had my wisdom teeth removed, I had the option of novicane shots or IV sedation. I was pretty nervous about the whole thing because I never had any work done to my mouth in all of my 27 years. He explained to me the procedure and advised me to do the novicane because I wanted to drive myself home after the procedure. On the day of the surgery ( if that is what it is considered) he showed me all the instruments that he was using and explained how the novicane would feel ( similar to spraying chloroseptic on your throat or gums but a little stronger). 20 mins later, I was at home and the bleeding stopped in less than 8 hrs.

Like Meryaten stated, the patient should know their options and have the right to choose which sedation or numbness that want to use. If he or she cant provide you with a reason why you did not get that option, then you may want to consider another OS and maybe then you can get an earlier appt. I would not think you would need an IV seadation if you are removing bicuspids.




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#5 Post by Lana »

Sorry, i guess i forgot to mention- i'm getting the wisdom teeth extracted AND the bicuspids at the same time. But he said that giving too much of the novacaine/ local can OD people so he only wants to do one side at a time since i'm underweight. Even with the I.V. sedation he still is going to use the local also. WOW 20 mins?! He told me it could take up to 1hr. 30mins., which i hadn't heard of it lasting that long before either!
Thank you for the suggestion also, i did get on the cancelation list. But even if i am on it, it's still a good amount of time between extractions, which is really annoying and seems like this is taking forever to do! I also called my ortho about maybe just getting the bicuspids extracted for now and wisdom teeth later on (since my reg. dentist can do the bicuspids). Unfortunately he won't be in the office for a few days :( so i wasn't able to get an answer yet. :cry:


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#6 Post by Carolinahigh12 »

Wow, well I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hopefully all will go well. I know how it is to build up the courage to get braces and then for it to be postponed alot longer than what you expected.




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#7 Post by TracyFace »

I had my upper wisdom teeth extracted last week while under i.v. sedation-- a blend of fentanyl and versed. I was *extremely* nervous about going under! Thankfully, it was a really good experience and I am glad that I let the oral surgeon talk me into the i.v. for the extraction.

I laid back on the table and the surgeon put in the i.v., which didn't hurt more than a pinprick and didn't feel weird at all once it was in.

Then the assistants put the little oxygen tube on my upper lip with the nose piece and they started talking about my deviated septum - this was about 30 seconds after the i.v. went in - and I was able to participate in the conversation.

After 45 seconds to 1 minute from the i.v. insertion, I was out. I'm told that the surgery lasted 40 minutes, but I have no memory of it whatsoever. I was talking about my septum one minute, and the next minute I was sitting in a wheelchair in the lobby while my friend picked up all of my aftercare information.

I hope your i.v. sedation experience goes as well as mine did!

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#8 Post by jennielee81 »

Talking about how fast it can all go, when I had my wisdom teeth extracted a few years ago, my husband kissed me at the door of the surgery room and went back to the waiting area; he had planned on getting a little work done so he brought his lap top.

He said he literally didn't get his computer started up and into the work he'd brought and they were bringing me out.

He figured it wasn't even 15 minutes.

Best wishes to you!!
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#9 Post by Laurie »

With you being underweight I can understand how they would worry about giving you too much medication. Although it just sucks that things are taking so long for you to get the braces show on the road.


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