Expander gone!

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Joined: Mon May 22, 2006 2:32 pm

Expander gone!

#1 Post by jma295psu »

Hello all,

I just wanted to drop a quick note and let everyone know that yesterday morning I was given my palate back. After 7 months of having the expander in, it's soooo nice to eat without it! Also, if anyone is still having trouble talking/eating after a couple of months with the expander, ask the ortho about the possibility of removing some wires. My ortho cut the wires out from the 4's to the center of the expander (my tongue was hitting them constantly), and that in itself made a world of difference.

Now, I have a powerchain the whole way across the top (from 6-6). Purple of course in honor of KK :)

Hope everyone else is continuing progress. I hope to have more time top be on the board now that I am done recovering from my latest surgery.

Thanks for being here everyone :)


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