positive mental conditioning, anyone?

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positive mental conditioning, anyone?

#1 Post by markybwoy »

I've noticed both my regular dentist and my ortho both have the same habit and its got me thinking that this is something they teach in dental school these days.

They both give a running 'positive' commentary during examinations. e.g. "Humm, aha, yes, yes, yes, good, very good, oh yes, good, yes..." Even if then later he mentions something or a problem, all I have heard during the first 10 minutes is positive comments.

I'm not complainig, I like it! But I was wondering is this for my benefit? Is it some kind of NLP/ psychology/ hypnosis type thing? I was told they teach alsorts of subjects in dental school, not just biology. Anyone noticed this or is it just me?

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#2 Post by PARR »

certainly notice it with my dentist, and am just starting ortho treaments so will be on the look out for it, but I bet it is real to the profession...positive reinforcement. Certainly something we are taught in other healthcare areas.

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#3 Post by Danielle »

They both give a running 'positive' commentary during examinations. e.g. "Humm, aha, yes, yes, yes, good, very good, oh yes, good, yes..." Even if then later he mentions something or a problem, all I have heard during the first 10 minutes is positive comments.

I'm not complainig, I like it! But I was wondering is this for my benefit?
The exact same thing is happening to me as well! I'm guessing it's for our benefit... but at a certain point can't it become a bit damaging? I'm afraid it's all gonna go straight to my head. :wink: Just today I was getting a cleaning and the assistant kept telling me what a great job I was doing at home and all I could think was "Are you kidding? I've been drinking sodas left and right all month and haven't been as good as I can be about flossing." Last month my Ortho kept telling me I was "way ahead of schedule" while looking at her assitant with a smile that to me indicated "agree with me!"

I guess as long as they're saying it we might as well believe it! For me it's better than the old days of being a kid and hearing the lecture "You're going to lose your teeth if you don't see me every couple of months!"
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#4 Post by ABraces2007 »

You`re definitely not talking about my ortho.
From my ortho office you can only hear shouting "These teeth are mess!", "You`ll have no teeth by the end of your treatment!" etc..
So, every time i go see her, i just pray not to get her remarkable "This is a mess!!!"
However, this could be a sort of manipulation too, as we try not to hear her shoutings and clean our teeth very well.

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#5 Post by gingerprince »

ABraces...sounds like a school headmistress!

Have to agree with Marky, they must teach this stuff in Dental college, my man keeps telling me how great I'm doing...

"Good man....that's great....nice and wide....good stuff...brilliant...well done"

I feel like I should get a sticker at the end that says "I've been to the Orthodontist, and I was very brave".

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#6 Post by Sistermadly »

My ortho's also my dentist, and she and her hygienist and ortho tech always end up talking about television shows while I'm in the chair - mostly reality shows! I told them that I don't usually watch them, but that they're so entertaining I don't mind the chatter.

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#7 Post by Poeticbraces »

I tend to disagree a bit with KiwiK. If my ortho started hypnosis on me (both of us being trained...), as I trust her completely, I would let her do it and myself go into a transe. Let us not forget that hypnosis is a very powerful way of 1. relaxing 2. relieving pain.
However, I would only let myself go into a hypnotic transe if: 1. I am trusting the person who is inducing the hypnotic transe completely and 2. I know (s)he is fully trained.

Self-hypnosis is also a great tool for relaxing and relieving pain and possibly more (unblocking a jaw to help put it in the right place? This I will definitely explore). :?: More on this when I have more time.

Now the "Coué method" of artificial positive thinking (by that I mean those people who tell you all the time that everything is always fine, no matter how bad the situation is) is in fact counterproductive in the long run (because it fools no one in the long run but tends to destroy trust in the advice of the person who is artificially positive).

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#8 Post by Poeticbraces »

Sorry. Misunderstood when you wrote "He and I are both trained to enable others to use hypnosis ... so there's not much chance of this happening while we're talking!" I thought you meant you would not let him hypnotise you but I realise this is not what you meant.
So we both agree.
It is hard for people who have never experienced hypnosis to believe that it can have an impact on bleeding, but KwK, I confirm what you are saying. I do know of another case where very severe bleeding was stopped that way.

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#9 Post by Nancy51 »

Hi, Mark,

I think some orthos judge by the patient and the assistants present. I happened to mention to mine that I find the science/technology of braces interesting, and he has been very good about explaining in detail the what and why of every step. Probably these lectures are mainly for the assistants (some of whom are studying to be dentists), but I enjoy them too! Rather like being in a "teaching office" comparable to a teaching hospital.

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#10 Post by michael33 »

KK wrote:
I tend to disagree a bit with KiwiK.
I'm confused PB, what is you disagree with?

My orthodontist is a hypnotist, and we have some amazing discussions, as he knows about the subconscious work I'm doing.

Hypnosis can be used brilliant by a patient needing something to help them relax and/or relieve pain. I've never used it in a situation like this, but have used it to stop bleeding ... and it was fantastic!
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#11 Post by snashe »

My orthodontist is a hypnotist, and we have some amazing discussions, as he knows about the subconscious work I'm doing.
Kiwi, can you explain youself a bit about what you mean by *subconscious discutions* with your ortho, your 'work' and the way you handle this work with your ortho ?
Its not really clear to me by this post thought the subject may interrests me

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#12 Post by markybwoy »

gingerprince wrote: I feel like I should get a sticker at the end that says "I've been to the Orthodontist, and I was very brave".


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