Lig colours (colors)

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#481 Post by Niki »

Thanks so much for all of the ideas! I think I am going to join the pink party! I get my braces on the 22nd.

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#482 Post by jackie100 »

Mine are all white, I think that's the color I'll stick with.

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#483 Post by LuvBug26 »

Okay so...had my 4th adjustment yesterday and it was a KILLER!!! :oops:
I got new wire on top..ugh...and the biggest UGH of them all....i got my screws in!!!! OOOOOWWWWWWWWCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :soremouth:
So, he nummed (sp) my gums up and started on the right side. Had to go in 3 different times to get to a spot that wasn't up on my tooth or the root tissue and to avoid the sinus cavity!!!!!! THREE TIMES!!!!!! HOLY &(*)(*!!!!! :yikes:
It's true....third times a charm!!!! Finally got it in on the third shot.....moving on to the left side....the numbness is gone...had to give me two more shots..minor ouchy. Started in on the screwing, I was doing good mainly just pressure and the occassional twinge but nothing major. Almost had it all the way in and all of the sudden YOWWWWCH!!! So, tried to move it just a hair and it was still OUCH so he backed it out and said that the room to work with on that side was not as much as the right so he's going to wait until my 6th adjustment (october) to put in the left screw. He wanted my teeth to creat space b/t them so that he could put the screw in between the roots and the sinus cavity and not hit either. i have this killer pain in my head, my jaw and my teeth not to mention i'm just exhausted from the pre-surgery adrenaline rush. I got a spring on my wire attached to the screw in my gums and attached to another thingy that I have no idea what the heck it is!!!!
So, now that they MOST painful thing IN THE WORLD is over, the asst. comes to put my new colors on, bless her heart, but...SHE IS SO SLOW!!! She got them all done and down to the tooth that has the screw and the spring and the other thingy attached to it and she can't get the color lig on it so doc says put a metal tie on it and make sure it's very secure....okay so the VERY part emphasized freaked me she starts and then the other asst. has to come help...and then she pinched the CRAP out of my lip..which was already RAW and peeling and sore b/c it had been streched out for the past 2 hours!!! Not one pinch, not two but 3!! THREE TIMES!!!! :ouch:
She let go of my lip so i could get some slobber on it and rest for a sec and while i was yawning she stuck her finger in my mouth to try again and i bit her!!! OOOPS!!! :lol: Well, needless to say after the biting incident she immdediatly got the tie wire on and yes...o yes it was VERY secure!!!! :shock:
So, 2 1/2 hours later (this was only supposed to take 45min mind you!) I was done and hurting so bad. I took 3 advil and slept all afternoon. Woke up at 6:30 to try and eat on the left side only and it was sore from him putting the screw in and then having to take it out. My entire right side of my face was swollen, my jaw was killing me all the way down into my ear!!
Today, it's a little better. Woke up still throbbing and not able to chew yet but's all in the name of beauty right!!! I'm living on milkshakes and watermelon!! Yumm!!! :dance:
I did pick some pretty colors though!!! I got teal on top and purple on bottom!! I really like them. I'll get some pictures posted of my colors and all my fancy metal he put in my mouth yesterday!!!!


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#484 Post by cmm1280 »

Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to experience the whole "picking colors" thing. I have had wire ties on my brackets since the day I was braced. I think this is just my ortho's preferred method for ceramic bracket wearers. I'm sad :(

**Braced 22 months and 3 weeks. Estimated 24 months treatment time.

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#485 Post by tipstar »

here are my purple and yellow ligs. Sorry the pic is not so good.


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#486 Post by PrincessMelody »

Colors during July. Went patriotic for the 4th

And my current ligs (for 4 more days)

Still contemplating what to get next adjustment. Right now I'm strongly leaning towards hot pink and bright blue.
Check out my braces story by clicking the WWW
28 months and 22 days in braces
Now in an upper and lower Hawley retainer.

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#487 Post by zefirynka »

Hey there :)
Those hooks are used to put elastics on them. It makes me look like I'm a Dracula or sth...
fortunately i have to wear it only for another one month and a half...

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#488 Post by metalchic »

Hi there. 2nd adjustment tomorrow and I want to kick it up a notch. Where did I read that red ligs stain your teeth ?? Can anyone who has had red ligs tell me if they stained your teeth? THANKS :)


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#489 Post by metalchic »

Thanks for the info Ken. Could you give me an idea of which colors fade more than others? The only thing I'm worried about is coffee stains and ketchup.



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#490 Post by metalchic »

Thanks again! And no curried foods for me, so no worries on that issue.

Take care!


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#491 Post by LuvBug26 »

Finally remember to put up new pics of my colors!! :) I tried to get pics of my new screw but I couldn't get it in focus long enough to snap the shot!! I'll try again after my next adj. and show my next colors off too!! :)
Click on the link to see my pic! :) ... rl/025.jpg

I have had all kinds of colors: red, blue, green, yellow, hot pink, electric blue, baby pink, and now my current is purple and teal. I haven't had any of them fade or stain my teeth at all. I am a tea drinker and even that hasn't bothered my ligs. :)
My next color change in is September past Labor Day so i'll probably go with maybe Red and White or red and silver to show my love for the HOGS!!! WOO PIG!!! lol!! :lol:


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#492 Post by metalchic »

Thanks ThinkPink. Hey--you have had your braces 3 days longer than me :) Hope it's going well for you. How have you had so many colors and I've only had one adjustment (second is tomorrow)? Guess all orthos really are different. I had to go from 4/19 til June for my first adjustment! I am worried I will get rubber bands soon. Maybe later but I don't want them just yet.


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#493 Post by LuvBug26 »

I have had so many colors b/c I get two colors at a time! :) I get one color on top and another on bottom or sometimes I can alternate them! :wink:
Like right now i have teal on top and purple on bottom.
My adjustments are every 4 weeks. So basically once every month. My last one was aug. 15 and my next one is sept. 12 . The october one is the one I'm waiting on!!! Orange and black baby!! :)


"To error is human, to forgive is divine."

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#494 Post by metalchic »

Ahh--I see, every 4 weeks. I'm every 8 weeks now. At my first adjustment the tech didn't even give me the option of colors but I'm asking this time.

Yes, I am thinking of Halloween too :)



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#495 Post by Lisa65 »


Purple powerchains top and bottom.

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